Class Base64Converter

  • public class Base64Converter
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • Base64Converter

        public Base64Converter()
    • Method Detail

      • encode

        public static String encode​(String s)
        Encode a string using the Base64 encoding. This is equivalent to calling encode(String, String) and specifying the "UTF-8" character set. The following table gives some sample encodings:
        Example calls with their corresponding results
        call result
        encode("A") "QQ=="
        encode("AA") "QUE="
        encode("AAA") "QUFB"
        encode("Å") "w4U="
        encode("ÅÅ") "w4XDhQ=="
        encode("ÅÅÅ") "w4XDhcOF"
        s - the string to be Base64 encoded
        the Base64 encoded string
      • encode

        public static String encode​(String s,
                                    String charsetName)
                             throws UnsupportedEncodingException
        Encode a string using the Base64 encoding. The string is converted to bytes using the specified encoding. The following table gives some sample encodings:
        Example calls with their corresponding results
        call result
        Base64Converter.encode("AAA", "UTF-8") "QUFB"
        Base64Converter.encode("Å", "UTF-8") "w4U="
        Base64Converter.encode("ÅÅÅ", "UTF-8") "w4XDhcOF"
        Base64Converter.encode("AAA", "ISO8859-15") "QUFB"
        Base64Converter.encode("Å", "ISO8859-15") "xQ=="
        Base64Converter.encode("ÅÅÅ", "ISO8859-15") "xcXF"
        s - the string to be Base64 encoded
        charsetName - the encoding to use to convert the string into bytes to encode
        the Base64 encoded string
        UnsupportedEncodingException - if the encoding is not known to the Java runtime.
        See Also:
        encode(String, Charset)
      • encode

        public static String encode​(String s,
                                    Charset charset)
        Encode a string using the Base64 encoding. The string is converted to bytes using the specified encoding. The following table gives some sample encodings:
        Example calls with their corresponding results
        call result
        Base64Converter.encode("AAA", "UTF-8") "QUFB"
        Base64Converter.encode("Å", "UTF-8") "w4U="
        Base64Converter.encode("ÅÅÅ", "UTF-8") "w4XDhcOF"
        Base64Converter.encode("AAA", "ISO8859-15") "QUFB"
        Base64Converter.encode("Å", "ISO8859-15") "xQ=="
        Base64Converter.encode("ÅÅÅ", "ISO8859-15") "xcXF"
        s - the string to be Base64 encoded
        charset - the encoding to use to convert the string into bytes to encode
        the Base64 encoded string
      • encode

        public static byte[] encode​(byte[] rawData)
        Encode a byte array to the corresponding Base64 byte array.
        rawData - the data to encoded
        the Base64 encoded bytes. These bytes are equivalent to the the ASCII encoded Base64 string.
      • encode2String

        public static String encode2String​(byte[] rawData)
        Encode a byte array to the corresponding Base64 String. This is equivalent to calling new String(encode(rawData), "UTF-8").
        rawData - the data to encoded
        The Base64 encoded String.
      • encode

        public static byte[] encode​(byte[] rawData,
                                    int dataLength)
        Convert the first dataLength bytes of rawData to the corresponding Base64 byte array.
        rawData - the data to encoded
        dataLength - the number of bytes to encode
        the Base64 encoded bytes. These bytes are equivalent to the the ASCII encoded Base64 string.
      • decode

        public static String decode​(String s)
        Decode the Base64 data into a String. The returned String is the one created by converting the bytes into a String using the UTF-8 data encoding. The following table gives some sample decodings:
        Example calls with their corresponding results
        call result
        Base64Converter.decode("w6vDq8Or") "ëëë"
        Base64Converter.encode("QUFB")) "AAA"
        Base64Converter.encode("w4U=") "Å"
        Base64Converter.encode("w4XDhcOF") "ÅÅÅ"
        s - the string to decode
        the results of decoding the string.
      • decode

        public static String decode​(String s,
                                    String charsetName)
                             throws UnsupportedEncodingException
        Decode the Base64 data into a String. The returned String is the one created by converting the bytes into a String using the given encoding. The following table gives some sample decodings:
        Example calls with their corresponding results
        call result
        Base64Converter.decode("w6vDq8Or", "UTF-8") "ëëë"
        Base64Converter.decode("w6vDq8Or", "ISO8859-15") "ëëë"
        s - the string to decode
        charsetName - the encoding to use to convert the string into bytes to encode
        the results of decoding the string.
        UnsupportedEncodingException - if the encoding is not known to the Java runtime.
      • decode

        public static byte[] decode​(byte[] base64Data)
        Decodes Base64 data into a byte array.
        base64Data - byte array containing Base64 data. This array is assumed to be a multiple of four in length.
        array containing decoded data.
      • decode

        public static byte[] decode​(byte[] base64Data,
                                    int dataLength)
        Decodes Base64 data into a byte array.
        base64Data - byte array containing Base64 data. This array is assumed to be a multiple of four in length.
        dataLength - the number of bytes to decode
        array containing decoded data.