Interface PartitionableObject

    • Method Detail

      • getEditablePartitions

        Set<Long> getEditablePartitions()
        Return the UniqueIds of all partitions to which the current user can write entities of the current type.
        All editable partitions.
      • createObjectTag

        ObjectTag createObjectTag​(ObjectTagDefinition objectTagDefinition)
        Create a new ObjectTag for this PartitionableObject based on given ObjectTagDefinition.
        objectTagDefinition - The ObjectTagDefinition the ObjectTag is based on.
        Return the newly created ObjectTag
      • getObjectTagByObjectTagDefinition

        ObjectTag getObjectTagByObjectTagDefinition​(ObjectTagDefinition objectTagDefinition)
        Get the ObjectTag for given ObjectTagDefinition that is associated with this PartitionableObject. Will return the ObjectTag when present, null otherwise.
        objectTagDefinition - The ObjectTagDefinition.
        The ObjectTag associated to the PartitionableObject if found, null otherwise.
      • setPartition

        void setPartition​(Partition newPartition)
        Set the value for Partition. This value is mandatory.
        newPartition - is the object to set Partition to. The objects in this partition. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.