Enum DashboardEntityType

    • Enum Constant Detail

      • MonitoringDashboard

        public static final DashboardEntityType MonitoringDashboard
        Monitoring dashboard
      • DashboardOverview

        public static final DashboardEntityType DashboardOverview
        Overview of all monitoring dashboard options
      • SystemHealth

        public static final DashboardEntityType SystemHealth
        Overview of all system health options
      • ScheduleHealth

        public static final DashboardEntityType ScheduleHealth
        Overview of all schedule health options
      • CustomHealth

        public static final DashboardEntityType CustomHealth
        Overview of all custom health options
      • MonitoringGlobalConfiguration

        public static final DashboardEntityType MonitoringGlobalConfiguration
        Global configuration for the Monitoring dashboard
      • MonitoringUserConfiguration

        public static final DashboardEntityType MonitoringUserConfiguration
        User configuration for the Monitoring dashboard
      • ProcessServers

        public static final DashboardEntityType ProcessServers
        The system health option Process servers
      • SecureGateway

        public static final DashboardEntityType SecureGateway
        The system health option Secure gateway
      • ActionWork

        public static final DashboardEntityType ActionWork
        The system health option Action work
      • ActiveJobGroups

        public static final DashboardEntityType ActiveJobGroups
        The schedule health option Active job groups
      • MissingSchedules

        public static final DashboardEntityType MissingSchedules
        The schedule health option Missing schedules
      • JobsLongRuntime

        public static final DashboardEntityType JobsLongRuntime
        The schedule health option Long runtime
      • JobsLongRunningAction

        public static final DashboardEntityType JobsLongRunningAction
        The schedule health option Long running action
      • JobsActionRequired

        public static final DashboardEntityType JobsActionRequired
        The schedule health option Action required
      • JobsStartDelay

        public static final DashboardEntityType JobsStartDelay
        The schedule health option Start delay
      • JobsLockWait

        public static final DashboardEntityType JobsLockWait
        The schedule health option Lock wait
      • JobsEventWait

        public static final DashboardEntityType JobsEventWait
        The schedule health option Event wait
      • JobsInIntermediateStates

        public static final DashboardEntityType JobsInIntermediateStates
        The schedule health option In intermediate states
      • JobsDelayedInRemoteSystem

        public static final DashboardEntityType JobsDelayedInRemoteSystem
        The schedule health option Delayed in remote system
      • JobsNotCurrentMaster

        public static final DashboardEntityType JobsNotCurrentMaster
        The schedule health option Not current master
      • CustomQueryFilter

        public static final DashboardEntityType CustomQueryFilter
        The custom health option for a Custom query filter
      • HousekeepingDashboard

        public static final DashboardEntityType HousekeepingDashboard
        Housekeeping dashboard
      • HousekeepingHealth

        public static final DashboardEntityType HousekeepingHealth
        Overview of all housekeeping health options
      • HousekeepingGlobalConfiguration

        public static final DashboardEntityType HousekeepingGlobalConfiguration
        Global configuration for the Housekeeping dashboard
      • HousekeepingUserConfiguration

        public static final DashboardEntityType HousekeepingUserConfiguration
        User configuration for the Housekeeping dashboard
      • UnrepliedOperatorMessages

        public static final DashboardEntityType UnrepliedOperatorMessages
        The housekeeping health option Unreplied operator messages
      • UnrepliedUserMessages

        public static final DashboardEntityType UnrepliedUserMessages
        The housekeeping health option Unreplied user messages
      • PendingEvents

        public static final DashboardEntityType PendingEvents
        The housekeeping health option Pending events
      • AuditEntries

        public static final DashboardEntityType AuditEntries
        The housekeeping health option Audit entries
      • UnusedDefinitions

        public static final DashboardEntityType UnusedDefinitions
        The housekeeping health option Unused definitions
      • Retention

        public static final DashboardEntityType Retention
        The housekeeping health option Retention
      • HousekeepingJobs

        public static final DashboardEntityType HousekeepingJobs
        The housekeeping health option Housekeeping jobs
      • HousekeepingJob

        public static final DashboardEntityType HousekeepingJob
        One of the housekeeping jobs
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static DashboardEntityType[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (DashboardEntityType c : DashboardEntityType.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static DashboardEntityType valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • valueOfCode

        public static DashboardEntityType valueOfCode​(String code)
        Helper function to return the DashboardEntityType represented by code. If code is null, empty, or not a valid code then this method will return null.
        code - A string that is one of the codes for DashboardEntityType
        The DashboardEntityType corresponding to code, or null.
      • safeValueOf

        public static DashboardEntityType safeValueOf​(String value)
        Helper function to return the DashboardEntityType represented by value. If value is null, or not a valid DashboardEntityType enumeration then this method will return null.

        The main difference between this method and valueOf(String), is that this method will return null when passed an invalid value, valueOf(String) will throw an IllegalArgumentException.

        value - The string value that corresponds to the requested enumeration value
        The DashboardEntityType corresponding to value, or null, if value is null, or not a valid enumeration
        See Also:
      • valueOf

        public static DashboardEntityType valueOf​(Integer code)
        Helper function to return the DashboardEntityType represented by code. If code is null, or not a valid DashboardEntityType code then this method will return null.
        code - Integer that is one of the codes for HandlerAction
        The DashboardEntityType corresponding to code, or null, if code is null, or not a valid code
      • valueOf

        public static DashboardEntityType valueOf​(int code)
        Helper function to return the DashboardEntityType represented by code. If code is not a valid DashboardEntityType code then this method will return null.
        code - char that is one of the codes for HandlerAction
        The DashboardEntityType corresponding to code, or null, if code is not a valid code