Class SchedulerCustomException

    • Constructor Detail

      • SchedulerCustomException

        public SchedulerCustomException​(String message,
                                        Throwable cause)
      • SchedulerCustomException

        public SchedulerCustomException​(String message)
    • Method Detail

      • getMessageTrace

        public static String getMessageTrace​(Throwable cause)
      • getSQLExceptionInfo

        public static String getSQLExceptionInfo​(Throwable cause)
      • bestException

        public boolean bestException()
        Description copied from interface: ExceptionData
        Is this exception the best exception for the purposes of the UI? Exceptions implementing this _MUST_ make sure that they display all or more information than their causes.
        Specified by:
        bestException in interface ExceptionData
        true if so, false otherwise.
      • getErrorCode

        public final String getErrorCode()
        Description copied from interface: ExceptionData
        Get the JCS error code of this exception.
        Specified by:
        getErrorCode in interface ExceptionData
        the JCS error code, without the leading "JCS-"
      • getExceptionData

        public Object[] getExceptionData()
        Description copied from interface: ExceptionData
        Get the data from the exception for formatting.
        Specified by:
        getExceptionData in interface ExceptionData
        the exception data.
      • getTranslation

        public String getTranslation()
        Description copied from interface: ExceptionData
        Get a translation for the exception.
        Specified by:
        getTranslation in interface ExceptionData
        a translatable description of this exception.
      • isSystemLoggable

        public boolean isSystemLoggable()
        Description copied from interface: ExceptionData
        Should this exception be logged to the system log, or only to the trace file.
        Specified by:
        isSystemLoggable in interface ExceptionData
        whether this should be logged to the system log, or only to the trace file
      • skipException

        public boolean skipException()
        Description copied from interface: ExceptionData
        Should this exception be skipped for the purposes of showing an exception dump to the user.
        Specified by:
        skipException in interface ExceptionData
        true if so, false otherwise.