Interface SAPSystemComp

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface SAPSystemComp
    This class is only required in order to be able to provide binary compatibility with older releases. You should never access this class directly.
    • Method Detail

      • getSAPAbapPrograms

        Iterator<SAPAbapProgram> getSAPAbapPrograms()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SAPSystem.getSAPAbapPrograms() instead.
        Get an Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPAbapPrograms. If the collection is empty, an empty iterator will be returned, that is, this method will never return null. ABAP Programs imported from the SAP system.
        An Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPAbapProgram objects .
      • getSAPBatchEvents

        Iterator<SAPBatchEvent> getSAPBatchEvents()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SAPSystem.getSAPBatchEvents() instead.
        Get an Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPBatchEvents. If the collection is empty, an empty iterator will be returned, that is, this method will never return null. SAP Batch Events
        An Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPBatchEvent objects .
      • getSAPCalendars

        Iterator<SAPCalendar> getSAPCalendars()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SAPSystem.getSAPCalendars() instead.
        Get an Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPCalendars. If the collection is empty, an empty iterator will be returned, that is, this method will never return null. SAP Calendars
        An Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPCalendar objects .
      • getSAPInfoPackages

        Iterator<SAPInfoPackage> getSAPInfoPackages()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SAPSystem.getSAPInfoPackages() instead.
        Get an Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPInfoPackages. If the collection is empty, an empty iterator will be returned, that is, this method will never return null. InfoPackages imported from the SAP system.
        An Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPInfoPackage objects .
      • getSAPJ2EEClients

        Iterator<SAPJ2EEClient> getSAPJ2EEClients()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SAPSystem.getSAPJ2EEClients() instead.
        Get an Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPJ2EEClients. If the collection is empty, an empty iterator will be returned, that is, this method will never return null. Collection of J2EE client settings for a SAP system.
        An Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPJ2EEClient objects .
      • getSAPPIChannels

        Iterator<SAPPIChannel> getSAPPIChannels()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SAPSystem.getSAPPIChannels() instead.
        Get an Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPPIChannels. If the collection is empty, an empty iterator will be returned, that is, this method will never return null. Collection of SAP PI channels for a SAP system.
        An Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPPIChannel objects .
      • getSAPLogErrors

        Iterator<SAPLogError> getSAPLogErrors()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SAPSystem.getSAPLogErrors() instead.
        Get an Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPLogErrors. If the collection is empty, an empty iterator will be returned, that is, this method will never return null. T100 messages
        An Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPLogError objects .
      • getSAPMassActivities

        Iterator<SAPMassActivity> getSAPMassActivities()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SAPSystem.getSAPMassActivities() instead.
        Get an Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPMassActivities. If the collection is empty, an empty iterator will be returned, that is, this method will never return null. Mass activities imported from the SAP system.
        An Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPMassActivity objects .
      • getSAPOutputDevices

        Iterator<SAPOutputDevice> getSAPOutputDevices()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SAPSystem.getSAPOutputDevices() instead.
        Get an Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPOutputDevices. If the collection is empty, an empty iterator will be returned, that is, this method will never return null. Output devices imported from the SAP system.
        An Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPOutputDevice objects .
      • getSAPProcessChains

        Iterator<SAPProcessChain> getSAPProcessChains()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SAPSystem.getSAPProcessChains() instead.
        Get an Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPProcessChains. If the collection is empty, an empty iterator will be returned, that is, this method will never return null. ProcessChain imported from the SAP system.
        An Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPProcessChain objects .
      • getSAPRecipients

        Iterator<SAPRecipient> getSAPRecipients()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SAPSystem.getSAPRecipients() instead.
        Get an Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPRecipients. If the collection is empty, an empty iterator will be returned, that is, this method will never return null. SAP Recipients
        An Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPRecipient objects .
      • getSAPXBPs

        Iterator<SAPXBP> getSAPXBPs()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SAPSystem.getSAPXBPs() instead.
        Get an Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPXBPs. If the collection is empty, an empty iterator will be returned, that is, this method will never return null. Collection of XBP settings for a SAP system.
        An Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPXBP objects .
      • getSAPXBPEventRules

        Iterator<SAPXBPEventRule> getSAPXBPEventRules()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SAPSystem.getSAPXBPEventRules() instead.
        Get an Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPXBPEventRules. If the collection is empty, an empty iterator will be returned, that is, this method will never return null. Collection of XBP settings for a SAP system.
        An Iterator over an ordered collection of SAPXBPEventRule objects .
      • getSAPXBPJobControlRules

        Iterator<SAPXBPJobControlRule> getSAPXBPJobControlRules()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SAPSystem.getSAPXBPJobControlRules() instead.
        Get an Iterator over a collection of SAPXBPJobControlRules, the collection will be ordered by ProcessingOrder. If the collection is empty, an empty iterator will be returned, that is, this method will never return null. Collection of XBP settings for a SAP system.
        An Iterator over a collection of SAPXBPJobControlRule objects , the collection will be ordered by ProcessingOrder.
      • getSAPLanguages

        Iterator<SAPLanguage> getSAPLanguages()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SAPSystem.getSAPLanguages() instead.
        Get an Iterator over a collection of SAPLanguages, the collection will be ordered by Name. If the collection is empty, an empty iterator will be returned, that is, this method will never return null. Languages the SAP system.
        An Iterator over a collection of SAPLanguage objects , the collection will be ordered by Name.