Interface OSUserSession

  • public interface OSUserSession
    A single item that is the result of a ListOSUserSessions.
    • Method Detail

      • getUsername

        String getUsername()
        Get the user that is running in this session.
        the username.
      • getEndpoint

        String getEndpoint()
        Get the endpoint. Usually a domain.
        the endpoint.
      • getSessionId

        Long getSessionId()
        Get the Session ID.
        the session ID.
      • getLogonTime

        DateTimeZone getLogonTime()
        Get the logon time when the session was created.
        the logon time.
      • getLogoffTime

        DateTimeZone getLogoffTime()
        Get the time when the session will be automatically logged off.
        the time when the session will be logged off.
      • getFirstJobId

        Long getFirstJobId()
        Get the jobId that started the session. Will be null if the session was not created by a job on this agent.
        job ID.
      • getJobId

        Long getJobId()
        Get the jobId that was running in the session at the time of creating the result set. Will be null if the session was not running any job, or if a job finished whilst another job was still running in it.
        job ID.