Interface PeopleSoftJobOutputLocation

    • Method Detail

      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        Get the value for Description. (The description of this output file location)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getProcessingOrder

        Long getProcessingOrder()
        Get the value for ProcessingOrder. (In which order are the OutputRules applied?) This value is mandatory, and therefore will not be null if this object has been retrieved from the database.
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getProtocol

        String getProtocol()
        Get the value for Protocol. (PeopleSoft protocol to retrieve the output files.) This value is mandatory, and therefore will not be null if this object has been retrieved from the database.
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getHostName

        String getHostName()
        Get the value for HostName. (PeopleSoft hostname to retrieve the output files.) This value is mandatory, and therefore will not be null if this object has been retrieved from the database.
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getPort

        Long getPort()
        Get the value for Port. (Port to connect to on the hostname.)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getInstanceName

        String getInstanceName()
        Get the value for InstanceName. (PeopleSoft instance name.) This value is mandatory, and therefore will not be null if this object has been retrieved from the database.
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • isEnabled

        boolean isEnabled()
        Get the value for Enabled. (Whether this rule is currently enabled or not.)
        the field
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setDescription

        void setDescription​(String newDescription)
        Set the value for Description. (The description of this output file location) This value is optional.
        newDescription - the new value for Description.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setProcessingOrder

        void setProcessingOrder​(Long newProcessingOrder)
        Set the value for ProcessingOrder. (In which order are the OutputRules applied?) This value is mandatory.
        newProcessingOrder - the new value for ProcessingOrder. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setProtocol

        void setProtocol​(String newProtocol)
        Set the value for Protocol. (PeopleSoft protocol to retrieve the output files.) This value is mandatory.
        newProtocol - the new value for Protocol. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setHostName

        void setHostName​(String newHostName)
        Set the value for HostName. (PeopleSoft hostname to retrieve the output files.) This value is mandatory.
        newHostName - the new value for HostName. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setPort

        void setPort​(Long newPort)
        Set the value for Port. (Port to connect to on the hostname.) This value is optional.
        newPort - the new value for Port.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setInstanceName

        void setInstanceName​(String newInstanceName)
        Set the value for InstanceName. (PeopleSoft instance name.) This value is mandatory.
        newInstanceName - the new value for InstanceName. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setEnabled

        void setEnabled​(boolean newEnabled)
        Set the value for Enabled. (Whether this rule is currently enabled or not.)
        newEnabled - the new value for Enabled.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getPeopleSoftSystem

        PeopleSoftSystem getPeopleSoftSystem()
        Get the PeopleSoftSystem.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectDeletedException - If this method is called when the object has been marked for deletion.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - If this method is called when the object has been removed from it's session.