Class TableFinder

  • public class TableFinder
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • findTable

        public static Table findTable​(SchedulerSession session,
                                      String tableName)
        Find a table based on its name, in a case insensitive manner. If a '.' is contained in the table name, the table name is expected to be prefixed with the partition, so the table in the specified partition will be returned or null if it doesn't exist. Otherwise it first looks for the table in the session default partition; if not found, it continues to look for the table using the partition search path.
        session - the session to get the table from.
        tableName - the name of the table.
        the table or null if it can't be found
        RuntimeException - if no valid partition can be found.
      • findVariablesTable

        public static Table findVariablesTable​(SchedulerSession session)
        Find the system variables table.
        session - the session to get the object from.
        the system variables table.