Interface EnumResolver

    • Method Detail

      • getEnumerationByTypeCode

        BaseSchedulerEnumeration<?,​?> getEnumerationByTypeCode​(String type,
                                                                     String code)
        Get an enumeration value based upon the type and the code.
        type - the type of enumeration
        code - the char/int code as a string
        the enumeration value that matches the type and code, or null if it does not exist.
      • getEnumerationByTypeValue

        BaseSchedulerEnumeration<?,​?> getEnumerationByTypeValue​(String type,
                                                                      String value)
        Get an enumeration value based upon the type and the String value.
        type - the type of enumeration
        value - the string value of the enumeration
        the enumeration value that matches the type and value, or null if it does not exist.