Release notes for Finance Automation release 2023.2.0.0

Impact Type Component Release Details
Impact Type Component Release Summary Details
Minor Improvement Content 2023.2.0.0 26 - Action Rules: ConvertResultList allow FIELDS to be used as a column copy mechanism

The Rule ConvertResultList subcommand FIELDS can now be used to copy columns.

Id: ROSO-11928
Normal Defect Balance Sheet Certification 2023.2.0.0 Add subtotals for grouped Line Items

After: In the LineItems table in BSC, when grouping:

  • for the “amount” columns: subtotals for each group are displayed in the group header row in these columns.
  • for the checkbox column: a checkbox is shown in the group header in that column that checks/unchecks all checkboxes in the group.

Id: ROSO-10251
Normal Defect Balance Sheet Certification 2023.2.0.0 BSC Line Items - Clearing Failed

Before: Clearing from BSC always failed.

After: Clearing from BSC works again.

Id: ROSO-12174
Normal Defect Balance Sheet Certification 2023.2.0.0 Issue S87 2-Sided BSR Out Parameter Empty

Before: Parameter BALANCE_OPENING of process definition FCA_SAP_Get_Balances was not filled with data.

After: Parameter BALANCE_OPENING of process definition FCA_SAP_Get_Balances is filled with data.

Id: ROSO-12047
Normal Defect Data Matching Reconciliation 2023.2.0.0 BSR : Amounts on header(both 1 sided and 2 sided) and for 2sided -left and right data set not aligned to the right

Amounts in left, right and match tables are in currency format and aligned to the right

Id: ROSO-12033
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Burst reduces the number of items

Before: The burst rule would fail to return all the rows in the dataset. It would also miscalculate the number of rows in each burst file in the burst index file.

After: The burst rule loses no rows during execution. The number of rows in the burst index file reported accurately reflects the number of rows in each burst file.

Id: ROSO-10409
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Cannot use multiple Output parameter rules in one Ruleset

Before: Output rules would act as a terminal operation for incoming data and not pass through data to subsequent rules.

After: Output rules return all rows passed to be to subsequent rules for continued processing.

Id: ROSO-11563
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 DT Burst rule does not display Excel setting.

Before: When creating a burst rule via a column header the Excel Settings accordion would not expand to show the Excel Settings.

After: When creating a burst rule via a column header the Excel Settings accordion now displays the available Excel options.

Id: ROSO-11437
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 DT: Issue when error is given when Default expression is set for Out Number parameter.

Before: If a value for default expression of a parameter with an out direction is provided and error is encountered when saving the Data Transformer.

After: Default expression values for parameters with an out direction are ignored when saving the Data Transformer

Id: ROSO-11783
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Data Transformer - Filter Rule does not recognise when a date is equal to the filter value

Before: Filter rule equality check between dates returned the incorrect results.

After: Filter rules now correctly performs equality checks between dates.

Id: ROSO-12004
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Data Transformer save is not persisting changes

Before: It was not possible to create a new transformer with the “Save” button.

After: It is possible to create a new transformer with the “Save” button.

Id: ROSO-11819
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 DataTransformer - editing first ruleset changes other ruleset after replacing source file

Before: Deleting failing rules from first ruleset makes other rulesets identical.

After: Deleting failed rules from first ruleset no longer impacts other rulesets.

Id: ROSO-11705
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 DataTransformer burst file doesn't contain extension

Before: BusterJobFileReferences had their extensions duplicated when the “Short file names” option is selected in the UI.

Before: BusterJobFileReference no more contain duplicated extensions when the “Short file names” option is selected in the UI.

Id: ROSO-11749
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 DataTransformer lost the application when changes are made and saved

Before: The Application and Description on a Transformer get blanked out when saving a transformer

After: The Application and Description values on a Transformer are retained when saving a transformer.

Id: ROSO-11725
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Datatransformer: Burst, reference to csv output file is not created in the index rtx file

Before: The burst output file did not include a column referencing the CSV job file.

After: The burst output file now includes a reference to the generated CSV job file.

Id: ROSO-11597
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Enable data transformer for download in the Catalog

Before: Data Transformer was not available for download and installation via the Catalog

After: Data Transformer is available for download and installation via the Catalog

Id: ROSO-11078
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Filtering in ruleset not working correctly

Before: When a user enters a value for the 'add filter' option on a particular column that value then displays as the default value if they select 'add filter' on another column, even if that column already has a filter value assigned to it.

 After: When a user selects 'add filter' on a column the value already assigned to that column is displayed as the default value (or no value is displayed if none has been assigned)

Id: ROSO-10207
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Incorrect row count on Transformer output

Before: DataTransformer Job always shows rowCount 0 - when output format is PDF - however the number of rows is grater than 0

After: DataTransformer Job shows correct number of rows, when output format is PDF

Id: ROSO-10197
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Re-introduce missing classes to allow Data Transformer to import

Before: When a Data Transformer process is included as part of an incomplete chain at the time of import of FCA/Data Transformer, the import would fail even if the Data Transformer process was complete itself.

After: Data Transformer can be imported even if complete Data Transformers are included as part of an incomplete chain.

Id: ROSO-11907
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Rule execution log is not displaying in the UI

Before: The transformer UI did not display the rule evaluation log.

After: The transformer UI now correctly displays the rule evaluation log.

Id: ROSO-12092
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Slowness in Data Transformer

Before: Transformer edit rules on large datasets resulted in performance degrading and high memory usage.

After: Transformer edit rules now have increased performance and use less memory.

Id: ROSO-11825
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Submitting DT which has Output Parameter rule returns empty out files

Before: Adding an output rule caused subsequent rules in the same ruleset to have zero RTX rows passed into them when evaluating.

After: The output rule will now correctly copy the RTX rows, so that subsequent rules are passed the correct number of rows to evaluate.

Id: ROSO-11961
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Transformer : Unable to read input files successfully

Before: Data Transformers within a JobChain opened via the process monitor context menu failed to load input data from the job instance.

After: All Data Transformers opened via the process monitor context menu successfully load input data from the job instance.

Id: ROSO-10249
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Transformer generated excel file don't open in Power BI

Before: Excel files generated by Data Transformer cannot be directly opened in PowerBi

After: Excel files generated by Data Transformer can be opened in PowerBi

Id: ROSO-10634
Normal Defect Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Transformer: Remove duplicates by Position -> dropdown with columns does not eliminate selected option

Before: Multiple column selection fields incorrectly listed the available positions when expanding the autosuggest.

After: The multiple column selection field now correctly lists the available positions.

Id: ROSO-9984
Normal Defect FCA 2023.2.0.0 ActionRule Utility RULE_RESULT_HEADER overwrite not working anymore

Consistent behaviour of the parameters IN_DATA_HEADER (used only for new / imported mergerecords) and RULE_RESULT_HEADER.

The latter, if defined will force the redefinition of the field headers before the RTX is written.

Id: ROSO-11784
Normal Defect FCA 2023.2.0.0 Convert Excel files by Redwood_Convert_Excel_toRTX without providing a Range as parameter

Before: Parameter IN_RANGE was mandatory, the result RTX covered the range as specified.
After: Parameter IN_RANGE is now optional, if none is given, empty cells from the excel file are trimmed. If the given range is larger than the actual filled range, the empty cells are also trimmed.

Id: ROSO-11795
Normal Defect FCA 2023.2.0.0 FCA_SAP_Generic_Loop Blocks emails from being used as WorkFlow recipient

Before: FCA_SAP_Generic_Loop only allowed usernames consisting of letters, numbers and whitespaces as participants (IN_WF_TO) and blocked all others on submit.
After: FCA_SAP_Generic_Loop now supports all participants the used user message definition (IN_WF_DEFINITION) does by only blocking empty participants (IN_WF_TO) on submit.

Id: ROSO-11618
Normal Defect FCA 2023.2.0.0 Move FCA_MAIL_REPORT_CSS.txt document from fca content to fca project

Before: FCA_MAIL_REPORT_CSS.txt, FCA_MAIL_REPORT_CSS_PLUTOS.txt, FCA_Base_Mail_Body.txt and FCA_Base_Mail_Workflow.txt documents were installed with fca-content (

After: FCA_MAIL_REPORT_CSS.txt, FCA_MAIL_REPORT_CSS_PLUTOS.txt, FCA_Base_Mail_Body.txt and FCA_Base_Mail_Workflow.txt documents are installed with fca (

Id: ROSO-11022
Normal Defect FCA 2023.2.0.0 ThreadLocal in LoopOverRTX does not return UserJobContext

Before: Using a REL expression with System_Loop_Over_Table could result in an exception.

After: REL expressions are correctly evaluated when used with System_Loop_Over_Table

Id: ROSO-11809
Normal Defect General 2023.2.0.0 FCA_SAP_Utils_Excel_Set_Cell_Value should include empty lines

Before: If FCA_SAP_Utils_Excel_Set_Cell_Value is submitted with a merge record which includes empty lines, those empty lines will be removed in the output excel file.

After: FCA_SAP_Utils_Excel_Set_Cell_Value now has an additional parameter “Keep empty lines”, which if set to true, allows to keep empty lines from the merge record.

Id: ROSO-11222
Normal Defect General 2023.2.0.0 Remove Data Extractor from FA installation

Data Extractor module has been deprecated.

Id: ROSO-12171
Normal Defect General 2023.2.0.0 Update spring-boot-actuator-autoconfigure to 2.7.12

The following 3rd-party libraries have been updated:

  • (FasterXML) Jackson is upgraded 2.15.2
  • (FasterXML) Woodstox is upgraded to 6.5.1
  • Snakeyaml is upgraded to 2.0
  • log4j is upgraded to 2.17.2

Id: ENV-2348
Normal Defect Inbox 2023.2.0.0 Add theming support for the Inbox

Before: Inbox was only viewable in droid theme

After: Inbox will be styled accordingly in droid, chronos, novum and aether themes

Id: ROSO-11699
Normal Defect Inbox 2023.2.0.0 Filename with multiple dots . gets corrupted when uploading attachments to Inbox

Before: Filenames with more than one dot characters were modified when uploaded to the Inbox. The part between the first and the last dot character was removed.
After: This doesn’t happen any more, filenames with multiple dot characters were not corrupted any more.

Id: ROSO-12226
Normal Defect Inbox 2023.2.0.0 Inbox: Adding another column field Status to CUS_Inbox_BoardConfiguration table shows up two status columns and values in the status columns are not shown.

Before: Adding a field covered by a default filter or the same custom field twice to CUS_Inbox_BoardConfiguration shows the filter twice in inbox overview and hides the values of the columns.

After: Additional occurrences of a custom field in CUS_Inbox_BoardConfiguration are ignored, only one is added to the inbox overview.

Id: ROSO-11214
Normal Defect Inbox 2023.2.0.0 Inbox: Filters of custom fields are not saved in filter profiles if parameter is mapped to custom field name

Before: Filters on custom fields could not be saved in a filter profile, if they were mapped to a different display name.
After: Filters on custom fields with a display name can be saved in filter profiles. CUS_Inbox_FilterProfiles table contains the field with its actual name.

Id: ROSO-11340
Normal Defect Orchestrator 2023.2.0.0 Add checksum to Orchestrator Task List to detect tampering

Before: It was possible to do changes to the source and name of a Tasklist outside of orchestrator.
After: When creating, modifying and saving a Tasklist inside the Orchestrator, a checksum will be created or updated for the Tasklist. Changes to the source or name of the Tasklist outside of Orchestrator will lead to an error on verifying this checksum when trying to open the Tasklist again inside of Orchestrator. The Tasklist will not be able to be submitted or edited, unless the changes made outside of Orchestrator are being reverted or the checksum deleted. Tasklists that exist without checksum will show a warning that no checksum exists and one will be created as soon as they are saved for the first time.

Id: ROSO-10659
Normal Defect Orchestrator 2023.2.0.0 Add theming support for the Orchestrator

Before: Orchestrator was only viewable in droid theme

After: Orchestrator will be styled accordingly in droid, chronos, novum and aether themes

Id: ROSO-11890
Normal Defect Orchestrator 2023.2.0.0 Buttons in Orchestrator for exporting and importing task lists

Before: Excel import and export for Orchestrator had to be done by running the appropriate job definitions.

After: Excel import and export for Orchestrator can now be done by using the context menu directly in the Orchestrator.

Id: ROSO-11501
Normal Defect Orchestrator 2023.2.0.0 Cycle dependency detection of groups leading to error in Orchestrator

Before: Trying to make certain non-allowed changes to the dependency Gantt-chart would crash the application (white screen, error in browser console).

After: Trying to make these changes now results in a message explaining that this is not allowed and does not crash the application anymore.

Id: ROSO-11455
Normal Defect Orchestrator 2023.2.0.0 Error when submitting process lists in Orchestrator that were created with HF 439 and later

Before: Submitting process lists that were created in Orchestrator version >= HF 439 and <= the error message was shown Exception evaluating constraint LOV <parameter>: =Constraint.pairListConstraint('Periodicity,Description',$.Redwood_ProcessOrchestrator.getPeriodicityNameDescriptionIncludePairList())

After: The REL expression that caused the error to occur gets removed from the TASKLIST_PERIODICITY parameter in all process lists during the upgrade installation.

Id: ROSO-12046
Normal Defect Orchestrator 2023.2.0.0 Orchestrator Excel import does not set name correctly

Before: Providing different process list name as parameter when importing process lists from excel files was not reflected when opening the process list after the import.

After: Process list name is used properly for both for the job definition name and for the name property when opening the process list in the Orchestrator.

Id: ROSO-11718
Normal Defect Orchestrator 2023.2.0.0 Orchestrator: Failed to upgrade and/or load your user settings

Before: When upgrading from version 9.2.8.X to 9.2.9.X or higher, opening the Orchestrator resulted in losing the saved settings for e.g. Default Application, Last Used Values, etc. and a corresponding error message being displayed.

After: When upgrading from version 9.2.8.X to 9.2.9.X or higher, opening the Orchestrator does not result in losing the saved settings for e.g. Default Application, Last Used Values, etc. and no error message will be displayed anymore.

Id: ROSO-11280
Normal Defect Runner 2023.2.0.0 Runner Performance: Make it configurable to query for parameters of tasks in batches or not at all instead making individual queries parameters for some task

Before: When loading the overview (list) of all tasks in the Runner, the process parameters corresponding to the tasks were loaded per task and would fire off one database query per task. If a lot of tasks were shown in the runner (max. 5000) and access to the database was slow, this would have a significant performance impact.
After: How the Runner queries for these parameters is now made configurable though the OverviewParameterFetchMode configuration in the Runner configuration group in the platform configuration framework, with the following options:

  • PER_JOB (default): this the old method. Upside: simple, smooth streaming behavior. Downside: might need a lot of queries, slow if database access is slow.
  • IN_BATCH: query for the parameters in batches of many tasks. Upside: less queries to get parameters, so a lot faster in at least some cases (where database access is slow). Downside: takes more memory, less smooth streaming behavior. The size of the batches is 256 by default but can be configured by a second new configuration: OverviewParameterFetchBatchSize which has a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 256. It is possible that different batch sizes have different effects on performance.
    NONE: don't load parameters at all when loading the task overview. This means we don't show columns for parameters in the overview table. That is, no key parameters and no separately configurable parameter columns through CUS_Runner_ColumnParameters. Upside: best performance. Downside: no access to parameters in the overview.

The two non-default options can be chosen if one runs into performance issues that are caused by the queries for parameters.

Id: ROSO-11358
Normal Defect Table Editor 2023.2.0.0 REL to compose Table Editor URL

Before: Impossible to get table editor URL with REL

After: Two REL functions - Redwood_TableEditor.getURL() and Redwood_TableEditor.getTableURL(String tableName) - have been added to create URLs to table editor.

Id: ROSO-11578
Normal Defect Table Editor 2023.2.0.0 Upgrade step for Table Editor

Before: No upgrade step for Table Editor.

After: Enabled upgrade step for Table Editor to replace the parameter from “filterOnBusinessKey” to “tableBusinessKeys”

Id: ROSO-11320
Normal Defect Third-Party Component 2023.2.0.0 Update guava library to 32.0.0

Before: The product shipped with guava 30.1.1, which was vulnerable to CVE-2020-8908 and CVE-2023-2976.

After: The guava library is updated to 32.0.0, which resolves these vulnerabilities.

NOTE: The product does not use the affected classes, and so is not vulnerable to either CVE, however we have decided to update the library out of an abundance of care.

Id: ENV-2493
Normal Feature Balance Sheet Certification 2023.2.0.0 Adjustments regarding SAP Line Item Attachments when DOCLN field available - Part 3

It is now possible to use SAP HANA reports to retrieve line items

Id: ROSO-11815
Normal Feature Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Allow users to select a column from the right side for group matching

Before: The group matching rule required key columns with the same name and type to be present in the data source on both sides.

After: The group matching rule allows users to define pairs of columns with different names (but the same type) as keys from the data sources.

Id: ROSO-11550
Normal Feature Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Provide 1 to 1 option for group matching

Before: All modes of the group match rule are used by default, with no option to select otherwise.

After: Users can select either the default mode or the one-to-one mode in the group match rule.

Id: ROSO-11525
Normal Feature Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Provide 1 to many option for group matching

Before: Grouped match does not permit detailed control over the types of matching executed

After: Grouped match allows users to control the types of matching executed in an additive manner, from one to one, to one to many, to many to many

Id: ROSO-11526
Normal Improvement Content 2023.2.0.0 SAP Content Add-Ons - Support Pack 100/00 SP6

New SAP AddOns have been created 100/06 (b20230530).

Abap Enhancements

  • Extended the Journal BADI with more fields
  • Included /JCS/FI_TAX_ACCOUNT_BASE_CALC in delivery

Id: ROSO-11457
Normal Improvement Content 2023.2.0.0 SAP Content Add-Ons - Support Pack 100/00 SP7

New SAP AddOns have been created 100/07 (b2023????).

Abap Enhancements

  • Report /JCS/FI_REVERSE_DOCUMENT now also is S/4 Hana compliant
  • Currency Conversion now also allows to specify an exchange rate
  • BSC: Delivery of a S/4 Hana layout

Abap Corrections

  • Table Content list - Currency adjustment now also works for NUMC key fields in reference table key

Id: ROSO-11754
Normal Improvement Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Allow Edit rules to be created from the toolbar and also inserted

Before: Columns could only be edited via the column header context menu.

After: Edit column rules can now be inserted and also created from the toolbar.

Tickets: 143052
Id: ROSO-9278
Normal Improvement Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Change encoding in ExampleInput

Before: The encoding used in the ExampleInput content is ISO_8859_1

After: The encoding used in the ExampleInput content is US_ASCII

Id: ROSO-11713
Normal Improvement Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Consistent dialog for "Total" function

Before: Right click on any column and select the Total option. The dialog presented is missing the Cumulative Total and Grand Total checkbox.

After: Right click on any column and select the Total option. The dialog presented is consistent with the dialog that appears when accessing the total option via the toolbar.

Id: ROSO-11738
Normal Improvement Data Transformer 2023.2.0.0 Data Transformer: group concatenation poor performance

Before: Performance of the concatenate rule was not efficient in relation to the input file size (~90K rows took 48min)

After: Performance of the concatenate rule is efficient in relation to the input file size (~90K rows take ~15sec.)

Id: ROSO-11711