Interface JobDefinitionParameter

    • Method Detail

      • getDataLength

        Long getDataLength()
        Get the value for DataLength. (The maximum length that a string parameter can be. If this value is null then the length will not be checked. This value is ignored for non-string parameters.)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getDataPrecision

        Long getDataPrecision()
        Get the value for DataPrecision. (The precision, or the total number of digits. Currently this field is ignored. Setting this value to anything other than null may cause unexpected behaviour in future releases.)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getDataScale

        Long getDataScale()
        Get the value for DataScale. (The number of digits to the right of the decimal pointi. Currently this field is ignored. Setting this value to anything other than null may cause unexpected behaviour in future releases.)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getDataType

        ParameterType getDataType()
        Get the value for DataType. (The datatype of the parameter) This value is mandatory, and therefore will not be null if this object has been retrieved from the database.
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getDefaultExpression

        String getDefaultExpression()
        Get the value for DefaultExpression. (The definition of the default parameter value. The interpretation of this expression is based upon the DefaultExpressionType.)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getDefaultValueEditable

        ValueEditable getDefaultValueEditable()
        Get the value for DefaultValueEditable. (When is the DefaultValue Editable.)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getDirection

        ParameterDirection getDirection()
        Get the value for Direction. (What direction is the parameter passed.) This value is mandatory, and therefore will not be null if this object has been retrieved from the database.
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getSimpleConstraintType

        SimpleConstraintType getSimpleConstraintType()
        Get the value for SimpleConstraintType. (The type of simple constraint to apply.) This value is mandatory, and therefore will not be null if this object has been retrieved from the database.
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getSimpleConstraintData

        String getSimpleConstraintData()
        Get the value for SimpleConstraintData. (The data for the simple constraint.)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getSimpleConstraintMessage

        String getSimpleConstraintMessage()
        Get the value for SimpleConstraintMessage. (The message to display if the simple constraint fails to validate.)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • isSimpleConstraintOptional

        boolean isSimpleConstraintOptional()
        Get the value for SimpleConstraintOptional. (Is the constraint optional?)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getSimpleConstraintSort

        SimpleConstraintSort getSimpleConstraintSort()
        Get the value for SimpleConstraintSort. (Sort order of constraint.) This value is mandatory, and therefore will not be null if this object has been retrieved from the database.
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • isDisplay

        boolean isDisplay()
        Get the value for Display. (Is the parameter displayed?)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • isPassword

        boolean isPassword()
        Get the value for Password. (Is the parameter concealed?)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getDisplayOrder

        Long getDisplayOrder()
        Get the value for DisplayOrder. (In which position is this parameter displayed by a front end?) This value is mandatory, and therefore will not be null if this object has been retrieved from the database.
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getEditable

        EditableType getEditable()
        This value is not used by the product, use getDefaultValueEditable() instead

        Get the value for Editable. (Deprecated Method, do not use, this value is not used in the product. This method remains purely for binary compatibility concerns.) This value is mandatory, and therefore will not be null if this object has been retrieved from the database.

        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getGroupName

        String getGroupName()
        Get the value for GroupName. (The GUI name of the parameter group)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • isPartOfKey

        boolean isPartOfKey()
        Get the value for PartOfKey. (Is this a parameter a part of the key for this JobDefinition? That is if getJobDefinition().getKeepType() == JobDefinitionKeepType.Key, then should this parameter be used to filter the results.)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • isNullable

        boolean isNullable()
        Get the value for Nullable. (Is the parameter optional?)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • isRuntime

        boolean isRuntime()
        Get the value for Runtime. (Is the parameter determined at runtime?)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getJobFormat

        String getJobFormat()
        Get the value for JobFormat. (The format mask for the parameter in which the Job uses its value.)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • isArray

        boolean isArray()
        Get the value for Array. (If true, the parameter is an array parameter.)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getArrayMinLength

        Long getArrayMinLength()
        Get the value for ArrayMinLength. (The minimum length the array must have, defaults to 0.) This value is mandatory, and therefore will not be null if this object has been retrieved from the database.
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getArrayMaxLength

        Long getArrayMaxLength()
        Get the value for ArrayMaxLength. (The maximum length the array must have, no default.)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • isArrayDuplicateValuesAllowed

        boolean isArrayDuplicateValuesAllowed()
        Get the value for ArrayDuplicateValuesAllowed. (If true, duplicates are allowed. Defaults to false.)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • isArraySorted

        boolean isArraySorted()
        Get the value for ArraySorted. (If true, the elements in the array are sorted in natural order. Defaults to true.)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getParameterMappingType

        ParameterMappingType getParameterMappingType()
        Get the value for ParameterMappingType. (The role this parameter plays in JobChain parameter mappings. Used by the JobChain editor.) This value is mandatory, and therefore will not be null if this object has been retrieved from the database.
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getJobDefinitionParameterSubType

        String getJobDefinitionParameterSubType()
        Get the value for JobDefinitionParameterSubType. ( The sub type of the parameter, contains a weak reference to JobDefinitionParameterSubType. )
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setDataLength

        void setDataLength​(Long newDataLength)
        Set the value for DataLength. (The maximum length that a string parameter can be. If this value is null then the length will not be checked. This value is ignored for non-string parameters.) This value is optional.
        newDataLength - the new value for DataLength.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setDataPrecision

        void setDataPrecision​(Long newDataPrecision)
        Set the value for DataPrecision. (The precision, or the total number of digits. Currently this field is ignored. Setting this value to anything other than null may cause unexpected behaviour in future releases.) This value is optional.
        newDataPrecision - the new value for DataPrecision.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setDataScale

        void setDataScale​(Long newDataScale)
        Set the value for DataScale. (The number of digits to the right of the decimal pointi. Currently this field is ignored. Setting this value to anything other than null may cause unexpected behaviour in future releases.) This value is optional.
        newDataScale - the new value for DataScale.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setDataType

        void setDataType​(ParameterType newDataType)
        Set the value for DataType. (The datatype of the parameter) This value is mandatory.
        newDataType - the new value for DataType. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setDefaultExpression

        void setDefaultExpression​(String newDefaultExpression)
        Set the value for DefaultExpression. (The definition of the default parameter value. The interpretation of this expression is based upon the DefaultExpressionType.) This value is optional.
        newDefaultExpression - the new value for DefaultExpression.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setDefaultValueEditable

        void setDefaultValueEditable​(ValueEditable newDefaultValueEditable)
        Set the value for DefaultValueEditable. (When is the DefaultValue Editable.) This value is optional.
        newDefaultValueEditable - the new value for DefaultValueEditable.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setDirection

        void setDirection​(ParameterDirection newDirection)
        Set the value for Direction. (What direction is the parameter passed.) This value is mandatory.
        newDirection - the new value for Direction. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setSimpleConstraintType

        void setSimpleConstraintType​(SimpleConstraintType newSimpleConstraintType)
        Set the value for SimpleConstraintType. (The type of simple constraint to apply.) This value is mandatory.
        newSimpleConstraintType - the new value for SimpleConstraintType. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setSimpleConstraintData

        void setSimpleConstraintData​(String newSimpleConstraintData)
        Set the value for SimpleConstraintData. (The data for the simple constraint.) This value is optional.
        newSimpleConstraintData - the new value for SimpleConstraintData.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setSimpleConstraintMessage

        void setSimpleConstraintMessage​(String newSimpleConstraintMessage)
        Set the value for SimpleConstraintMessage. (The message to display if the simple constraint fails to validate.) This value is optional.
        newSimpleConstraintMessage - the new value for SimpleConstraintMessage.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setSimpleConstraintOptional

        void setSimpleConstraintOptional​(boolean newSimpleConstraintOptional)
        Set the value for SimpleConstraintOptional. (Is the constraint optional?)
        newSimpleConstraintOptional - the new value for SimpleConstraintOptional.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setSimpleConstraintSort

        void setSimpleConstraintSort​(SimpleConstraintSort newSimpleConstraintSort)
        Set the value for SimpleConstraintSort. (Sort order of constraint.) This value is mandatory.
        newSimpleConstraintSort - the new value for SimpleConstraintSort. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setDisplay

        void setDisplay​(boolean newDisplay)
        Set the value for Display. (Is the parameter displayed?)
        newDisplay - the new value for Display.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setPassword

        void setPassword​(boolean newPassword)
        Set the value for Password. (Is the parameter concealed?)
        newPassword - the new value for Password.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setDisplayOrder

        void setDisplayOrder​(Long newDisplayOrder)
        Set the value for DisplayOrder. (In which position is this parameter displayed by a front end?) This value is mandatory.
        newDisplayOrder - the new value for DisplayOrder. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setEditable

        void setEditable​(EditableType newEditable)
        This value is not used by the product, use getDefaultValueEditable() instead

        Set the value for Editable. (Deprecated Method, do not use, this value is not used in the product. This method remains purely for binary compatibility concerns.) This value is mandatory.

        newEditable - the new value for Editable. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setGroupName

        void setGroupName​(String newGroupName)
        Set the value for GroupName. (The GUI name of the parameter group) This value is optional.
        newGroupName - the new value for GroupName.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setPartOfKey

        void setPartOfKey​(boolean newPartOfKey)
        Set the value for PartOfKey. (Is this a parameter a part of the key for this JobDefinition? That is if getJobDefinition().getKeepType() == JobDefinitionKeepType.Key, then should this parameter be used to filter the results.)
        newPartOfKey - the new value for PartOfKey.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setNullable

        void setNullable​(boolean newNullable)
        Set the value for Nullable. (Is the parameter optional?)
        newNullable - the new value for Nullable.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setRuntime

        void setRuntime​(boolean newRuntime)
        Set the value for Runtime. (Is the parameter determined at runtime?)
        newRuntime - the new value for Runtime.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setJobFormat

        void setJobFormat​(String newJobFormat)
        Set the value for JobFormat. (The format mask for the parameter in which the Job uses its value.) This value is optional.
        newJobFormat - the new value for JobFormat.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setArray

        void setArray​(boolean newArray)
        Set the value for Array. (If true, the parameter is an array parameter.)
        newArray - the new value for Array.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setArrayMinLength

        void setArrayMinLength​(Long newArrayMinLength)
        Set the value for ArrayMinLength. (The minimum length the array must have, defaults to 0.) This value is mandatory.
        newArrayMinLength - the new value for ArrayMinLength. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setArrayMaxLength

        void setArrayMaxLength​(Long newArrayMaxLength)
        Set the value for ArrayMaxLength. (The maximum length the array must have, no default.) This value is optional.
        newArrayMaxLength - the new value for ArrayMaxLength.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setArrayDuplicateValuesAllowed

        void setArrayDuplicateValuesAllowed​(boolean newArrayDuplicateValuesAllowed)
        Set the value for ArrayDuplicateValuesAllowed. (If true, duplicates are allowed. Defaults to false.)
        newArrayDuplicateValuesAllowed - the new value for ArrayDuplicateValuesAllowed.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setArraySorted

        void setArraySorted​(boolean newArraySorted)
        Set the value for ArraySorted. (If true, the elements in the array are sorted in natural order. Defaults to true.)
        newArraySorted - the new value for ArraySorted.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setParameterMappingType

        void setParameterMappingType​(ParameterMappingType newParameterMappingType)
        Set the value for ParameterMappingType. (The role this parameter plays in JobChain parameter mappings. Used by the JobChain editor.) This value is mandatory.
        newParameterMappingType - the new value for ParameterMappingType. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setJobDefinitionParameterSubType

        void setJobDefinitionParameterSubType​(String newJobDefinitionParameterSubType)
        Set the value for JobDefinitionParameterSubType. ( The sub type of the parameter, contains a weak reference to JobDefinitionParameterSubType. ) This value is optional.
        newJobDefinitionParameterSubType - the new value for JobDefinitionParameterSubType.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • evaluateDefaultExpressionForToArrayFunction

        String[] evaluateDefaultExpressionForToArrayFunction()
        Special method, which attempts to evaluate an Array.toXXXArray default expression of the JobDefinitionParameter and converts it to String[] or null. If the parameter is not an array parameter throws a RuntimeException. If the expression is null, the method returns null. If the expression is a literal value the method returns an array with 1 element (the literal value). If the expression contains non-literal parameters (e.g another function call), the array will contain the function call as element. If compiling fails, or conversion of array parameters fails, the method returns null. If however the expression contains valid literals or some function calls, for example: =Array.toStringArray('a','b','c') returns an array with 3 elements: 'a', 'b' and 'c'. Another example: =Array.toNumberArray('1',2,Custom_Lib.getNumberValue()) returns an array with 3 elements: '1', 2 and Custom_Lib.getNumberValue() Note: This method will never evaluate non-literals (function calls) of the toXXXArray functions, to prevent side-effects. Strings will be returned quotes as they originally were.
        String array or null
      • getJobDefinition

        JobDefinition getJobDefinition()
        Get the JobDefinition.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectDeletedException - If this method is called when the object has been marked for deletion.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - If this method is called when the object has been removed from it's session.
      • getLocalJobChainCallInExpressionParameterByJobChainCall

        JobChainCallInExpressionParameter getLocalJobChainCallInExpressionParameterByJobChainCall​(JobChainCall jobChainCall)
        Get the JobChainCallInExpressionParameter by DestinationJobDefinitionParameter.
        jobChainCall -
        the JobChainCallInExpressionParameter, or null if it could not be found
      • getLocalJobChainCallInReferenceParameterByJobChainCall

        JobChainCallInReferenceParameter getLocalJobChainCallInReferenceParameterByJobChainCall​(JobChainCall jobChainCall)
        Get the JobChainCallInReferenceParameter by DestinationJobDefinitionParameter.
        jobChainCall -
        the JobChainCallInReferenceParameter, or null if it could not be found