Enum OraAppsBatchJobStatus

    • Enum Constant Detail

      • Waiting

        public static final OraAppsBatchJobStatus Waiting
        A child request is waiting for its Parent request to mark it ready to run. For example, a request in a request set that runs sequentially must wait for a prior request to complete.
      • Resuming

        public static final OraAppsBatchJobStatus Resuming
        All requests submitted by the same parent request have completed running. The Parent request resumes running.
      • Cancelled

        public static final OraAppsBatchJobStatus Cancelled
        Pending or Inactive request is canceled by choosing the Cancel Request button in the Requests window.
      • Warning

        public static final OraAppsBatchJobStatus Warning
        Request completed with warnings. For example, a request is generated successfully but fails to print.
      • OnHold

        public static final OraAppsBatchJobStatus OnHold
        Pending request is placed on hold by choosing the Hold Request button in the Requests window.
      • PendingNormal

        public static final OraAppsBatchJobStatus PendingNormal
        Request is waiting for the next available manager.
      • NoManager

        public static final OraAppsBatchJobStatus NoManager
        No manager is defined to run the request. Check with your system administrator. A status of No Manager is also given when all managers are locked by run-alone requests.
      • Scheduled

        public static final OraAppsBatchJobStatus Scheduled
        Request is scheduled to start at a future time or date.
      • StandBy

        public static final OraAppsBatchJobStatus StandBy
        Program to run request is incompatible with other program(s) currently running.
      • Terminating

        public static final OraAppsBatchJobStatus Terminating
        Request is terminated by choosing the Cancel Request button in Requests window.
      • Disabled

        public static final OraAppsBatchJobStatus Disabled
        Program to run request is not enabled. Contact your system administrator.
      • Paused

        public static final OraAppsBatchJobStatus Paused
        Parent request pauses for all its child requests to finish running. For example, a request set pauses for all requests in the set to complete.
      • Terminated

        public static final OraAppsBatchJobStatus Terminated
        Request is terminated by choosing the Cancel Request button in the Requests window.
      • WaitingZ

        public static final OraAppsBatchJobStatus WaitingZ
        A child request is waiting for its Parent request to mark it ready to run. For example, a request in a request set that runs sequentially must wait for a prior request to complete.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static OraAppsBatchJobStatus[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (OraAppsBatchJobStatus c : OraAppsBatchJobStatus.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static OraAppsBatchJobStatus valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getMappedJobStatus

        public JobStatus getMappedJobStatus()
      • valueOfCode

        public static OraAppsBatchJobStatus valueOfCode​(String code)
        Helper function to return the OraAppsBatchJobStatus represented by code. code must be a single character. If code is null, longer than one character, empty, or not a valid code then this method will return null.
        code - A string with one character that is one of the codes for OraAppsBatchJobStatus
        The OraAppsBatchJobStatus corresponding to code, or null, if code is null, longer than one character, or not a valid code
      • safeValueOf

        public static OraAppsBatchJobStatus safeValueOf​(String value)
        Helper function to return the OraAppsBatchJobStatus represented by value. If value is null, or not a valid OraAppsBatchJobStatus enumeration then this method will return null.

        The main difference between this method and valueOf(String), is that this method will return null when passed an invalid value, valueOf(String) will throw an IllegalArgumentException.

        value - The string value that corresponds to the requested enumeration value
        The OraAppsBatchJobStatus corresponding to value, or null, if value is null, or not a valid enumeration
        See Also:
      • valueOf

        public static OraAppsBatchJobStatus valueOf​(Character code)
        Helper function to return the OraAppsBatchJobStatus represented by code. If code is null, or not a valid OraAppsBatchJobStatus code then this method will return null.
        code - Character that is one of the codes for HandlerAction
        The OraAppsBatchJobStatus corresponding to code, or null, if code is null, or not a valid code
      • valueOf

        public static OraAppsBatchJobStatus valueOf​(char code)
        Helper function to return the OraAppsBatchJobStatus represented by code. If code is not a valid OraAppsBatchJobStatus code then this method will return null.
        code - char that is one of the codes for HandlerAction
        The OraAppsBatchJobStatus corresponding to code, or null, if code is not a valid code