Interface SchedulerEntityComp

    • Field Detail


        static final com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.Versions VERSION_SCHEDULERENTITYCOMP
    • Method Detail

      • getParentSchedulerEntities

        Iterator<SchedulerEntity> getParentSchedulerEntities()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SchedulerEntity.getParentSchedulerEntities() instead.
        This is needed to override the behavior on the generated classes.
        The parent entities of this class, in this case, none.
      • getAuditTrail

        Iterator<AuditObject> getAuditTrail()
        this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use SchedulerEntity.getAuditTrail() instead.
        Get the Audit Trail for this object. The latest updates come first.
        An iterator of the AuditObjects that are for this SchedulerEntity.
      • getSubjectObjectPrivilegeGrants

        Iterator<SubjectObjectPrivilegeGrant> getSubjectObjectPrivilegeGrants()
        Get the value for SubjectObjectPrivilegeGrant. (Object-specific privilege grants for this object.)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.