Class ActionScriptObject

    • Constructor Detail

      • ActionScriptObject

        public ActionScriptObject​(boolean newFailJobOnError,
                                  Logger newLog)
    • Method Detail

      • setFailJobOnError

        public final void setFailJobOnError​(boolean newValue)
        Description copied from interface: RestartableScriptObject
        Set the 'fail job on error' flag. This flag determines if the job should be failed if the action fails. Set to true to fail the job if the action fails, and false to ignore action failures. The default value is true.
        Specified by:
        setFailJobOnError in interface RestartableScriptObject
        newValue - new value.
      • setLogRestarts

        public void setLogRestarts​(boolean newValue)
        Description copied from interface: RestartableScriptObject
        Set if restarts of this trigger/action should be logged.
        Specified by:
        setLogRestarts in interface RestartableScriptObject
        newValue - true if restarts should be logged, false otherwise.
      • setMaximumRestarts

        public void setMaximumRestarts​(int newValue)
        Description copied from interface: RestartableScriptObject
        Set the maximum number of restarts of allowed for this trigger/action. This is a total count for a given modification.
        Specified by:
        setMaximumRestarts in interface RestartableScriptObject
        newValue - the maximum number of restarts allowed.
      • setForceRestart

        public void setForceRestart​(boolean newValue,
                                    String newReason)
        Description copied from interface: RestartableScriptObject
        Set the value of the force restart flag for this trigger/action. Forced restarts do not effect the restart count.
        Specified by:
        setForceRestart in interface RestartableScriptObject
        newValue - true to force a restart, false to suppress a previous request to force a restart.
        newReason - the reason for the restart, will be logged.
      • resetNewLoop

        protected void resetNewLoop()
      • resetInLoop

        protected void resetInLoop​(int newRestarts)
      • getCloseList

        public CloseList getCloseList()