Release notes for RunMyJobs release 2023.2.0.0

Impact Type Component Release Details
Impact Type Component Release Summary Details
Minor Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 Source jar files should not be copied to tomcat lib directories

Before: In some cases the sources to some open source third-party dependencies were ending up in the compile path, which meant that in some cases this could cause compilation failures.

After: These files no longer end up in the compile path

Id: RCORE-45716
Minor Defect Third-Party Component 2023.2.0.0 Update guava library to 32.0.0

Before: The product shipped with guava 30.1.1, which was vulnerable to CVE-2020-8908 and CVE-2023-2976.

After: The guava library is updated to 32.0.0, which resolves these vulnerabilities.

NOTE: The product does not use the affected classes, and so is not vulnerable to either CVE, however we have decided to update the library out of an abundance of care.

Id: ENV-2493
Minor Defect Third-Party Component 2023.2.0.0 Update spring-boot-actuator-autoconfigure to 2.7.12

The following 3rd-party libraries have been updated:

  • (FasterXML) Jackson is upgraded 2.15.2
  • (FasterXML) Woodstox is upgraded to 6.5.1
  • Snakeyaml is upgraded to 2.0
  • log4j is upgraded to 2.17.2

Id: ENV-2348
Minor Defect Third-Party Component 2023.2.0.0 Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.75

Before: RunMyJobs was using Tomcat 9.0.73, in which a security issue has been found (CVE-2023-28709)

After: Tomcat has been upgraded to 9.0.75, where the security issue is resolved.

NOTE: The configuration of RunMyJobs precludes the vulnerability, however the version is being upgraded out of precaution.

Id: ENV-2496
Normal Defect Connector 2023.2.0.0 AS400 Job is not correctly submitted after restarting process server

Before: When the process server was restarted the AS400 job is not monitored anymore. An NPE is thrown and the job will never reach a final status.

After: This has been fixed. When the Process Server is restarted the job is picked up again in the monitor tree and the job will reach a final status.

Id: RCORE-45755
Normal Defect Connector 2023.2.0.0 AS400 jobs running into error

Before: If an AS400 job is started the connection can still be invalid and a SocketException is thrown. The job will end up into error.

After: If a SocketException is thrown when starting a job we will catch this exception and retry the start by creating a new connection. This is done AS400ConnectionRetry (default 5) times.

Id: RCORE-45249
Normal Defect Connector 2023.2.0.0 AS400: Rename AS400ConnectionRetry to AS400JobConnectionRetry

Before: The parameter AS400ConnectionRetry could only be set at ProcessServer level.
After: The parameter name is changed to AS400JobConnectionRetry so it can also be set in the script source of a Job as "ConnectionRetry"

Id: RCORE-45441
Normal Defect Connector 2023.2.0.0 Job submitted twice for same process id on AS400

Before: When submitting a job the jobinfo is retrieved in a separated call to the as400. It could be that the jobinfo retrieval runs into a ConnectionDroppedException. This causes to submit the job twice.

After: When the job is submitted we will retrieve the jobinfo afterwards, but if this fail the job is not resubmitted anymore.

Id: RCORE-45688
Normal Defect Connector 2023.2.0.0 Make connect and read timeout configurable

2 new parameters can be added to a HTTP process definition:

  1. HTTP_ReadTimeout: specifies the timeout for any read call, if not specified then it uses the system defaults, specified below.
  2. HTTP_ConnectTimeout: specifies the connect timeout of the call, if not specified then it uses the system defaults, specified below.

Additionally two new configuration items have been for HTTP process timeouts:

  1. net.HTTP.ReadTimeout: defaults to 1H, if set to zero, the read timeout will be disabled
  2. net.HTTP.ConnectTimeout: defaults to 2M, if set to zero, the Java connect timeout will be disabled. Note, that the OS will likely still have its own timeout.

Both values can be specified by a string of the form: nHnMn.mS This leads to the following results:

  1. 1H specifies a timeout of 1 hour
  2. 2M specifies a timeout of 2 minutes
  3. 20.345S specifies a timeout of 20.345 seconds
  4. 15.1 specifies a timeout of 15.1 seconds

Id: RCORE-45259
Normal Defect Connector 2023.2.0.0 The connection was dropped by the remote AS/400 server

Before: When starting a job the connection can still fails to the AS400. The job will end up in error with a connection failure.
After: We now retry the connection when a job is started.

Id: RCORE-45432
Normal Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 Archive should work with a Global Privilege rather than a named role

Before: Archiver processes could only be run with users that had the scheduler-administator role assigned

After: all users that have the Archiver_Manager Global Privilege (default granted to roles scheduler-administrator and redwood-administrator) have the ability to run Archiver processes.

Id: RCORE-45458
Normal Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 BusinessKeyResolver requires View permission on Object Definition to fetch a custom entity

Before: View privilege rank for Object Definition is required for viewing Object Index.

After: View privilege rank for Object Definition is not required for viewing Object Index.

Id: RCORE-45148
Normal Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 CustomEntityTests and CustomForeignKeyTests failing [MISSING RELEASE NOTE]
Id: RCORE-45797
Normal Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 DispatcherAgent ConcurrentModificationException

Before: Occasional "DispatcherAgent.onMessage caught exception java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null" errors and "Found InUse locks without jobs" warnings
could be reported in the scheduler log under heavy load of running jobs that made extensive use of job locks.

After: No occasional lock warning or errors reported in the scheduler log under heavy load of running jobs that made extensive use of job locks

Tickets: 143273
Id: RCORE-41959
Normal Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 Enabled Default Retention by Setting Retention based on the number of executions of a job def per year

Before: jobs where kept in the job list forever, if no system defaults where present and users did not set specific keep options on the job
After: introduced configuration options for default job retention which consist

  • ad hoc option: how long to keep job without recurrence
  • ranges options: how long to keep a job that runs up to X times a year
  • exceeds max range option: those will be kept up to 100 last runs, jobs in statuses E K U will be kept for 10 days

Id: RCORE-43424
Normal Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 Error reporting after compilation failure can fail under memory pressure

Before: Under some conditions, specifically when memory usage is high, it is possible that after a compilation failure an error is generated while trying to print out the compilation error.

After: The compilation error will be generated correctly, and not suppressed.

Id: RCORE-45682
Normal Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 Error when trying to call deprecated form of getRegisteredLogger

Before: In certain cases, some modules were using a deprecated API, this API was removed in, thus causing some modules to break.

After: This API has been added back in for binary compatibility. It has been marked as DEPRECRATED, and will be removed again in a future release.

Note: The modules shipped with the product had all been updated to no longer use this API, however modules from previous upgrades still had references to this incorrect API.

Id: RCORE-45503
Normal Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 Fix issue with SOAP requests

Before: SOAP related jobs could run into problems as of version
After: SOAP related jobs will behave as correctly as before again.

Id: RCORE-45555
Normal Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 Imports of catalog car files should ignore import customizing options

before: Installation items from catalog set options RunAsUser and Push Acceptors.
after: Installation items from catalog ignore options like RunAsUser and Push Acceptors

Id: RCORE-45117
Normal Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 Interrupt RedwoodScript thread gives NPE

BEFORE: In some circumstances, an error was shown when interrupting a thread from the support page

AFTER: No error is shown when interrupting a thread from the support page

Id: RCORE-45429
Normal Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 Introduce a Global Privilege that grants access to 'reply all equivalent type'

Before: All users can use 'reply all equivalent type' to replay operator message.

After: Only users with global privilege 'reply all equivalent type' can use this option to replay operator message.

Id: RCORE-44794
Normal Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 REDWOOD.Redwood_Mail_Reactor_Handler should not be a "maintenance" job

Before: Some of the builtin Mail Reactor definitions where marked as maintenance, causing them to be not visible easily by end users.

After: The Mail Reactor definitions are now always visible.

Id: RCORE-45528
Normal Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 Registry key "lastTimestamp" obsolete

Before: Registry entry /configuration/jcs/billing/lastTimestamp was relocated to /system/UsageDataCollection/lastTimestamp.

After: Both registry entries /configuration/jcs/billing/lastTimestamp and /system/UsageDataCollection/lastTimestamp are removed.

Id: RCORE-45256
Normal Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 System_Upgrade should catch (and ignore) UnknownHostException

Before: When catalog host is unknown, System_Upgrade job failed with an exception.

After: When an exception is thrown when performing the upgrade of catalog admin, System_Upgrade job proceeds with messages logged.

Id: RCORE-45792
Normal Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 Throw Exception when attempting to execute RunNow without the required privilege

Before: Run Now action on processes could be run with all users

After: All users that have the Allow Run Now Global Privilege (default granted to roles scheduler-administrator, scheduler-job-administrator, redwood-administrator and redwood-operator) have the ability to run the processes immediately by selecting Run Now action.

Id: RCORE-45511
Normal Defect Core 2023.2.0.0 UsageDataCollector obsolete but still scheduled periodically

Before: Usage data collector was possibly scheduled to run every day, after was imported.

After: All the jobs and recurrence of usage data collector are cancelled and the Job Definition UsageDataCollector cannot be submitted anymore.

Id: RCORE-45257
Normal Defect Platform Agent 2023.2.0.0 Add possibility to specify a target user for sudo-test when platform agent starts in sudo mode.

Platform agent in sudo-mode could fail to start, because of mismatches between the existence of a user-id found in local /etc/passwd vs the availability of this user in a PAM authentication backend.

Environment variable 'JCS_SUDO_TEST_USER' can be set prior to starting the Platform agent in sudo-mode, to enforce a user name be used for the initial ‘sudo-mode test’.

Id: RCORE-45402
Normal Defect Platform Agent 2023.2.0.0 Exclude user 'nobody' from being used as 'test user' for platform agent in SUDO mode

Platform Agents doing the ‘sudo-mode verification test’, running on Suse Linux (SLES), in combination with PAM, could fail with error:

pam_unix (sudo:auth): conversation failed
pam_unix (sudo:auth): auth could not identify password for [nobody] 
pam_sss (sudo:auth): received for user nobody: 10 (User not known to the underlying authentication module)

User ‘nobody' has been excluded as possible target user to perform the ‘sudo-mode verification test’.

Id: RCORE-45315
Normal Defect Platform Agent 2023.2.0.0 Make client SSL-certificate verification work in Platform Agent

Platform Agent did not correctly request a client certificate for verification when 'verify_peer_cert' was set to either 'client' or to 'both', in a secure_connection setup.
Platform Agent now correctly requests and verifies a client certificate for incoming client connections when 'secure_connection' is set to true and 'verify_peer_cert' is set to 'client' or 'both'.

Id: RCORE-44779
Normal Defect Platform Agent 2023.2.0.0 Permissions on some files in the jobs directory should be more strict

Before: Some files in the Platform Agent directory were world readable.
After: Removed world read/write permissions from files in the Platform Agent where there is no necessity for it.

Id: RCORE-45241
Normal Defect Platform Agent 2023.2.0.0 Update servicemanager icons

Before: Old style Redwood branding was used for the Windows Platform Agent installer and Windows Platform Agent Service Manager.

After: New Redwood branding is used for the Windows Platform Agent installer and Windows Platform Agent Service Manager.

Id: RCORE-45523
Normal Defect Platform Agent 2023.2.0.0 Upgrade to OpenSSL 3.0.9; OpenSSL 1.1.1 will be EOL in Sept 2023

Before: Platform Agent and jtools were using OpenSSL version 1.1.1t
After: Platform Agent and jtools are now using OpenSSL version 3.0.9, except for OpenVMS.

Note that the following cipher suites are no longer supported:


Id: RCORE-45126
Normal Defect Platform Agent 2023.2.0.0 jmail does not construct servername and port correctly, when info is received from redwood server

Submitting a ‘jmail’ job without specifying the ‘-port’ parameter and without explicitly specifying a port entry in the scheduler’s registry, would result in an error like:
jmail] opsys.socket - Cannot find IP address of ‘' service 25: Name or service not known

Submitting a 'jmail’ job without explicitly providing a port number, will use port 25 as default.

Id: RCORE-45228
Normal Defect Platform Agent 2023.2.0.0 jscp fails with get_userpass: Credential system does not yet handle prompt of type SSH server: Password authentication

jtool scp, using credential lookup, could fail when receiving unknown SSH server prompt, raising error: 'Credential system does not yet handle prompt of type SSH server: Password authentication'

jtool scp will now recognize the prompt and continue looking for available credentials to establish a connection

Id: RCORE-45327
Normal Defect SAP 2023.2.0.0 RunMyJobs import ISU transport failed

Before: Since 9.2.9 XBP transport is not required to be installed, ISU transport cannot be installed properly without XBP transport

After: ISU transport is now independent of XBP transport.

Id: RSC-667
Normal Defect SAP 2023.2.0.0 Cater for skipped BW processes

Before: Cannot monitor skipped processes in process chains.

After: Process chains with skipped processes are properly monitored

Id: RSC-664
Normal Defect SAP 2023.2.0.0 Possible recursion in DataServices service

Before: SAP BOBJ DataSercices processes can potentially end up in an endless loop when session id gets invalidated

After: Always get new session id by invalid session id.

Id: RSC-680
Normal Defect SAP 2023.2.0.0 Potential NPE in System_RemoveRepliedMessages

Before: Potential NPE by create/remove BW Chain operator messages

After: Fixed NPE

Id: RSC-672
Normal Defect SAP 2023.2.0.0 Running SAP_Info on a system that is not HANA aware causes an NPE

Before: Running SAP_Info against some SAP systems would cause it to error out with a NullPointerException.

After: Running SAP_Info against these systems works correctly.

Id: RSC-671
Normal Defect User Interface 2023.2.0.0 Add Mass operations to: Create/Edit Report -> In tab "Colums" -> column "Display"

Before: To create a report with specific columns, the user previously had to manually click or unclick each checkbox, even for reports with numerous columns.

Now: The user can quickly select or deselect all columns at once to streamline the process.

Id: RCORE-44800
Normal Defect User Interface 2023.2.0.0 CSRFTOKEN should be marked as secure when using https

Before: When using the product over https, the CSRFTOKEN cookie was not set with the secure flag.

After: When using the product over https, the CSRFTOKEN cookie now has the secure flag set, thus making it harder for the cookie to be intercepted.

Id: RCORE-45492
Normal Defect User Interface 2023.2.0.0 Update info about HTML Chain Editor (deprecated)

Before: In the user settings, “Use basic HTML Chain Editor” option is not deprecated.
After: the setting “Use basic HTML Chain Editor” is now marked as deprecated.

Id: RCORE-45430
Normal Improvement Connector 2023.2.0.0 Allow autocommit option to be configured

Before: JDBC jobs always apply a ‘commit’ after the job is run. JDBC connections could not be influenced to to set the ‘auto commit’ function disabled.

After: On a Database connection it is now possible to specify the Auto Commit option. The options are:
Transaction Based (Default): A commit is applied at the end of a job.
AutoCommit On: Each SQL statement will be executed in its own transaction and is implicitly committed.
AutoCommit Off: No commit is done. If you want to commit your SQL commands, you must commit the transaction explicitly.

Id: RCORE-44060
Normal Improvement Connector 2023.2.0.0 OraApps: Improvements to run Month End Close

Add the “Depreciation Run” in RMJ. The “Depreciation Run” is started from a form in EBS. To start this in RMJ a JobChain has been build to start the “Depreciation Run”. Depending on the parameters we start the corresponding Concurrent programs and Request Sets.

Id: RCORE-45642
Normal Improvement Platform Agent 2023.2.0.0 Add alternative context url option

For on-premise installation, where platform agent runs in server initiated mode, firewall and/or proxy servers might limit the connectivity for jtools from the platform agent host back into the server.

An additional Process Server parameter called ‘AlternativeJobContextURL’ is added to allow customers, with on-premise installations, to specify an alternative JobContext URL.
This alternative URL will be used by jtools to connect to the server, instead of the actual ‘ContextURL’ of the server.

Id: RCORE-43887
Normal Improvement SAP 2023.2.0.0 Set up session management for BOBJ connector

Before: Dataservice job cannot get final status when the session id becomes invalid or the batch job is not started
After: Handle invalid session id and batch job not starting exception properly, set data service job to final status.

Tickets: 141063, 141345, 141806
Id: RCORE-41674
Major Improvement User Interface 2023.2.0.0 Extend Heap to the On-premise customers

In order to optimise user experience, we introduced for tracking ergonomics, thus enables us to fine tune most frequently used interactions. Anonymized data on feature use is analyzed by Redwood’s Product Management Team to best prioritize, plan and design future features for our products. This data is not shared with any other external parties.

Id: RCORE-45375