Class LongCallBack

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class LongCallBack
    extends Object
    implements APIResultSetCallback
    APIResultSetCallback implementation for retrieving the Long value present in the first column of the result set. If the value returned in the first column is null, then null will be stored in the resulting List.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LongCallBack

        public LongCallBack​(int newFetchSize)
        newFetchSize - pass 0 to disable fetch size check.
    • Method Detail

      • callback

        public boolean callback​(ResultSet newRs,
                                ObjectGetter newObjectGetter)
                         throws SQLException
        Description copied from interface: APIResultSetCallback
        Invoked for each result, provided that the previous invocation returned true.
        Specified by:
        callback in interface APIResultSetCallback
        newRs - the result-set to process
        newObjectGetter - an object-getter with can be used to convert the result-set into one (or more) objects.
        true if this method should be invoked for the next result, false if subsequent results are to be discarded.
        SQLException - Exception thrown when a database-related error occurs
      • getResult

        public List<Long> getResult()
      • isProcessingLimitReached

        public boolean isProcessingLimitReached()