Class LicensableItem

    • Field Detail

      • ProcessServerService_SAP_limit

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_SAP_limit
        Maximum number of SAP process servers that can be instantiated. If the value is 0, then you can create an unlimited number of SAP Systems, however, each must reside in its own isolation group. Note that this license key can be further restricted by ProcessServerService.External.limit; if both keys exist, both must be honored. The most restrictive applies.
      • ProcessServerService_OS_limit

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_OS_limit
        Maximum number of Unix and Windows platform agents that can be configured. HP OpenVMS and AS/400 are not affected by this license key. Note that this license key can be further restricted by ProcessServerService.External.limit; if both keys exist, both must be honored. The most restrictive applies.
      • ProcessServerService_SAP_cc

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_SAP_cc
        Is Closing Cockpit integration enabled (requires ProcessServerService.SAP.ApplicationsAPI and optionally Module.Mail)
      • Module_ImportExport

        public static final LicensableItem Module_ImportExport
        Import/Export of objects
      • Module_Mail

        public static final LicensableItem Module_Mail
        Can the System_Mail_Send process be used to send email
      • Module_SNMP

        public static final LicensableItem Module_SNMP
        Can System_SNMP_Send process to used to send SNMP traps
      • ProcessServerService_SAP_XBPExternal

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_SAP_XBPExternal
        Can SAP external commands and programs be used
      • ProcessServerService_SAP_XBPAllVersions

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_SAP_XBPAllVersions
        Can the Redwood transports that allow full functionality in all XBP versions be used
      • ProcessServerService_SAP_XBPVariant

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_SAP_XBPVariant
        Is support for working with variants enabled
      • ProcessServerService_SAP_CalendarSync

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_SAP_CalendarSync
        Can SAP calendars be synchronized
      • ProcessServerService_SAP_iDoc

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_SAP_iDoc
        Support for iDocs.
      • System_Production

        public static final LicensableItem System_Production
        Is this license for a production system? If this is false then only non-production systems can be connected to.
      • System_NamedUsers_limit

        public static final LicensableItem System_NamedUsers_limit
        Maximum number of active named users.
      • ProcessServerService_SAP_ApplicationsAPI

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_SAP_ApplicationsAPI
        Is support for the Applications API aka Business Automation Enabler (BAE) enabled. Used for Closing Cockpit, Solution Manager Integration, and SAP BW process chain type CPS.
      • ProcessServerService_SAP_SolutionManager

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_SAP_SolutionManager
        Is Solution Manager Integration enabled (requires ProcessServerService.SAP.ApplicationsAPI)
      • Module_Alerting

        public static final LicensableItem Module_Alerting
        Active Monitoring module
      • Module_Scripting

        public static final LicensableItem Module_Scripting
        Scripting module for Redwood Script support and advanced REL functions
      • ProcessServerService_External_limit

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_External_limit
        Maximum number of external process servers that can be configured. If this is defined, then the sum of defined Windows/Unix platform agents, distinct web service endpoints, and SAP (AS ABAP, AS JAVA, BusinessObjects) systems cannot exceed this value. The external process servers are also constrained by their respective keys; if defined, the most restrictive applies. Note that this key does not allow/affect HP OpenVMS platform agents.
      • ProcessServerService_SAP_ProcessChainRestart

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_SAP_ProcessChainRestart
        Restart of SAP BW Process Chains / Processes.
      • ProcessServerService_SAP_MassActivities

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_SAP_MassActivities
        Processing of mass activities.
      • ProcessServerService_AS400_limit

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_AS400_limit
        Maximum number of AS400 process servers that can be configured.
      • Module_Security

        public static final LicensableItem Module_Security
        Security allows custom non-rank privileges and import/export for grants.
      • Module_Auditing

        public static final LicensableItem Module_Auditing
        Auditing allows tracking of changes to objects and restoration of objects from a previous iteration.
      • Module_RemoteEvent

        public static final LicensableItem Module_RemoteEvent
        Remote Event module that allows the jevent tool to be used.
      • Module_LoadBalancing

        public static final LicensableItem Module_LoadBalancing
        Load balancing capabilities.
      • ProcessServerService_JCL_FTP

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_JCL_FTP
        Running JES processes via a UNIX or Windows platform agent that contacts the host via its FTP server.
      • ProcessServerService_VMS_limit

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_VMS_limit
        Running VMS (DCL) processes via a platform agent.
      • Module_IsolationGroup

        public static final LicensableItem Module_IsolationGroup
        The IsolationGroup module allows creating isolation groups in the full version.
      • ProcessServerService_SAPBOBJ_limit

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_SAPBOBJ_limit
        Maximum number of SAP Business Objects process server services that can be configured Note that this license key can be further restricted by ProcessServerService.External.limit; if both keys exist, both must be honored. The most restrictive applies.
      • Module_Archiving

        public static final LicensableItem Module_Archiving
        Active Archiving module for archiving process output to an Archive Server
      • ProcessServerService_OraApps_limit

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_OraApps_limit
        Maximum number of Oracle Application Servers that can be configured.
      • ProcessServerService_JDBC_limit

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_JDBC_limit
        Maximum number of JDBC process servers that can be instantiated
      • WebServices_OutboundServer_limit

        public static final LicensableItem WebServices_OutboundServer_limit
        Maximum number of HTTP process servers that can be configured. HTTP process servers process both HTTP and SOAP requests. In releases older than 9.2.6 this used to be a limit on the number of distinct SOAP Credential Endpoints. This has been changed to make this limit work the same way as ProcessServerService limits. Note that this license key can be further restricted by ProcessServerService.External.limit; if both keys exist, both must be honored. The most restrictive applies.
      • Module_WebServices_Inbound

        public static final LicensableItem Module_WebServices_Inbound
        Module that allows the inbound web services to be published and called.
      • Module_Hosting

        public static final LicensableItem Module_Hosting
        Hosting module for increased environment isolation
      • InternalTool_SAP_RFCAutomation

        public static final LicensableItem InternalTool_SAP_RFCAutomation
        SAP RFC automation development tool
      • InternalTool_SAP_TransactionConverter

        public static final LicensableItem InternalTool_SAP_TransactionConverter
        Tool for converting BDC recodings into job definitions
      • ProcessServerService_SAP_BAEConnector_limit

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_SAP_BAEConnector_limit
        Maximum number of SAP BAE connectors that can be configured.
      • Module_UserMessage

        public static final LicensableItem Module_UserMessage
        UserMessage support
      • Module_ProcessMonitor

        public static final LicensableItem Module_ProcessMonitor
        ProcessMonitor support
      • ProcessServerService_Publish_limit

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_Publish_limit
        Maximum number of Publish process servers that can be instantiated
      • ProcessServerService_PeopleSoft_limit

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_PeopleSoft_limit
        Maximum number of Oracle PeopleSoft Servers that can be configured.
      • ProcessServerService_LowVolume_limit

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_LowVolume_limit
        Maximum number of Low Volume process servers that can be configured.
      • ProcessServerService_LowVolume_threshold

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_LowVolume_threshold
        Maximum number of processes that a LowVolume process server can process in one day.
      • PricingModel_Job

        public static final LicensableItem PricingModel_Job
        Process Based Pricing
      • ProcessServerService_SAP_XMBMessageMonitoring

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_SAP_XMBMessageMonitoring
        Support for XMB message monitoring.
      • ProcessServerService_OraOhi_limit

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_OraOhi_limit
        Maximum number of Oracle Health Insurance Servers that can be configured.
      • Module_Reconciliation

        public static final LicensableItem Module_Reconciliation
        Activate the reconciliation interface.
      • ProcessServerService_OracleJob

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_OracleJob
        Allow activation of the OracleJob service and the PL/SQL API.
      • System_BusinessUsers_limit

        public static final LicensableItem System_BusinessUsers_limit
        Maximum number of active business users.
      • Module_Forms

        public static final LicensableItem Module_Forms
        Can (runtime) forms be used in any form
      • ProcessServerService_AgentInitiated

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_AgentInitiated
        Whether agents can use reversed communication where the agent connects to the server instead of the server connecting to the agent.
      • ProcessServerService_SAP_JRFC

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_SAP_JRFC
        Can jRFC be used to retrieve the output of SAP jobs
      • ProcessServerService_GlobalExecution_limit

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_GlobalExecution_limit
        Maximum number of concurrent customer jobs in an active state. Step jobs are not included in the count.
      • ProcessServerService_MailConnector_limit

        public static final LicensableItem ProcessServerService_MailConnector_limit
        Maximum number of concurrent customer Mailboxes in an active polling state.
      • Contract_Subscription

        public static final LicensableItem Contract_Subscription
        Pricing based on Robot Usage
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static LicensableItem[] values()
        Get the complete set of LicensableItem enumerations. This array is ordered by enumeration, such that for all enumerations: values()[enum.getOrdinal()] == enum
        Array of LicensableItem enumerations, in ordinal order
      • getType

        public LicensableItemType getType()
        What type of licensable item is this?
        the value for Type.
      • getDefault

        public String getDefault()
        What should the default value for this license item be if there is no license yet installed.
        the value for Default.
      • valueOfCode

        public static LicensableItem valueOfCode​(String code)
        Helper function to return the LicensableItem represented by code. code must be a single character. If code is null, longer than one character, empty, or not a valid code then this method will return null.
        code - A string with one character that is one of the codes for LicensableItem
        The LicensableItem corresponding to code, or null, if code is null, longer than one character, or not a valid code
      • valueOf

        public static LicensableItem valueOf​(Character code)
        Helper function to return the LicensableItem represented by code. If code is null, or not a valid LicensableItem code then this method will return null.
        code - Character that is one of the codes for HandlerAction
        The LicensableItem corresponding to code, or null, if code is null, or not a valid code
      • valueOf

        public static LicensableItem valueOf​(char code)
        Helper function to return the LicensableItem represented by code. If code is not a valid LicensableItem code then this method will return null.
        code - char that is one of the codes for HandlerAction
        The LicensableItem corresponding to code, or null, if code is not a valid code
      • valueOf

        public static LicensableItem valueOf​(String searchName)
        Helper function to return the LicensableItem represented by searchName. searchName is the name of the enumeration, as returned by name(). If searchName is null, or not a valid enumeration name then this method will return null.
        searchName - A string with the name of the enumeration to return.
        The LicensableItem corresponding to searchName, or null, if searchName is null, or not a valid enumeration name.
      • name

        public String name()
        Returns the name of this enumeration. For example, returns the string "ProcessServerService.SAP.limit".
        Specified by:
        name in interface BaseSchedulerEnumeration
        the name of this LicensableItem
      • getCodeEx

        public char getCodeEx()
        Description copied from interface: SchedulerEnumeration
        Get the code that is used to represent this enumeration in the database.
        Specified by:
        getCodeEx in interface SchedulerEnumeration
        the database code for the enumeration
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a String object representing this Character's value. The result is the same as calling name().
        toString in class Object
        the name of this LicensableItem
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(Object compareValue)
        This will compare two LicensableItem instances by comparing their ordinal values. The LicensableItem values are listed below in ascending order.
        1. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.SAP.limit
        2. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.OS.limit
        4. LicensableItem.Module.ImportExport
        5. LicensableItem.Module.Mail
        6. LicensableItem.Module.SNMP
        7. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.SAP.XBPExternal
        8. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.SAP.XBPAllVersions
        9. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.SAP.XBPVariant
        10. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.SAP.CalendarSync
        11. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.SAP.iDoc
        12. LicensableItem.System.Production
        13. LicensableItem.System.NamedUsers.limit
        14. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.SAP.ApplicationsAPI
        15. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.SAP.SolutionManager
        16. LicensableItem.Module.Alerting
        17. LicensableItem.Module.Scripting
        18. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.External.limit
        19. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.SAP.ProcessChainRestart
        20. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.SAP.MassActivities
        21. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.AS400.limit
        22. LicensableItem.Module.Security
        23. LicensableItem.Module.Auditing
        24. LicensableItem.Module.RemoteEvent
        25. LicensableItem.Module.LoadBalancing
        26. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.JCL_FTP
        27. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.VMS.limit
        28. LicensableItem.Module.IsolationGroup
        29. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.SAPBOBJ.limit
        30. LicensableItem.Module.Archiving
        31. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.OraApps.limit
        32. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.JDBC.limit
        33. LicensableItem.WebServices.OutboundServer.limit
        34. LicensableItem.Module.WebServices.Inbound
        35. LicensableItem.Module.Hosting
        36. LicensableItem.InternalTool.SAP.RFCAutomation
        37. LicensableItem.InternalTool.SAP.TransactionConverter
        38. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.SAP.BAEConnector.limit
        39. LicensableItem.Module.UserMessage
        40. LicensableItem.Module.ProcessMonitor
        41. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.Publish.limit
        42. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.PeopleSoft.limit
        43. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.LowVolume.limit
        44. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.LowVolume.threshold
        45. LicensableItem.PricingModel.Job
        46. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.SAP.XMBMessageMonitoring
        47. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.OraOhi.limit
        48. LicensableItem.Module.Reconciliation
        49. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.OracleJob
        50. LicensableItem.System.BusinessUsers.limit
        51. LicensableItem.Module.Forms
        52. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.AgentInitiated
        53. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.SAP.JRFC
        54. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.GlobalExecution.limit
        55. LicensableItem.ProcessServerService.MailConnector.limit
        56. LicensableItem.Contract.Subscription
        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface Comparable
        compareValue - The LicensableItem to compare against
        a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is higher than, equal to, or lower than compareValue in the above list.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object