Interface UserDetails

  • public interface UserDetails
    User details
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        Get the name of the user
        user name
      • getFirstName

        String getFirstName()
        Get the first name of the user
        first name
      • getMiddleName

        String getMiddleName()
        Get the middle name of the user
        middle name
      • getLastName

        String getLastName()
        Get the last name of the user
        last name
      • getDepartment

        String getDepartment()
        Get the department of the user
        department name
      • getTimezone

        String getTimezone()
        Get the SAP time zone of the user
        SAP time zone
      • getLanguage

        String getLanguage()
        Get the default language of the user
        language in the ISO (ie 2 chars) format or EN (English) if no language is maintained for the user
      • getLanguageRaw

        String getLanguageRaw()
        Get the default language of the user
        language in the SAP (ie 1 char) format or null if no language is maintained for the user
      • getOutputDevice

        String getOutputDevice()
        Get the default output device of the user
        short name (4 chars) of the default output device
      • getCostCenter

        String getCostCenter()
        Get the cost center of the user
        cost center
      • getGroupingSeparator

        char getGroupingSeparator()
        Get the grouping separator of the user
        grouping separator
      • getDecimalSeparator

        char getDecimalSeparator()
        Get the decimal separator of the user
        decimal separator
      • getDecimalFormat

        DecimalFormat getDecimalFormat()
        Get the decimal format.

        The following SAP decimal formats defined by the SAP data dictionary domain XUDCPFM are supported:

        • ' ' - 1.234.567,89
        • 'X' - 1,234,567.89
        • 'Y' - 1 234 567,89

        The decimal format returned by this method makes following assumptions:

        • grouping size is 3
        • number digits in the fraction portion is 2
        • the minus sign of the negative numbers is at the end of the number


        • 12.345-
        • 12.345,67
        • 12.345,67-
        decimal format
      • getDateFormat

        DateFormat getDateFormat()
        Get the date format of the user.

        The following SAP date formats defined by the SAP data dictionary domain XUDATFM are supported:

        • '1' - DD.MM.YYYY
        • '2' - MM/DD/YYYY
        • '3' - MM-DD-YYYY
        • '4' - YYYY.MM.DD
        • '5' - YYYY/MM/DD
        • '6' - YYYY-MM-DD
        date format of the user or null if the date format is not supported
      • getDateFormatCode

        char getDateFormatCode()
        Get the SAP date format code of the user
        date format code as defined by the SAP data dictionary domain XUDATFM
      • getTimeFormat

        DateFormat getTimeFormat()
        Get the time format of the user.

        The following SAP time defined by the SAP data dictionary domain XUTIMEFM formats are supported:

        • '0' - 24 Hour Format (Example: 12:05:10)
        • '1' - 12 Hour Format (Example: 12:05:10 PM)
        • '2' - 12 Hour Format (Example: 12:05:10 pm)
        • '3' - Hours from 0 to 11 (Example: 00:05:10 PM)
        • '4' - Hours from 0 to 11 (Example: 00:05:10 pm)

        Note: Time format is not supported on SAP releases 4.6 and below. On such SAP releases this method will always return null

        time format of the user or null if the time format is not supported
      • getTimeFormatCode

        char getTimeFormatCode()
        Get the SAP time format code of the user
        time format code as defined by the SAP data dictionary domain XUTIMEFM
      • getUserTypeCode

        char getUserTypeCode()
        Get the user type code of the user
        user type code as defined by the SAP data dictionary domain XUUSTYP
      • isLocked

        boolean isLocked()
        Check if the user is locked
        true if the user is locked, false otherwise
      • getEmailAddresses

        EmailAddress[] getEmailAddresses()
        Get the email addresses of the user
        array of email addresses of the user
      • getValidFrom

        DateTimeZone getValidFrom()
        This user is valid from
        date this user is valid from, or null if there is no such date defined date
      • getValidTo

        DateTimeZone getValidTo()
        This user is valid to
        date this user is valid to, or null if there is no such date defined date
      • getUserGroup

        String getUserGroup()
        Get the user group of the user as defined in user master maintenance (SU01)
        user group of the user, , or null if no user group is defined for the user