Interface JobForecasterComp

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface JobForecasterComp
    Job forecasting.
    • Method Detail

      • forecast

        Iterator<ForecastJob> forecast​(SchedulerSession session,
                                       DateTimeZone at)
                                throws com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerAPIException
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use JobForecaster.forecast(SchedulerSession, DateTimeZone) instead.
        Create forecast jobs for all active job groups at the specified date.
        session - in which to forecast.
        at - is the date and time to forecast.
        iterator with ForecastJobs
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerAPIException - if errors are encountered while computing the ForecastJobs.
      • forecastJobs

        Iterator<ForecastJob> forecastJobs​(SchedulerSession session,
                                           DateTimeZone begin,
                                           DateTimeZone end,
                                           List<Long> jobUniqueIds)
                                    throws com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerAPIException
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use JobForecaster.forecastJobs(SchedulerSession, DateTimeZone, DateTimeZone, List) instead.
        Create forecast jobs for all active job groups at the specified date range. If jobUniqueIds is null, all jobs in the system will be forecast. Note that forecasts cannot be persisted.
        session - in which to forecast.
        begin - of the forecast period; an empty list will be returned if not specified.
        end - of the forecast period; an empty list will be returned if not specified.
        jobUniqueIds - is an optional list of Long or UniqueIdObjects, containing the uniqueIds for the jobs to forecast.
        iterator with ForecastJobs.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerAPIException - if errors are encountered while computing the ForecastJobs.