Interface ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
    extends Serializable
    A representation of a parameter from the definition of the entity to use for constraint evaluation. This representation may wrap on of the following:
    • a JobDefinitionParameter if the constraint is being evaluated in the context of a Job/JobChainCall
    • a TableDefinitionColumn if the constraint is being evaluated in the context of a table.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        Gets the name of the parameter from the definition.
        the name
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        Gets the description of the parameter from the definition.
        the description
      • getDataType

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.ParameterType getDataType()
        Gets the type of the parameter from the definition.
        the type
      • isNullable

        boolean isNullable()
        Is the parameter from the definition optional?
        true if the parameter is optional.
      • isDisplay

        boolean isDisplay()
        Is the parameter from the definition displayed?
        true if the parameter is displayed.
      • getDefaultValueEditable

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.ValueEditable getDefaultValueEditable()
        Indicates when the parameter from the definition is editable.
        when the parameter is editable
      • getSimpleConstraintData

        String getSimpleConstraintData()
        Gets the simple constraint data of the parameter from the definition.
        the simple constraint data
      • isSimpleConstraintOptional

        boolean isSimpleConstraintOptional()
        Is the simple constraint of the parameter from the definition optional?
        true if the simple constraint of the parameter is optional.
      • getSimpleConstraintType

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.SimpleConstraintType getSimpleConstraintType()
        Gets the type of simple constraint.
        the type of simple constraint.
      • getSimpleConstraintMessage

        String getSimpleConstraintMessage()
        Get the message of the simple constraint.
        the message of the simple constraint.
      • getSimpleConstraintSort

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.SimpleConstraintSort getSimpleConstraintSort()
        Gets the sorting of the simple constraint.
        the sorting of the simple constraint.
      • getGroupName

        String getGroupName()
        Gets the group name of the parameter from the definition.
        the group name
      • getDataLength

        Long getDataLength()
        The maximum length of the parameter if the type is String.
        the maximum length of the parameter
      • getDefinitionName

        String getDefinitionName()
        Gets the name of the entity definition.
        the name of the definition
      • getPartitionName

        String getPartitionName()
        Gets the name of the partition of the entity definition. Can only return null if the user does not have the privileges to see the Partition of the ConstraintEntity.
        the name of the partition.
      • getDefaultExpression

        String getDefaultExpression()
        Gets the default expression of the parameter.
        the default expression
      • getFormat

        String getFormat()
        Gets the format of the parameter.
        the format
      • isArray

        boolean isArray()
        Indicates whether the parameter is an array.
        true if the parameter is an array.
      • isArrayDuplicateValuesAllowed

        boolean isArrayDuplicateValuesAllowed()
        Indicates whether duplicate values are allowed if the parameter is an array parameter.
        true if duplicate values are allowed in the array.
      • getArrayMinLength

        Long getArrayMinLength()
        The minimum length of the array if the parameter is an array parameter.
        the minimum length of the array.
      • getArrayMaxLength

        Long getArrayMaxLength()
        The maximum length of the array if the parameter is an array parameter.
        the maximum length of the array.
      • unwrap

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerEntity unwrap()
        Unwraps the constraint entity definition parameter by returning the underlying scheduler entity.
        the scheduler entity that is wrapped inside this constraint entity definition parameter.
      • getErrorNameEN

        default String getErrorNameEN()