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AbapException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
ABAP exception
AbapException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.AbapException
AbapException(String, String, String[], Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.AbapException
AbapVariant - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp
A variant of an ABAP program Reading the variant values is available only if variant management functionality is licensed and either the SAP system provides XBP 3.0 or the latest Redwood transports are installed.
AbapVariantParameter - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp
A parameter value of a variant of an ABAP program
AbapVariantSelectOption - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp
Select option values of a variant of an ABAP program
AbapVariantValue - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp
A variant of an ABAP report
ACTION - com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorOrigin
The execution started within an action.
ActionEnableObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces
An action object that can be enabled or disabled.
ActionScriptObject - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.action.api
Common methods for all job actions.
ActionScriptObject(boolean, Logger) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.action.api.ActionScriptObject
ActionSubjectObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces
An action that can run as a specific Subject (user).
add(int, int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
See Calendar.add(int,int)
add(int, long) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
When adding milliseconds, you may want to add more than MAXINT.
add(int, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
add(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
When adding milliseconds, you may want to add more than MAXINT.
addAllMatching(RTXRow) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Add all matching columns from the other row to this row.
addAllMatching(RTXRow) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Add all matching columns from the other row to this row.
addChild(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.Segment
addColumn(RTXColumn) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Add a new column with the name and type of an existing column, the column will be added to the end of this metadata (i.e.
addColumn(RTXColumn) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add a new column with the name and type of an existing column, the column will be added to the end of this metadata (ie.
addColumn(RTXColumn) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addColumn(RTXColumn) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Add a new column with the name and type of an existing column, the column will be added to the end of this metadata (i.e.
addColumn(RTXColumn) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add a new column with the name and type of an existing column, the column will be added to the end of this metadata (ie.
addColumn(RTXColumn) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addColumn(String, RTXType) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Add a new column with the specified name and type, the column will be added to the end of this metadata.
addColumn(String, RTXType) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add a new column with the specified name and type, the column will be added to the end of this metadata.
addColumn(String, RTXType) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addColumn(String, RTXType) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Add a new column with the specified name and type, the column will be added to the end of this metadata.
addColumn(String, RTXType) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add a new column with the specified name and type, the column will be added to the end of this metadata.
addColumn(String, RTXType) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addColumn(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Add a new column with the specified name and type, the column will be added to the end of this metadata.
addColumn(String, String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add a new column with the specified name and type, the column will be added to the end of this metadata.
addColumn(String, String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addColumn(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Add a new column with the specified name and type, the column will be added to the end of this metadata.
addColumn(String, String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add a new column with the specified name and type, the column will be added to the end of this metadata.
addColumn(String, String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addColumn(String, String, RTXType) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add a new column with the specified name, description and type, the column will be added to the end of this metadata.
addColumn(String, String, RTXType) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add a new column with the specified name, description and type, the column will be added to the end of this metadata.
addColumns(Collection<RTXColumn>) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Add new columns based on the input columns, the columns will be added in the order that they occur in the list, to the end of this metadata (i.e.
addColumns(Collection<RTXColumn>) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add a new columns based on the input columns, the columns will be added in the order that they occur in the list, to the end of this metadata (ie.
addColumns(Collection<RTXColumn>) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addColumns(Collection<RTXColumn>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Add new columns based on the input columns, the columns will be added in the order that they occur in the list, to the end of this metadata (i.e.
addColumns(Collection<RTXColumn>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add a new columns based on the input columns, the columns will be added in the order that they occur in the list, to the end of this metadata (ie.
addColumns(Collection<RTXColumn>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addDateHeader(String, long) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Adds a response header with the given name and date-value.
addDocumentPair(String, String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
addDocumentPair(String, String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
addExportRuleSetXML(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Exporter
Call this method to add an XML representation of an ExportRuleSet, which will be added to the CAR file that is exported.
addFile(String, InputStream) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WPublisher
Add a file (via an InputStream).
addHeader(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Adds a response header with the given name and value.
addIntHeader(String, int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Adds a response header with the given name and integer value.
addKeyword(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WMetaData
Add a keyword to the meta data
addKeyword(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WMetaData
Add a keyword to the meta data with the page
addMessage(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CommonLogLine
addMetaData(String, R2WMetaData) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WPublisher
Add the metadata.
addRow(RTXRow) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Adds a row
addRow(RTXRow) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addRow(RTXRow) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Adds a row
addRow(RTXRow) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addRow(Object[]) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Adds a row with the supplied data, where the row will not have a key.
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addRow(Object[]) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Adds a row with the supplied data, where the row will not have a key.
addRow(Object[]) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addRow(Object[], String) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Adds a row with the supplied data and key.
addRow(Object[], String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addRow(Object[], String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Adds a row with the supplied data and key.
addRow(Object[], String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addSibling() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.Segment
addSource(RTXSource) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Add a source to the RTXMetadata, which is set previously with RTXConsumer.setMetadata(RTXMetadata)
addSource(RTXSource) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add a source.
addSource(RTXSource) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addSource(RTXSource, String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add a source.
addSource(RTXSource) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Add a source to the RTXMetadata, which is set previously with RTXConsumer.setMetadata(RTXMetadata)
addSource(RTXSource) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add a source.
addSource(RTXSource) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addSource(RTXSource, String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add a source.
addSources(Collection<RTXSource>) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Add multiple sources to the RTXMetadata, which is set previously with RTXConsumer.setMetadata(RTXMetadata)
addSources(Collection<RTXSource>) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add multiple sources
addSources(Collection<RTXSource>, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Convenience method to add multiple sources, with a prefix, to the RTXMetadata, which is set previously with RTXConsumer.setMetadata(RTXMetadata)
addSources(Collection<RTXSource>, String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add multiple sources with a prefix.
addSources(Collection<RTXSource>, String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addSources(Collection<RTXSource>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Add multiple sources to the RTXMetadata, which is set previously with RTXConsumer.setMetadata(RTXMetadata)
addSources(Collection<RTXSource>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add multiple sources
addSources(Collection<RTXSource>, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Convenience method to add multiple sources, with a prefix, to the RTXMetadata, which is set previously with RTXConsumer.setMetadata(RTXMetadata)
addSources(Collection<RTXSource>, String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Add multiple sources with a prefix.
addSources(Collection<RTXSource>, String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
addSources(Map<?, RTXSource>) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Convenience method to add multiple sources to the RTXMetadata, which is set previously with RTXConsumer.setMetadata(RTXMetadata)
addSources(Map<?, RTXSource>, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Convenience method to add multiple sources, with a prefix, to the RTXMetadata, which is set previously with RTXConsumer.setMetadata(RTXMetadata)
addSources(Map<?, RTXSource>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Convenience method to add multiple sources to the RTXMetadata, which is set previously with RTXConsumer.setMetadata(RTXMetadata)
addSources(Map<?, RTXSource>, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Convenience method to add multiple sources, with a prefix, to the RTXMetadata, which is set previously with RTXConsumer.setMetadata(RTXMetadata)
addToCloseList(AutoCloseable, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Close the object when the job completes.
addToCloseList(AutoCloseable, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Close the object when the action completes.
addToCloseList(AutoCloseable, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.autoclose.CloseList
Close the object when the job completes.
addValue(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcDynpro
Add a new value to this BDC dynpro call
after(DateTimeZone) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
AlertEscalationPostAlertActionScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
This class contains the methods to retrieve Alert Escalation context.
AlertSourcePostAlertActionScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
This class contains the methods to retrieve Alert Escalation context.
All - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobSelectionOption
Select all jobs regardless what confirmation they have, if any
ALL - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequestSubstitutions
ANYDAY - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Wildcard for any single day.
APIErrorResultSetCallback - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
APIResultSetCallback - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
This interface is used to access the ResultSet of data model queries and is implemented in a number of classes listed above.
APIResultSetPostExecuteCallback - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Append - com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting.WriteMode
Appends to an already existing file (starts after the end).
appendRow(T) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcTable
Append a row to the table
appendTable(RfcTable<T>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcTable
Append a table
AppImportContext - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Data available at pre and post
applyForcedProcessServerRouting(ConstraintContext) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint.RoutingConstraint
Possibility to overrule (apply routing) for the forced process server.
applyQueueRouting(ConstraintContext) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint.RoutingConstraint
Possibility to overrule (apply routing) the queue.
applyRouting(boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
Do the constraints allow routing to be used in a chain for this entity?
AppPostImportContext - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Data available at Post import only
AppPreImportContext - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Data available at Pre import only
AppUpgradeInfo - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
AppUpgrader - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
AppUpgrader() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgrader
AppUpgrader.UpgradeStep - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
ARRAY - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
assertAssignableFrom(RTXMetadata) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
assertAssignableFrom(RTXMetadata) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
assertColumnIndex(int) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
assertColumnIndex(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
assertColumnsCompatible(RTXColumn) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXColumn
assertColumnsCompatible(RTXMetadata) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
assertColumnsCompatible(RTXColumn) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXColumn
assertColumnsCompatible(RTXMetadata) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
ASSUMED_NOTYET_DELTA - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.JobEstimates
How much an estimate is shifted into the future when a calculated value would otherwise be before the current time.
ASSUMED_UNKNOWN_RUNTIME - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.JobEstimates
Assumed job duration when no information is available with which an estimate can be made.
attach(T) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Attaches an RFC-enabled detached function module context which can be used to call the function module
attach(T) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Attaches an RFC-enabled detached function module context which can be used to call the function module
ATTACHMENT_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.usermessage.UserMessageAttachmentUpload


BapiException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
Exception that represents a BAPI error
BapiException(String, BapiReturn, String[]) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
BapiException(String, BapiReturn, String[], Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
BapiReturn - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
BapiReturn(SapBapiReturn) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn
BapiReturn.Message - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
Base64Converter - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.text.api
Base64Converter() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.text.api.Base64Converter
BaseSchedulerEnumeration<E extends Comparable<E>,​D> - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration
Super interface of all generated enumeration types.
BaseSchedulerException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception
The BaseSchedulerException is the implementation of the SchedulerException except that it does not define the versions, so is safe to use with exceptions before logging is enabled.
BaseSchedulerException(String, String, Throwable, Object[], Object[]) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.BaseSchedulerException
BdcDynpro - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
This represents a single BDC dynpro call
BdcDynproFactory - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
Factory for creating BDC calls
BdcDynproFactory() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcDynproFactory
BdcMessage - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
This class represents a single message returned by a transaction call.
BdcReturn - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
This class represents the return value of a transaction call
becomeResilient() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
When called, the current running Process (jcsJob) is fetched using a newly created session and set to CompletionStrategy Resilient.
becomeResilient(SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
This method runs the the risk of the persist failing with a NoRowsUpdatedException in unexpected and non-reproducible ways when the job is also modified in another session. Use UserJobContext.becomeResilient(), which doesn't take a session argument and persists using a UnitOfWork in its own session, instead.
before(DateTimeZone) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
bestException() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomException
bestException() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelException
bestException() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelRuntimeException
bestException() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomRuntimeException
bestException() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.BaseSchedulerException
bestException() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.ExceptionData
Is this exception the best exception for the purposes of the UI? Exceptions implementing this _MUST_ make sure that they display all or more information than their causes.
bestException() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.SchedulerRuntimeException
BIG_DECIMAL - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Variable
BIGDECIMAL - com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapType
BigDecimalFormat - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Formatting and parsing for BigDecimals with a flexible syntax specified entirely by the format string.
BigDecimalFormat(String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BigDecimalFormat
Format controls for numbers, based on DecimalFormat, with the ability to specify the locale and formatting information inside the format string.
BigDecimalFormat.BigDecimalFormatException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
A formatting or parsing exception.
BigDecimalFormatException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BigDecimalFormat.BigDecimalFormatException
BIGINT - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
BIGINTEGER - com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapType
BINARY - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
BIT - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
BLOB - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
Branchable - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
BranchedUniqueNamedApplicationObjectMasterIterator - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Small helper class for filtering an iterator over branchable objects so that only the master objects are returned.
BranchedUniqueNamedApplicationObjectMasterIterator(Iterator<? extends BranchedUniqueNamedApplicationObject>) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BranchedUniqueNamedApplicationObjectMasterIterator
build() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.RestartStepOptions.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.RestartStepOptions.Builder
BusinessKey - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
BusinessKey(String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BusinessKey
BusinessKey(String, CharSequence) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BusinessKey
Note: the initPath variable may not contain the object type, or the result will always be null.
BusinessKey(String, String...) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BusinessKey
BusinessKey(String, List<? extends CharSequence>) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BusinessKey
BusinessKeyObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Interface that objects with business keys must implement.
BYTE - com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapType
BYTEARRAY - com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapType


calendarDayAsDayOfWeek(int) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Converts Calendar representation of a weekday (Sunday = 1) to a DayOfWeek
call(RTXRow) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRowRELScript
Call the script.
call(RTXRow, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRowRELScript
Call the script.
call(RTXRow, SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRowRELScript
Call the script.
call(RTXRow, SchedulerSession, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRowRELScript
Call the script.
callback(ReportResultSet, ObjectGetter) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.ReportDestination
Call back used to format a row.
callback(ResultSet, ObjectGetter) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalToolResultSet
callback(ResultSet, ObjectGetter) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.APIResultSetCallback
Invoked for each result, provided that the previous invocation returned true.
callback(ResultSet, ObjectGetter) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CollectionCallback
callback(ResultSet, ObjectGetter) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.GetCountCallBack
callback(ResultSet, ObjectGetter) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.LimitedUniqueIdListAPIResultSetCallback
callback(ResultSet, ObjectGetter) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.LongCallBack
callback(ResultSet, ObjectGetter) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.LongListCallback
callback(ResultSet, ObjectGetter) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.StringCallback
callback(ResultSet, ObjectGetter) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.UniqueIdListAPIResultSetCallback
callRFC(RfcWork) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Establish an RFC connection and execute the script.
callTransaction(String, BdcDynpro[]) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Call a transaction
callTransaction(String, BdcDynpro[]) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Call a transaction
callXBP(XbpWork) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Establish an RFC connection, login to the XBP interface and execute the script.
callXBP(XbpWork, String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
use (@link callXbp} instead, xbpVersion is not set, the interface uses the highest version available
cancel() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WPublisher
Cancel publishing and clean up resources.
cancel() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.usermessage.UserMessageAttachmentUpload
Cancel the upload process and clean up any resources
canGetLOV() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVSupport
Is an LOV available?
canQuery() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVSupport
Can the LOV be queried?
CAR_MAP_KEY_JOB_ID - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
Key into result of ToolConnection.uploadCAR(File, String) for the job id of the job
CATALOG - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequestSubstitutions
ChangeOwner - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Objects that implement this interface have an owner associated with them.
CHAR - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
CHARARRAY - com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapType
check(Consumer<Exception>) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BigDecimalFormat
Check all common cases.
checkSyntax() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
cleanup() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResult
Cleans up any temporary data.
clear() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcTable
Remove all rows from the table
clearNamespaces() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Clear the XML namespace mapping.
clearRetainedActionSubjectSchedulerSession() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Clear an earlier requested retained SchedulerSessoin.
clearRetainedUserSchedulerSession() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Clear an earlier requested retained SchedulerSessoin.
CLOB - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
close() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
close() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXProducer
close() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader
close() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
close() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnection
close() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalToolResultSet
close() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
close() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXProducer
close() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader
close() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
close() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolResultSet
Close the ToolResultSet, this is not required, but will free memory used to hold the data set.
close() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.autoclose.CloseList
Close all objects in the close list.
close(InputStream) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.IOCloser
Close given input stream.
close(InputStream, Logger) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.IOCloser
Close given input stream.
close(OutputStream) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.IOCloser
Close given output stream.
close(OutputStream, Logger) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.IOCloser
Close given output stream.
close(Reader) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.IOCloser
Close given reader.
close(Reader, Logger) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.IOCloser
Close given reader.
close(Writer) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.IOCloser
Close given writer.
close(Writer, Logger) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.IOCloser
Close given writer.
close(Socket) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.IOCloser
Close given socket.
close(Socket, Logger) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.IOCloser
Close given Socket.
close(Connection) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.Closer
Close given connection, if it is null does nothing.
close(Connection, Logger) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.Closer
Close given connection, if it is null does nothing.
close(PreparedStatement) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.Closer
Close given prepared statement, if it is null does nothing.
close(PreparedStatement, Logger) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.Closer
Close given prepared statement, if it is null does nothing.
close(ResultSet) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.Closer
Close given ResultSet, if it is null does nothing.
close(ResultSet, Logger) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.Closer
Close given ResultSet, if it is null does nothing.
close(Statement) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.Closer
Close given statement, if it is null does nothing.
close(Statement, Logger) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.Closer
Close given statement, if it is null does nothing.
CloseList - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.autoclose
Closer - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc
Utility class for closing JDBC resources.
CollectionCallback<T> - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Add all objects to the specified collection.
CollectionCallback(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CollectionCallback
com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting - package com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting
com.redwood.agent.api.rtx - package com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Redwood Table XML API.
com.redwood.scheduler.action.api - package com.redwood.scheduler.action.api
Scheduler API - Actions
com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
Scheduler API - SAP scripting interface
com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc
Scheduler API - SAP Scripting API - iDoc
com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc
Scheduler API - SAP Scripting API - RFC
com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.util - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.util
Scheduler API - SAP Scripting API - Utilities
com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp
Scheduler API - SAP Scripting API - XBP
com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint
Scheduler API - Dates and Periods
com.redwood.scheduler.api.database - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.database
Scheduler API - Database
com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.examples - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.examples
Scheduler API - Database Examples
com.redwood.scheduler.api.date - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.date
Scheduler API - Dates and Periods
com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory
Scheduler API - Listing remote directories
com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception
Scheduler API - Exceptions
com.redwood.scheduler.api.http - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.http
com.redwood.scheduler.api.io - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.io
Scheduler API - I/O utilities
com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc
Scheduler API - JDBC utilities
com.redwood.scheduler.api.job - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.job
Scheduler API - Interfaces for user defined jobs.
com.redwood.scheduler.api.model - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Scheduler API - Model
com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14 - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14
com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration
Scheduler API - Model Enumerations
com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces
Scheduler API - High level model interfaces.
com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report
Scheduler API - Reporting interfaces.
com.redwood.scheduler.api.os - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.os
com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w
com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish
com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Redwood Table XML API.
com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime
Scheduler API - Runtime access to model objects
com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
Scheduler API - Interfaces for scripting variables.
com.redwood.scheduler.api.search - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.search
Scheduler API - Search results
com.redwood.scheduler.api.security - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.security
Scheduler API - Access to external security system.
com.redwood.scheduler.api.snmp - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.snmp
Scheduler API - Send SNMP traps
com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap
Scheduler API - Web Services Client
com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
Scheduler API - Tools.
com.redwood.scheduler.api.trigger - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.trigger
Scheduler API - Trigger interfaces.
com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow
Scheduler API - Unit of Work interfaces.
com.redwood.scheduler.api.usermessage - package com.redwood.scheduler.api.usermessage
com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api - package com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api
Scheduler API - Logging API
com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.enumeration - package com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.enumeration
Scheduler API - Logging API - Enumerations
com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.text.api - package com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.text.api
com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint - package com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint
COMMENT - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PromotionConstants
Tag that contains the Comment from the User that generated the file
CommonLog - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
CommonLogLine - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
COMPARATOR - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BusinessKey
compareTo(LOVSupport) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVSupport
compareTo(DateTimeZone) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
compareTo(Period) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
compareTo(BusinessKey) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BusinessKey
compareTo(VariableHeader) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.VariableHeader
compileRowExpression(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRELCompilerSPI
compileRowExpression(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRELCompiler
Compile an expression that can be used with rows.
complete() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.usermessage.UserMessageAttachmentUpload
Complete the upload process
ConfigurableSchedulerSessionSource - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow
confirmGenerally() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Confirm this job generally
confirmSpecifically() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Confirm this job specifically
confirmTransactionId(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Confirm a transaction id
confirmTransactionId(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Confirm a transaction id
connect(Credential) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnectionBuilder
Connect to a database using a credential.
connect(Credential) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnectionFactory
Use Database.connect(com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Credential) instead.
connect(Credential, boolean) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnectionFactory
Use Database.createDatabaseConnectionBuilder() instead.
connect(Credential, Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnectionFactory
Use Database.createDatabaseConnectionBuilder() instead.
connect(Credential, Map<String, ?>, boolean) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnectionFactory
Use Database.createDatabaseConnectionBuilder() instead.
CONNECTIONFILE_HOSTNAME - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
CONNECTIONFILE_ISOLATION_GROUP - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
CONNECTIONFILE_NAME - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
CONNECTIONFILE_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
CONNECTIONFILE_PORT - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
CONNECTIONFILE_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
CONNECTIONFILE_SECRET - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
CONNECTIONFILE_SERVER - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
CONNECTIONFILE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
CONNECTIONFILE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
CONNECTIONFILE_USERNAME - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
CONNECTIONFILE_VERSION - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
CONSOLE_CHARSET - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.OutputStreamOutputHandler
Constraint - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint
A runtime instance of a constraint.
ConstraintContext - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint
The context in which constraints are executed.
ConstraintEntity - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint
A representation of the entity to use for constraint evaluation.
ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint
A representation of a parameter from the definition of the entity to use for constraint evaluation.
ConstraintEntityJob - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint
ConstraintEntityParameter - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint
A representation of a parameter of the entity to use for constraint evaluation.
ConstraintFactory - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint
A factory for constraint instances.
constraintsSatisfied() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
Are all constraints satisfied? Only valid after a call to execute().
ConstraintViolatedException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint
Exception when a constraint is violated.
ConstraintViolatedException(String, String, Throwable, SchedulerEntity, String, Object[], Object[]) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintViolatedException
ConstraintViolatedException(Throwable, String, String, SchedulerEntity) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintViolatedException
Constraint violated in the context of the given constraint entity.
ConstraintViolation - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint
A constraint violation related to a constraint.
contains(DateTimeZone) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
Returns true if aDateTimeZone is contained in this period.
containsHeader(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Returns a boolean indicating whether the named response header has already been set.
CONTENT_DISPOSITION_HEADER - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
copy() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
copy() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
copy(RTXMetadata) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
copy(RTXMetadata) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
copyColumns(RTXMetadata) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Add all columns that are defined in the metadata passed in to the output writer.
copyColumns(RTXMetadata) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Add all columns that are defined in the metadata passed in to the output writer.
count - Variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.UniqueIdListAPIResultSetCallback
create() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint.ConstraintFactory
Create an constraint instance.
createActionSubjectSchedulerSession() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Create an additional SchedulerSesison that has the context of the Act ion Subject as defined by the Extension Point These SchedulerSessions are detached and invalidated after the execution of the request, and should therefore NOT be held on to (by storing them in the session or otherwise).
createBdcDynpro(String, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcDynproFactory
Create a new instance of BdcDynpro class
createColumn(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Create, add and return a new column with the specified name and type, the column will be added to the end of this metadata.
createColumn(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Create, add and return a new column with the specified name and type, the column will be added to the end of this metadata.
createConnection(InputStream) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
Create a ToolConnection from an input stream representing a version 1 connection file, created using the command line jsecret tool.
createConnection(String, int) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
Create a ToolConnection from a version 1 connection file, created using the command line jsecret tool.
createConnection(String, String, String, String, int) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
Create a ToolConnection.
createConnection(String, String, String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
Create a ToolConnection.
createConnection(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
Create a ToolConnection from a Map representing a version 1 connection file, created using the command line jsecret tool.
createConnection(Properties) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
Create a ToolConnection from a Properties object representing a version 1 connection file, created using the command line jsecret tool.
CREATED_BY_SUBJECT_FIELD - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ChangeOwner
The high-level field name for the CreatedBy field
createDirectories(File) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.FileHelper
For given directory creates all directories.
createDirectoriesForFile(File) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.FileHelper
For given file creates all parent directories of it.
createDirectoriesForFile(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.FileHelper
For given path creates all parent directories of a path.
createFunctionModule(Class<T>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcDetachedFactory
Creates new detached instance of any 'T extends RfcFunctionModule'
createIDoc(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDocFactory
createMetaData() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WPublisher
Create the MetaData for the publishing
createMetaData(Job) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WPublisher
Create the MetaData for the publishing
createProcessServerServiceContext(ProcessServerService, Long) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.FileProviderContextFactory
createProcessServerServiceContext(ProcessServerService, Long) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.FileProviderContextFactory.FileProviderContextFactoryInterface
createRfcFunctionModule(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Create an RFC-enabled function module context which can be used to call the function module
createRfcFunctionModule(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Create an RFC-enabled function module context which can be used to call the function module
createRMIContext(String, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.FileProviderContextFactory
createRMIContext(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.FileProviderContextFactory.FileProviderContextFactoryInterface
createRow() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcTable
Create new row NOTE: the row is not automatically added to the table
createSchedulerSession() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Create a new SchedulerSession.
createSchedulerSession() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow.SchedulerSessionSource
Create a new scheduler session.
createSelectOptionValue(boolean, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SelectOptionValueFactory
Create a new instance of SelectOptionValue class
createSelectOptionValue(boolean, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SelectOptionValueFactory
Create a new instance of SelectOptionValue class
createSOAPRequest() - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAP
Create a SOAP request that is not tied to a job.
createSOAPRequestFromJob() - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAP
Create a SOAP request that is tied to a job.
createStructure(Class<T>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcDetachedFactory
Creates new detached instance of any 'T extends RfcStructure'
createTable(Class<T>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcDetachedFactory
Creates new detached instance of any RfcTable 'T extends RfcStructure'
createTransactionId() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Create a transaction id for an IDOC
createTransactionId() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Create a transaction id for an IDOC
createUserSchedulerSession() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Create an additional SchedulerSesison that has the context of the user performing the action.
CustomEntity - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model


DatabaseConnection - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.database
A Database Connection.
DatabaseConnectionBuilder - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.database
DatabaseConnectionFactory - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.database
Factory for database connections.
DatabaseErrorLogger - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.database
A functional interface to allow logging of SQL statements when the execution of them failed, including bind-parameters.
DatabaseLogger - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.database
A functional interface to allow logging of SQL statements before/after executing them, including bind-parameters.
DATALINK - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
Date - com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
Date - com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXType
DATE - com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapType
DATE - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
DATE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PromotionConstants
Tag that contains the Date when the file was generated
DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in enum com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
The canonical format for fields of type RTXType.Date. Use RTXType.toInternalRepresentation(Object, Class) instead.
DATE_NEVER - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
DATE_RECALCULATE - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
DateFormatter - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.date
Formatter that extends Java's SimpleDateFormat.
DateFormatter(String, Locale) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateFormatter
Extended SimpleDateFormatting
DATES_PATTERN - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
DateTime - com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
DateTime - com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXType
DateTimeZone - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.date
A Date with a time zone.
DateTimeZone - com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
DateTimeZone - com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXType
DateTimeZone() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
DateTimeZone(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
DateTimeZone(long) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
DateTimeZone(DateTimeZone) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
DateTimeZone(ZonedDateTime) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
DateTimeZone(TimeZone) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
DateTimeZone(TimeZone, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
DateTimeZone(TimeZone, long) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
DAY_MILLIS - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Number of milliseconds in an day.
DAY_PATTERN - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
DAYS_IN_LEAP_YEAR - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
DAYS_IN_NORMAL_YEAR - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
DAYS_IN_WEEK - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Number of days in week
DAYS_IN_WEEK - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
daysBetween(DateTimeZone) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
debug(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Log a message object with the DEBUG level to the server logs.
debug(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Log a message object, along with the associated exception, with the DEBUG level to the server logs.
debug(Supplier<String>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Log a message object with the DEBUG level to the server logs.
debug(Supplier<String>, Throwable) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Similar to Logger.debug(Supplier) but with an optional exception that should be logged
DEBUG - com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.enumeration.Level
The Level.DEBUG Level designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application.
DECIMAL - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
decode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.text.api.Base64Converter
Decodes Base64 data into a byte array.
decode(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.text.api.Base64Converter
Decodes Base64 data into a byte array.
decode(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.text.api.Base64Converter
Decode the Base64 data into a String.
decode(String, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.text.api.Base64Converter
Decode the Base64 data into a String.
decodePLSQLDate(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Constructs a DateTimeZone from a representation like: 1999.03.01 1999.03.01 00:00:00 1999.03.01 00:00:00 GMT
DEFAULT_COPIER - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.StreamCopy
delegate(Logger) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobLogger
Delegate all logging calls to the specified logger.
delegate(Logger) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.trigger.TriggerLogger
Delegate all logging calls to the specified logger.
deleteRecursive(File) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.FileHelper
Recursively deletes all files/sub-directories of given file, including the file (or directory) itself.
description(Properties) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.PeriodFunctionCalculator
Human-readable (and understandable) description of this function
detach() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcFunctionModule
This method detached the function module making possible use of it out of rfc execution context
DISTINCT - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
DOC_GUIDE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
DOC_PAGE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
doLog() - Method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
doLog() - Method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
doThrow() - Method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
doThrow() - Method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
DOUBLE - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
DurationEstimate - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Interface for information about an estimated duration.


EMAIL - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PromotionConstants
Tag that contains the Email of the User that generated the file
EmailAddress - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
Email address of a user
EmailAlertGatewayPreSendActionScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
emitStandardStyleTag() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.Reporter
Emit a style tag containing the standard cascading style sheet.
encode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.text.api.Base64Converter
Encode a byte array to the corresponding Base64 byte array.
encode(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.text.api.Base64Converter
Convert the first dataLength bytes of rawData to the corresponding Base64 byte array.
encode(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.text.api.Base64Converter
Encode a string using the Base64 encoding.
encode(String, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.text.api.Base64Converter
Encode a string using the Base64 encoding.
encode(String, Charset) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.text.api.Base64Converter
Encode a string using the Base64 encoding.
encode2String(byte[]) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.text.api.Base64Converter
Encode a byte array to the corresponding Base64 String.
endHTML() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ReportScript
End HTML output, emits everything from and including the closing body tag.
equals(BusinessKey) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BusinessKey
equals(Object) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVSupport
equals(Object) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Checks if two DateTimeZone objects refer to the same moment in time and to the same time zone.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
equals(Object) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BusinessKey
equals(Object) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.VariableHeader
error(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Log a message object with the ERROR level to the server logs.
error(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Log a message object, along with the associated exception, with the ERROR level to the server logs.
error(Throwable) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.APIErrorResultSetCallback
Called when an error occurs.
ERROR - com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.enumeration.Level
The Level.ERROR level designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running.
escapeXML10(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAP
Escape the string for inclusion in XML 1.0.
evaluate(DateTimeZone, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeExpression
Apply the time expression to the specified date time zone.
EventRaiseException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
Event could not be raised.
EventRaiseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.EventRaiseException
examples(UserJobContext, SchedulerSession) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.examples.Examples
Examples - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.examples
Examples of using the database APIs, see Examples.java for the source.
Examples() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.examples.Examples
exampleUsingBuilder(UserJobContext, SchedulerSession) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.examples.Examples
An example of Database.createDatabaseConnectionBuilder
ExceptionData - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception
Provide access to the data in an exception for internationalization.
ExceptionRelatesToAPIObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception
This interface is implemented by exceptions that are caused by a schedulerentity.
ExecutableSchedulerEntity - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Interface which executable scheduler entities must implement.
execute() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcFunctionModule
Execute the function module
execute() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
Execute all constraints.
execute(ConstraintContext) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint.Constraint
Execute this constraint.
execute(UserJobContext) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJob
Execute the job with the specified job context.
execute(ResultSet) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.ResultSetCallback
Callback with a ResultSet.
executeActionWithLock(String, Runnable) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Execute the action when the lock with name has been acquired.
executeObjectQuery(String, Object[]) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.SchedulerSessionComp
This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, SchedulerSession.executeObjectQuery(String, Object[]) should always be used instead.
executeObjectQuery(String, Object[], long) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.SchedulerSessionComp
This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, SchedulerSession.executeObjectQuery(String, Object[], long) should always be used instead.
executeQuery(String, Object[], ResultSetCallback) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnection
Execute a query and process the result using a callback.
executeQuery(String, Map<String, String>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
Execute a query and return the result as a ToolResultSet.
executeQuery(String, Map<String, String>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
executeQueryAutoClose(String, Object...) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnection
Execute a query and return the result set, the result set will be automatically closed if the user does not do so.
executeQueryString(String, Map<String, String>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
Execute a query and return the result as a String.
executeQueryString(String, Map<String, String>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
executeScript(String, OutputHandler, OutputHandler) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
Execute RedwoodScript.
executeScript(String, OutputHandler, OutputHandler) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
executeUpdate(String, Object...) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnection
Execute an update and return the number of rows updated.
ExecutorContext - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
The executor context describes what started this execution.
ExecutorOrigin - Enum in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
existsInSap() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapFieldMetadata
This method returns true if this field exists in JCO structure ( exists on SAP-system ) this information is accurate only for attached instances
Exporter - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Interface for exporting objects to a (job) file.
ExporterComp - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14
Interface for binary compatibility with older versions of the product.
ExportException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception
Base class for exceptions relating to exporting objects.
ExportException(String, String, Throwable, SchedulerEntity, String, Object[], Object[]) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ExportException
EXPORTINFO - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PromotionConstants
Top tag of EXPORTINFOXML file
EXPORTINFOXML - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PromotionConstants
Name of the xml info file inside a promotion car file
exportObject(BusinessKeyObject) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Exporter
Mark an object for export.
exportObjects(Iterator<? extends SchedulerEntity>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Exporter
Mark a series of objects for export.
ExportRuleSetComponent - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces
This is the common base for ExportRule and ExportRuleItem.
EXPORTRULESETXML - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PromotionConstants
Name of the Export Rule Set xml file
exportSelectedObjects(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Exporter
Mark for export all objects that match a query.
exportSelectedObjects(String, Object[]) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Exporter
Mark for export all objects that match a query.
expression(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Apply time expression expression to this date returning a new DateTimeZone with the modified date.
expressionNow(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Apply time expression expression to the current time.
ExtensionParameters - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
ExtensionParametersComp - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14
This class is only required in order to be able to provide binary compatibility with older releases.
EXTENSIONPOINT - com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorOrigin
The execution started from an Extension Point.
ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
Interface used by the Extension Point to provide methods for HttpServletRequest
ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
ExtensionPointScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables


fatal(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Log a message object with the FATAL level to the server logs.
fatal(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Log a message object, along with the associated exception, with the FATAL level to the server logs.
FATAL - com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.enumeration.Level
The Level.FATAL level designates very severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort
FileFormatFinder - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Centralized Format identifier utility class.
FileHelper - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.io
Utility class for creating and deleting directories for files.
FileParameter - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces
FileParameterRuntime - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces
Runtime interface to File parameters from RedwoodScript.
FileProviderContext - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory
FileProviderContextFactory - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory
FileProviderContextFactory() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.FileProviderContextFactory
FileProviderContextFactory.FileProviderContextFactoryInterface - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory
findByFile(SchedulerSession, File) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.FileFormatFinder
findByFileName(SchedulerSession, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.FileFormatFinder
findByFileNameMimeType(SchedulerSession, String, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.FileFormatFinder
findByMimeType(SchedulerSession, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.FileFormatFinder
findTable(SchedulerSession, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.TableFinder
Find a table based on its name, in a case insensitive manner.
findVariablesTable(SchedulerSession) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.TableFinder
Find the system variables table.
finish() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalToolResultSet
finish() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.APIResultSetCallback
Invoked when all results have been processed.
FIVE_MINUTES_MILLIS - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
FLOAT - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
flush() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Write any cached data to the underlying output mechanism.
flush() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
flush() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Write any cached data to the underlying output mechanism.
flush() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
flush() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.trigger.TriggerLogger
Flush the logger.
flush(OutputStream) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.IOCloser
Flushes given output stream.
flush(OutputStream, Logger) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.IOCloser
Flushes given output stream.
flush(Writer) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.IOCloser
Flushes given writer.
flush(Writer, Logger) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.io.IOCloser
Flushes given writer.
flushBuffer() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Forces any content in the buffer to be written to the client.
forceCloseListLogging() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Force logging of all objects in close list.
forceCloseListLogging() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Force logging of all objects in close list.
forceCloseListLogging() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.autoclose.CloseList
Force logging of all objects in close list.
forecast(SchedulerSession, DateTimeZone) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobForecaster
Create forecast jobs for all active job groups at the specified date.
forecast(SchedulerSession, DateTimeZone) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.JobForecasterComp
this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use JobForecaster.forecast(SchedulerSession, DateTimeZone) instead.
forecastChildJobs(SchedulerSession, Long) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobForecaster
For job chains, the job chain run will be simulated.
FORECASTJOBCOMPARATOR - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobForecaster
forecastJobs(SchedulerSession, DateTimeZone, DateTimeZone, List<Long>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobForecaster
Create forecast jobs for all active job groups at the specified date range.
forecastJobs(SchedulerSession, DateTimeZone, DateTimeZone, List<Long>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.JobForecasterComp
this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use JobForecaster.forecastJobs(SchedulerSession, DateTimeZone, DateTimeZone, List) instead.
forecastJobs(SchedulerSession, DateTimeZone, DateTimeZone, List<Long>, long) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobForecaster
Create forecast jobs for all active job groups at the specified date range.
forecastJobToString(ForecastJob) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobForecaster
Get a string representation of a forecasted job.
format(DateTimeZone) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateFormatter
format(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BigDecimalFormat
formatDuration(long) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Format a duration using the default format string: "|1 week, |# weeks, |1 day, |# days, |#|:#|:#|.#|".
formatDuration(long, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Format a duration using the specified format string.
formatXML(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAP
Format an XML document
freeze() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint.Constraint
Freeze the values of constraint parameter mappings for this constraint instance.
FRIDAY - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Value for Friday
from(Date) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
from(Date, ZoneId) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
fromXSDDateTime(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
FullISODateParser - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.date
Full ISO8601 and likewise pattern parser.
FullISODateParser(String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.FullISODateParser
FullISODateParser(String, TimeZone) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.FullISODateParser


get() - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.JobThreadState
get(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
See Calendar.get(int)
get(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CommonLog
Get Line
get(RTXColumn<T>) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as an appropriate object.
get(RTXColumn<T>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as an appropriate object.
get(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
get(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
get(String, String, boolean, String, Set<String>, Set<String>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
get(String, String, boolean, String, Set<String>, Set<String>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
get(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
get(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
get(TemporalField) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
getAbapProgramName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.AbapVariant
Get the name of the ABAP program
getAbapProgramName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobAbapStep
Get the name of the ABAP program
getAccessTime() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResult
Access time of the item.
getActionSubject() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.ActionSubjectObject
Get the user (Subject) that this action should run as.
getActionSubjectUniqueId() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.ActionSubjectObject
Get the uniqueid of the user (Subject) that this action should run as.
getAddress() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.EmailAddress
Get the email address
getAlert() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.AlertEscalationPostAlertActionScriptObject
Returns the related Alert that has been generated by the escalation process.
getAlert() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.AlertSourcePostAlertActionScriptObject
Returns the related Alert that has been generated by the escalation process.
getAlert() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.EmailAlertGatewayPreSendActionScriptObject
getAlertEscalation() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.AlertEscalationPostAlertActionScriptObject
Return the related AlertEscalation that has been processed.
getAlertSource() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.AlertSourcePostAlertActionScriptObject
Return the related AlertSource that has been processed.
getApplicationsRelease() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
getAppUpgradeInfo() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppImportContext
Signed application info
getArrayMaxLength() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
The maximum length of the array if the parameter is an array parameter.
getArrayMinLength() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
The minimum length of the array if the parameter is an array parameter.
getAttachmentInputStream() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.OnUserMessageOperationActionScriptObject
Get an InputStream of the contents of the attachment.
getBapiReturn() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
getBapiReturn() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcFunctionModule
getBatchOfWork(SchedulerSession, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow.SchedulerSessionBatchedUnitOfWork
Obtain a batch of work to perform.
getBatchSize() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow.SchedulerSessionBatchedUnitOfWorkManager
getBegin() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
getBeginMillis() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
getBeginTimeZone() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
getBigDecimal(int) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a BigDecimal.
getBigDecimal(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalToolResultSet
getBigDecimal(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.ReportResultSet
Get the value of the specified numeric column.
getBigDecimal(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a BigDecimal.
getBigDecimal(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolResultSet
Get the value of the specified column as a BigDecimal, columns start at 1.
getBigDecimal(RTXColumn) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a BigDecimal.
getBigDecimal(RTXColumn) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a BigDecimal.
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a BigDecimal.
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Get the value of a field/parameter of type BigDecimal
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a BigDecimal.
getBigDecimalByXPath(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Use an XPath to get a BigDecimal from the response, see SOAPRequest.getStringByXPath(String).
getBigInteger(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Get the value of a field/parameter of type BigInteger
getBootStrapURL() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Retrieve the URL to the javascript that will contain the javascript api object jcsExtension to be used in javascript.
getBufferSize() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Returns the actual buffer size used for the response.
getBuiltInFunctions(SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.RuntimeClassComp
this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use RuntimeClass.getBuiltInFunctions(SchedulerSession) instead.
getBuiltInFunctions(SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeClass
Returns available built in scripting functions, current session has access to
getBusinessKey() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BusinessKeyObject
Retrieve the business key for this object.
getBusinessKey() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ImportActionUnresolvedObject
getByte(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Get the value of a field/parameter as Byte
getByteArray() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.http.Part
Get the byte array for this file.
getByteArray(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Get the value of a field/parameter as byte array
getCalendar() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Return a Calendar representing the internal state of this DateTimeZone.
getCanonicalStringValue(int) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value as in canonical form (as it would be written to a file).
getCanonicalStringValue(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value as in canonical form (as it would be written to a file).
getCanonicalStringValue(RTXColumn) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value as in canonical form (as it would be written to a file).
getCanonicalStringValue(RTXColumn) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value as in canonical form (as it would be written to a file).
getCanonicalStringValue(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value as in canonical form (as it would be written to a file).
getCanonicalStringValue(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value as in canonical form (as it would be written to a file).
getCategory() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CommonLogLine
getCause() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXProblem
getCause() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXProblem
getChangedObjects(Iterator<ObjectDefinition>, DateTimeZone, DateTimeZone, Subject[]) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.SchedulerSessionComp
This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, SchedulerSession.getChangedObjects(Iterator, DateTimeZone, DateTimeZone, Subject[]) should always be used instead.
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the name of the character encoding used in the body of this request.
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Returns the name of the character encoding (MIME charset) used for the body sent in this response.
getCharArray(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Get the value of a field/parameter of type CHAR[]
getChildJobs(XbpJobSelectionOption) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Get the children of the job.
getClient() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Get the client number of the job
getClientNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.AbapVariant
Get client number of the variant
getCloseList() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.action.api.ActionScriptObject
getCloseOnReturn() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnection
Will the connection be physically closed, or returned to the pool?
getCode() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolResponseException
getCodeEx() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.SchedulerEnumeration
Get the code that is used to represent this enumeration in the database.
getCodeEx() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.SchedulerIntegerEnumeration
Get the code that is used to represent this enumeration in the database.
getCodeExCharacter() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.SchedulerEnumeration
Get the code that is used to represent this enumeration in the database.
getCodeExInteger() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.SchedulerIntegerEnumeration
Get the code that is used to represent this enumeration in the database.
getCodeExString() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.SchedulerEnumeration
Get the code that is used to represent this enumeration in the database.
getCodeExValue() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.BaseSchedulerEnumeration
Return the code for the enumeration item as the database type of this enumeration.
getColumnAlias(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.ReportResultSetMetaData
Get the alias for the column, if there is no alias return the full column name
getColumnByIndex(int) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get a column by index (0 based).
getColumnByIndex(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get a column by index (0 based).
getColumnByName(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get a column by name (case-insensitive).
getColumnByName(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get a column by name (case-insensitive).
getColumnClassName(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalResultSetMetaData
getColumnClassName(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.ReportResultSetMetaData
Get the class name for the specified column (1 based).
getColumnClassName(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolResultSetMetaData
Get the class name for the specified column, columns start at 1.
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalResultSetMetaData
getColumnCount() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.ReportResultSetMetaData
Get the number of columns in the result set.
getColumnCount() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolResultSetMetaData
Get the number of columns.
getColumnFormat(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.ReportResultSetMetaData
Return the format type for the column output
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get the index of a column.
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get the index of a column.
getColumnLabel(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalResultSetMetaData
getColumnLabel(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.ReportResultSetMetaData
Get the label for the specified column (1 based).
getColumnLabel(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolResultSetMetaData
Get the label for the specified column, columns start at 1.
getColumnMap() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get a map of columns.
getColumnMap() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get a map of columns.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get the name of a column.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get the name of a column.
getColumns() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get a list of columns.
getColumns() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get a list of columns.
getColumnType(int) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get the type of a column.
getColumnType(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get the type of a column.
getColumnType(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get the type of a column.
getColumnType(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get the type of a column.
getColumnTypeInternal(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalResultSetMetaData
getColumnTypeName(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalResultSetMetaData
getColumnTypeName(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolResultSetMetaData
Get the type for the specified column, columns start at 1.
getCommandName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobExternalCommandStep
Get the name of the external command
getCompletionStrategy() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Get the current completion strategy for this job.
getConstantNames() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Get the names of the constants that are present in this request.
getConstantValue(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Get the value of the constant with the given name.
getConstraintEntity() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
Get a representation of the entity to use for constraint evaluation.
getConstraints() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntity
Gets the constraints from the entity definition.
getConstraintViolations() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
Get a list of constraint violations.
getContentLength() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the length, in bytes, of the request body and made available by the input stream, or -1 if the length is not known.
getContentType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.http.Part
Gets the content type of this part.
getContentType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the MIME type of the body of the request, or null if the type is not known.
getContentType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Returns the content type used for the MIME body sent in this response.
getContext() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResult
Get the context for this result.
getContextDescription(SchedulerSession, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.FileProviderContext
Get a (translated) description for the file relevant for the context;
getContextIsolationGroup() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Get the isolation group of the user executing the action
getContextPath() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the portion of the request URI that indicates the context of the request.
getContextRequestType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
The type of this request.
getContextSource() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
The source of the action.
getContextSubjectFields() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Get the fields that were send over that identify the subject that executed the action.
getContextTimeZone() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntity
Get a time zone in which constraints can be evaluated.
getContextURL() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
URL of the Cronacle system where the action comes from
getContextVariables(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.RuntimeClassComp
this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use RuntimeClass.getContextVariables(String) instead.
getContextVariables(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeClass
For given member return the variables that can be used for the SchedulerEntity this RuntimeClass represents
getCostCenter() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the cost center of the user
getCount() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.GetCountCallBack
GetCountCallBack - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Use for select count(*) from X queries, it stores the result of the count as int, which can be retrieved by calling getCount() after.
GetCountCallBack() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.GetCountCallBack
getCountReportDestination(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.Reporter
Get a report destination that just counts the resulting rows and displays it in a HTML table with a custom CSS prefix, suitable for use with SchedulerSession.executeQuery(String, Object[], APIResultSetCallback).
getCreatedBySubject() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ChangeOwner
getCreationTime() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Creation time and date of the job TBTCO fields: SDLDATE / SDLTIME
getCreatorUser() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Creation user of the job TBTCO field: SDLUNAME
getCSVReportDestination() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.Reporter
Get a report destination that will create CSV tables, suitable for use with SchedulerSession.executeQuery(String, Object[], APIResultSetCallback).
getDatabaseHost() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
getDatabaseName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
getDatabaseSystem() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
getDataContainer() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ImportActionScriptObject
getDataLength() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
The maximum length of the parameter if the type is String.
getDataType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Gets the type of the parameter from the definition.
getDate() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CommonLogLine
getDate(int) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a DateTimeZone.
getDate(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a DateTimeZone.
getDate(RTXColumn) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a DateTimeZone.
getDate(RTXColumn) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a DateTimeZone.
getDate(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a DateTimeZone.
getDate(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Get the value of a field/parameter of type DATE
getDate(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a DateTimeZone.
getDateFormat() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the date format of the user.
getDateFormatCode() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the SAP date format code of the user
getDateHeader(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the value of the specified request header as a long value that represents a Date object.
getDates() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
getDateTimeZoneByXPath(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Use an XPath to get a DateTimeZone from an xsd:date, xsd:time or xsd:dateTime from the response.
getDateTimeZoneByXPath(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Use an XPath to get a DateTimeZone from the response, see SOAPRequest.getStringByXPath(String).
getDateTimeZones() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
getDayInterval() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
Every <getDayInterval> days
getDayOfMonth() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Return the current day of the month, the first day of the month has a value of one.
getDayOfWeek() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
use getTemporalDayOfWeek() to get the day's enum value or get(WeekFields.SUNDAY_START.dayOfWeek()) to get the Calendar day number
getDayOfYear() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Return the current day of the year, the first day of the year has a value of one.
getDaysThisMonth() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Returns the number of days in this month.
getDecimalFormat() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the decimal format.
getDecimalSeparator() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the decimal separator of the user
getDefault() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeMemberTypeString
getDefaultExpression() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Gets the default expression of the parameter.
getDefaultJobFileFormat(SchedulerSession, Job, JobFileType, String, Long) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.FileFormatFinder
Get the fileFormat for this kind of output file.
getDefaultMessageFormat() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomException
getDefaultMessageFormat() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelException
getDefaultMessageFormat() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelRuntimeException
getDefaultMessageFormat() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomRuntimeException
getDefaultMessageFormat() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.BaseSchedulerException
getDefaultMessageFormat() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.ExceptionData
Get the default (US English) message format.
getDefaultMessageFormat() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.SchedulerRuntimeException
getDefaultTimeZone() - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Get the default TimeZone.
getDefaultValueEditable() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Indicates when the parameter from the definition is editable.
getDefinitionName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntity
Gets the name of the entity definition.
getDefinitionName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Gets the name of the entity definition.
getDefinitionParameterByName(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntity
Gets the parameter by name from the entity definition.
getDefinitionParameters() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntity
Gets the parameters from the entity definition.
getDepartment() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the department of the user
getDescription() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXColumn
getDescription() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
getDescription() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Gets the description of the parameter from the definition.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityParameter
Get the description of this parameter.
getDescription() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Variable
getDescription() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXColumn
getDescription() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
getDescription() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeClass
Get the description of the class as it is described in the model.
getDescription(SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResult
Get the (translated) description for this result.
getDescriptionKey() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.BaseSchedulerEnumeration
Get the translation-key for the description that must be used to retrieve the locale-specific description of this enumeration.
getDescriptionTranslationKey() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.ExportRuleSetComponent
Returns a description that is useful for display purposes.
getDestination() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
getDetached() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcStructure
This method returns detached copy of RfcStructure, so the data could be used and accessed out of rfc execution context
getDetached() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcTable
This method returns detached copy of RfcTable, so the data could be used and accessed out of rfc execution context
getDirection() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Variable
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Variable
getDisplayName(SchedulerSession) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.VariableHeader
getDisplayOrder() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Variable
getDisplayType() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Variable
getDisplayValue(ConstraintContext, String, Object) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint.Constraint
Calculate the display value for the given internal value
getDisplayValue(String, Object) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
Calculate the display value for the given internal value.
getDocumentFileName() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
getDocumentFileName() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
getDocumentPairs() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
getDocumentPairs() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
getDocumentSystemURL() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
getDocumentSystemURL() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
getDocumentURL() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
getDocumentURL() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
getDynamicObjects() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppImportContext
List of objects managed by code
getElementName() - Method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
Get the type name as used in the RTX header.
getElementName() - Method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXType
Get the type name as used in the RTX header.
getElementValuesByXPath(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Use an XPath to get a String Array from the response, see SOAPRequest.getStringByXPath(String).
getEmail() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.security.SubjectSearchResult
Get the email address.
getEmailAddresses() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the email addresses of the user
getEmailAlertGateway() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.EmailAlertGatewayPreSendActionScriptObject
getEnd() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
getEndDate() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
getEndMillis() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
getEndpoint() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.os.OSUserSession
Get the endpoint.
getEndTime() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
End time and date of the job TBTCO fields: ENDDATE / ENDTIME
getEndTimeZone() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
getEntity() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.RequiredPermission
getEnv() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcMessage
Get the BDC input activity
getEnvironmentVariable(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.Shell
Get an environment variable from the process on the host that the remote shell was called from.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomException
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelException
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelRuntimeException
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomRuntimeException
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.BaseSchedulerException
getErrorCode() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.ExceptionData
Get the JCS error code of this exception.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.SchedulerRuntimeException
getErrorLogger() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Get a Logger to log error messages to.
getErrorNameEN() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
getErrorNameEN() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.ActionEnableObject
Get the error name of this object in English.
getErrorNameEN() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameter
An identifier that can be used in error messages while processing a FileParameter.
getErrorNameEN() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameterRuntime
Get information to identify this parameter in error messages.
getErrorNameEN() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameter
getErrorNameEN() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameterRuntime
Get information to identify this parameter in error messages.
getErrorWriter() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Get the PrintWriter to write errors to.
getEstimatedRunEnd() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.JobEstimates
Query when the job is estimated to finish.
getEstimatedRunStart() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.JobEstimates
Query when the job is estimated to start running.
getEstimatedRunTime() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.JobEstimates
Query how long the job is estimated to run for once it starts.
getEventId() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Get the batch event id
getEventParameter() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Get the batch event parameter
getExceptionData() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomException
getExceptionData() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelException
getExceptionData() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelRuntimeException
getExceptionData() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomRuntimeException
getExceptionData() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.BaseSchedulerException
getExceptionData() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.ExceptionData
Get the data from the exception for formatting.
getExceptionData() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.SchedulerRuntimeException
getExceptions() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobForecastContext
Get the exceptions that occurred during forecasting.
getExceptions() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobForecaster
getExistingObjects() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppPreImportContext
Existing objects retrieved by using the SYSTEM_APP object tag
getExportRuleSet() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.ExportRuleSetComponent
Returns the corresponding ExportRuleSet
getExtension(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.FileFormatFinder
getExtensionName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
The name of the extension that got executed
getExtensionObjectType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
What was the objecttype of the page where the user executed the Extension.
getExtensionPoint() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Get the extension point that defined this action.
getExtensionPointUniqueId() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Get the extension point Unique Id that defined this action.
getExtensionType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
What was the type of the extension the user executes.
getFailJobOnError() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.action.api.ActionScriptObject
getFailJobOnError() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.RestartableScriptObject
Get the current value of the fail job on error flag.
getFault() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPFaultException
Get the Fault part of the SOAP Fault.
getFaultCode() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPFaultException
Get the FaultCode part of the SOAP Fault.
getFetchSize() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVContext
getField() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
getField() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn.Message
getField(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Get the value of a field/parameter of any type
getField(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SapObject
Get the value of a field of the SAP object.
getFieldName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcMessage
Get the BDC field name
getFileName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.http.Part
Get the filename for this part if it is set
getFinalStatus() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PostRunningActionScriptObject
Get the final status of the job.
getFinalStep() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgrader
If implemented, this will run after the path is executed Version can be anything and next step will be ignored
getFirstEventHeader(JobDefinitionWaitEvent) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.VariableHeader
getFirstJobId() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.os.OSUserSession
Get the jobId that started the session.
getFirstMessage() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn
getFirstName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the first name of the user
getForcedProcessServer() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntity
Get the process server
getForceRestart() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.action.api.ActionScriptObject
getForceRestart() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.RestartableScriptObject
Get the value of the Force restart flag for this trigger/action.
getFormat() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXDocumentKey
getFormat() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Gets the format of the parameter.
getFormat() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXDocumentKey
getFormat(SchedulerSession, String, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.FileFormatFinder
getFormatParameters() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.ReportResultSet
Get the parameters used for formatting.
getFormattedString(int) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
getFormattedString(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
getFullDisplayType() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Variable
getFunctionModuleName() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.AbapException
Get the function module name
getFunctionModuleName() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
Get the function module name
getGridTitles(SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVCollection
Get the grid titles for displaying the list of values.
getGroupingSeparator() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the grouping separator of the user
getGroupName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Gets the group name of the parameter from the definition.
getGroupType() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Variable
getHasSubDirectory() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResult
Does the path have sub-directories?
getHeader() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Variable
getHeader(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.http.Part
Get the header for the given name.
getHeader(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the value of the specified request header as a String.
getHeaderNames() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.http.Part
Get all header names of this Part
getHeaderNames() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns an iterator of all the header names this request contains.
getHeaders(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.http.Part
get all headers for the given name.
getHeaders(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns all the values of the specified request header as an Enumeration of String objects.
getHighDate() - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Returns the highest date we operate with
getHighValue() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SelectOptionValue
Get the high value of the select option
getHost() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
getHour() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Return the current hour of the day, this has a range of 0-23.
getHTMLReportDestination() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.Reporter
Get a report destination that will create HTML tables, suitable for use with SchedulerSession.executeQuery(String, Object[], APIResultSetCallback).
getHTMLReportDestination(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.Reporter
Get a report destination that will create HTML tables with a custom CSS prefix, suitable for use with SchedulerSession.executeQuery(String, Object[], APIResultSetCallback).
getHTTPResponseCode() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Get the HTTP response code.
getHTTPResponseHeaders() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Get the HTTP response headers as a Map, keys are Strings in lowercase, values are List objects of String.
getHTTPResponseLine() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Get the first HTTP response line.
getId() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
getId() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
getId() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn.Message
getId() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
getIdentifier() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Variable
getIdentity() - Static method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.collections.Mapping
Map from the object to itself.
getImportAction() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ImportActionScriptObject
getImportedObjects() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppPostImportContext
Objects imported from car file
getImportRuleSet() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ImportActionScriptObject
getIndex() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXColumn
getIndex() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXColumn
getInitialStep() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgrader
If implemented, this will run before the path is executed Version can be anything and next step will be ignored
getInputStream() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting.NativeJavaResourceIn
Returns an input stream to this resource, the caller is responsible for closing this when done.
getInputStream() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.http.Part
Gets the content of this part as an InputStream
getInputStream() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameterRuntime
Get an InputStream to read the In content of an In or InOut parameter.
getInputStream() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Retrieves the body of the request as binary data using a InputStream.
getInputStream(SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResult
Get an input stream to the file contents.
getInputStream(SchedulerSession, int, int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResult
Get an input stream to the file contents.
getInputStream(SchedulerSession, Logger, RWIterable<ListDirectoryResult>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResult
Get an input stream to the file contents.
getInputStream(SchedulerSession, Logger, RWIterable<ListDirectoryResult>, int, int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResult
Get an input stream to the file contents.
getInputStream(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.Shell
Get an input stream of any file that the remote shell process can read.
getInt(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.ReportResultSet
Get the value of the specified numeric column.
getInteger(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Get the value of an export/import field/parameter of type integer
getInterceptedJobs(XbpJobSelectionOption) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Get intercepted jobs.
getInternalValue(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
Find the internal value for the given search string for a display value.
getIntHeader(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the value of the specified request header as an int.
getInValue() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityParameter
Get the input value of this parameter.
getInValue(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting.NativeJavaJobParameterContext
Retrieve value for given name.
getInValueDate() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityParameter
Get the input value of this parameter if it is of type Date.
getInValueFileParameterType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameterRuntime
Get the type part of the In reference of an In or InOut parameter.
getInValueNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityParameter
Get the input value of this parameter if it is of type Number.
getInValueSource() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameterRuntime
Get the source part of the In reference of an In or InOut parameter.
getInValueSource() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameterRuntime
Get the source part of the In reference of an In or InOut parameter.
getInValueString() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityParameter
Get the input value of this parameter if it is of type String.
getInValueString() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameterRuntime
Get the In reference for an In or InOut parameter.
getInValueString() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameterRuntime
Get the In reference for an In or InOut parameter.
getInValueTableParameterType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameterRuntime
Get the type part of the In reference of an In or InOut parameter.
getInvocationFieldName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Since each invocation of the Extension Point stores its data separately from other invocations, this id must be added to the request made from the client back to the server to guarantee retrieving the same data.
getInvocationID() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Since each invocation of the Extension Point stores its data separately from other invocations, this id must be added to the request made from the client back to the server to guarantee retrieving the same data.
getIp() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
getIpv6() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
getIsDirectory() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResult
Is the path a directory?
getISOLanguage() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Get ISO language of the SAP system
getIsolationGroup() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
Get the isolation group for this constraint context.
getIsolationGroup() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.Shell
Get the name of the isolation group that this shell is in.
getItemsToExport() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.ExportRuleSetComponent
Returns an Iterator over all the items that should be exported with this ExportRuleSetComponent.
getJob(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Get a specific job
getJobChainCalls() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Return a list of JobChainCalls that make up the path from the last call that points to the JobDefinition of which the JobDefinitionParameter is being edited to the call of the root chain.
getJobclass() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Get the class (A, B, C) of the job
getJobContext() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ImportActionScriptObject
getJobcount() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Get the id of the job aka jobcount
getJobDatumDateByName(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPQueryJobResult
getJobDatumNumberByName(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPQueryJobResult
getJobDatumStringByName(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPQueryJobResult
getJobDefinition() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityJob
getJobDefinition() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.OnBeforeObjectDefinitionChangeTypeActionScriptObject
Return the JobDefinition that is changed
getJobDefinitionBootStrapURL() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Retrieve the URL to the javascript that will contain the javascript api object jceJobDefinition extension to be used in javascript.
getJobDefinitionParameter() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Get the JobDefinitionParameter that this Extension Point was invoked from.
getJobEnvironmentHeader() - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.VariableHeader
getJobFile() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameter
A JobFile that can be used to process the output file of a Job.
getJobFile() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.usermessage.UserMessageAttachmentUpload
Get the job file associated with this upload.
getJobFile(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
REST HTTP GET JOBFILE Get the jobfile identified by the given uniqueId, and store it in the given directory
getJobFile(String, String, String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
getJobFileContentsByName(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPQueryJobResult
getJobFileURLByName(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPQueryJobResult
getJobgroup() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Get the group of the job
getJobId() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Get the Job Id of the Job.
getJobId() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.os.OSUserSession
Get the jobId that was running in the session at the time of creating the result set.
getJobId() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WMetaData
Get the JobId
getJoblog() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Get joblog of the job
getJobname() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Get the name of the job
getJobParameterName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintViolation
Get the job parameter name.
getJobsForProcessServers(SchedulerSession, List<Long>, DateTimeZone, DateTimeZone, boolean) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobForecaster
A helper function for a request to forecast the jobs in a set of process servers where the scheduled start time of the jobs are in a certain time range.
getJobsForQueues(SchedulerSession, List<Long>, DateTimeZone, DateTimeZone, boolean) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobForecaster
A helper function for a request to forecast the jobs in a set of queues where the scheduled start time of the jobs are in a certain time range.
getJobsForRelatedEntity(SchedulerSession, String, List<Long>, DateTimeZone, DateTimeZone, boolean) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobForecaster
A helper function for a request to forecast the jobs in a set of entities (queues, process servers) where the scheduled start time of the jobs are in a certain time range.
getJobUniqueId() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Get the Unique Id of the Job, this is not the same as the JobId.
getJsonReportDestination() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.Reporter
Get a report destination that will create JSON tables, suitable for use with SchedulerSession.executeQuery(String, Object[], APIResultSetCallback).
getKernelRelease() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
getKey() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXDocumentPair
getKey() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the key.
getKey() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
getKey() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.AbapException
Get the key of the ABAP exception
getKey() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
getKey() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn.Message
getKey() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXDocumentPair
getKey() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the key.
getKey() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
getLanguage() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcMessage
Get the language of the message
getLanguage() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the default language of the user
getLanguageRaw() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the default language of the user
getLastName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the last name of the user
getLength() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapFieldMetadata
This method returns length (in bytes) of the corresponding SAP-field this information is accurate only for attached instances for detached instances it returns length - parameter from Annotation in Rfc-interface
getLength() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeMemberTypeString
getLevel() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CommonLogLine
getLibraries(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
REST HTTP GET API Libraries for local builds
getLibraries(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
getLicenseKeysByContractName(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.SchedulerSessionComp
This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, SchedulerSession.getLicenseKeysByContractName(String) should always be used instead.
getLineBase64() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.search.SearchResult
Get the complete text of the line containing the result, as it occurred (the original bit representation), encoded as Base64.
getLineNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.search.SearchResult
Get the line number at which the result occurred.
getLineText() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.search.SearchResult
Get the complete text of the line containing the result, as a string.
getListDirectoryResults() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResultSet
Get an RWIterable over a collection of ListDirectoryResult items, the collection will be ordered by Name.
getListDirectoryResults() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.ListDirectoryResultSetComp
this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use ListDirectoryResultSet.getListDirectoryResults() instead.
getLocale() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the preferred Locale that the client will accept content in, based on the Accept-Language header.
getLocale() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Returns the locale specified for this response using the ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse.setLocale(java.util.Locale) method.
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.BaseSchedulerException
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.SchedulerRuntimeException
getLocalizedMessage(Locale) - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.BaseSchedulerException
getLocalizedMessage(Locale) - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.SchedulerRuntimeException
getLocalServerURL(SchedulerSession, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Get the URL of the local server
getLocationsUsed() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ImportActionUnresolvedObject
getLogger(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.LibraryLoggerFactory
Get a logger for a class.
getLogger(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.LibraryLoggerFactory
Get a logger by name.
getLogoffTime() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.os.OSUserSession
Get the time when the session will be automatically logged off.
getLogonTime() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.os.OSUserSession
Get the logon time when the session was created.
getLogVersion() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
getLong(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalToolResultSet
getLong(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.ReportResultSet
Get the value of the specified Long column.
getLong(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolResultSet
Get the value of the specified column as a Long, columns start at 1.
getLong(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Get the value of a field/parameter as Long
getLong(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.ReportResultSet
Get the value of the specified Long column.
getLong(TemporalField) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
getLookAheadUntil(long) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
getLookAheadUntil(DateTimeZone) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Returns the 2-years interval within which we compute the time windows.
getLOV(ConstraintContext, String, String, int, int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint.Constraint
Get an LOV for the specified parameter.
getLOV(Locale, String, String, int, int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
Get an LOV for the specified parameter.
GetLOV - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVSupport
GetLOVAllowNew - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVSupport
getLOVCollection() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVContext
GetLOVQuery - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVSupport
GetLOVQueryAllowNew - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVSupport
GetLOVQueryPrefix - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVSupport
GetLOVQueryPrefixAllowNew - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVSupport
getLOVSupport(ConstraintContext, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint.Constraint
Does this constraint provide LOV support for the specified parameter?
getLOVSupport(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
Does this constraint provide LOV support for the specified parameter?
getLowDate() - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Returns the lowest date we operate with
getLowValue() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SelectOptionValue
Get the low value of the select option
getMarkedObjects() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.ExporterComp
this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use Exporter.getMarkedObjects() instead.
getMarkedObjects() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Exporter
Query the list of objects that are marked for export.
getMaximumRestarts() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.action.api.ActionScriptObject
getMaximumRestarts() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.RestartableScriptObject
Get the maximum number of restarts allowed for this trigger/action.
getMaxRetries() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Get maximum retries.
getMaxRetries() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow.ConfigurableSchedulerSessionSource
Will be removed in the future as this feature to set this value is obsolete
getMaxSpins() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Get maximum spins.
getMaxSpins() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow.ConfigurableSchedulerSessionSource
Will be removed in the future as this feature to set this value is obsolete
getMembers() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.RuntimeClassComp
this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use RuntimeClass.getMembers() instead.
getMembers() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeClass
Obtain all available members for the object-type
getMemberType(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeClass
Obtain the type information for the given member.
getMemberTypeString(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeClass
Obtain the String-specific type information for the given member of type String.
getMemberValue(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeObject
Get the member value
getMemberValues(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeObject
Get the member collection value.
getMessage() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXProblem
getMessage() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn.Message
getMessage() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintViolation
Get the message.
getMessage() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CommonLogLine
getMessage() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXProblem
getMessage() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.EmailAlertGatewayPreSendActionScriptObject
getMessage() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.BaseSchedulerException
getMessage() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.SchedulerRuntimeException
getMessageId() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcMessage
Get the message id
getMessageNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcMessage
Get the message number
getMessages() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn
getMessages() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcReturn
Messages returned by the transaction
getMessageText(BdcMessage) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Retrieve the message text based BdcMessage reply from a transaction call
getMessageText(BdcMessage) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Retrieve the message text based BdcMessage reply from a transaction call
getMessageText(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Retrieve the message text based on it's id and number similar to the ABAP keyword MESSAGE.
getMessageText(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Retrieve the message text based on it's id and number similar to the ABAP keyword MESSAGE.
getMessageTrace(Throwable) - Static method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomException
getMessageType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcMessage
Get the message type
getMessageV1() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcMessage
Get the first parameter of the message
getMessageV2() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcMessage
Get the second parameter of the message
getMessageV3() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcMessage
Get the third parameter of the message
getMessageV4() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcMessage
Get the fourth parameter of the message
getMetadata() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXColumn
getMetadata() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
getMetadata() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXProducer
getMetadata() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader
getMetadata() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the metadata.
getMetadata() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
getMetadata() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
This method returns Meta data of the interface
getMetadata() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXColumn
getMetadata() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
getMetadata() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXProducer
getMetadata() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader
getMetadata() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the metadata.
getMetadata() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
getMetaData() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalToolResultSet
getMetaData() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.ReportResultSet
Get the meta data for this result set.
getMetaData() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolResultSet
Get the metadata for the query.
getMethod() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the name of the HTTP method with which this request was made, for example, GET, POST, or PUT.
getMiddleName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the middle name of the user
getMillisecond() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Return the current millisecond of the second, this has a range of 0-999.
getMinute() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Return the current minute of the hour, this has a range of 0-59
getModificationTime() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Last modification time and date of the job TBTCO fields: LASTCHDATE / LASTCHTIME
getModificationTime() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResult
Modification time of the item.
getModifierUser() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
User who has modified the job TBTCO field: LASTCHNAME
getModuleName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcMessage
Get the module name
getMonitorAlertSourcesByLinkableMonitor(LinkableMonitor) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.SchedulerSessionComp
This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, SchedulerSession.getMonitorAlertSourcesByLinkableMonitor(LinkableMonitor) should always be used instead.
getMonth() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Return the current month of the year, January has a value of zero.
getMonthDayOrWeekNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
getMonthDayType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
getMonthInterval() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
Every <getMonthInterval> months
getMultiplicity() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeMemberType
Get the member's multiplicity: one, zeroOrOne, oneOrMore, zeroOrMore
getName() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXColumn
getName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Get the name of the rfc-object structure/function module
getName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcTable
Get the name of the table
getName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.AbapVariantValue
Get the name of this variant value
getName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the name of the user
getName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Gets the name of the parameter from the definition.
getName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityParameter
Get the name of this parameter.
getName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResult
Get the base name of the file or directory that was found.
getName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.http.Part
Gets the name of this part
getName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SecurityPrivilege
Get the name of this privilege.
getName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SecurityRank
Get the name of this rank.
getName() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXColumn
getName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeMemberType
Get the member name
getName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.security.SubjectSearchResult
Get the name.
getNamespaces() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Get a read only copy of the namespace mapping.
getNewSession() - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.SessionBridge
getNewStatus() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.OnBeforeUserJobChangeActionScriptObject
Get the new status of the job, the status that this job will go into once this action completes (assuming that this or other actions do not change the job).
getNewStatus() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PostRunningActionScriptObject
Get the original final status of the job.
getNewStatus() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PreExecutingActionScriptObject
Get the new status of the job, the status that this job will go into once this action completes (assuming that the action doesn't change the job).
getNextByteOffset() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.search.SearchResult
Get the byte offset for a next search for continuing immediately after the returned data from this result.
getNextOpenComparator() - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Periods
getNextUpgradeStep() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgrader.UpgradeStep
Return next step to execute
getNSPrefixForURIWithColon(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Get a namespace prefix for given namespace URI (if there are multiple mappings to the same URI there is no guarantee which is returned).
getNumber() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
getNumber() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn.Message
getNumberOfSteps() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Get the number of steps of this job
getObject(int) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as an appropriate object.
getObject(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as an appropriate object.
getObject(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Get a map of key value pairs for the object at index.
getObject(RTXColumn) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as an appropriate object.
getObject(RTXColumn) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as an appropriate object.
getObject(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as an appropriate object.
getObject(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as an appropriate object.
getObjectCount() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
return the number of objects that are present in the parameters
getObjectFieldName(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
The keys returned by getObject() contain extra information.
getObjectFieldType(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
The keys returned by getObject() contain extra information.
getObjectFieldValue(int, char, String, SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Return the value of a given field by name and type.
getObjects() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ImportActionScriptObject
getObjectType() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BusinessKey
The type of concrete object that this business-key refers to.
getObjectType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.QueryObjectType
Return the name of the table that will be converted to the object.
getObjectType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeClass
Returns the object type of this RuntimeClass (name of ObjectDefinition), e.g.
getObjectType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ImportActionUnresolvedObject
getObjectType(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Return the object type of the object at position index
getObjectXML(Readable) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Exporter
Get the XML for an object.
getOldStatus() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.OnBeforeUserJobChangeActionScriptObject
Get the old status of the job, the status that this job was in before persist started.
getOldStatus() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PostRunningActionScriptObject
Get the old status of the job, the status that this job was in before the action started.
getOldStatus() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PreExecutingActionScriptObject
Get the old status of the job, the status that this job was in before the action started.
getOperatingSystem() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
getOperatingSystemName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobExternalCommandStep
Get the operating system of the external command
getOperation() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.OnUserMessageOperationActionScriptObject
Get the operation being performed on the User Message
getOption() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SelectOptionValue
Get the option (EQ/BT/CP/...)
getOrigin() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorContext
Get the origin of the execution.
getOriginalValue() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Return the original value of the field that initiated this ExtensionPoint
getOriginEntity(SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorContext
For origins that are based on a SchdulerEntity (Extension Point, Job etc.) this method will return the Object that is associated with that execution.
getOriginEntityKey() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorContext
Returns the error name key of the entity that would be returned by getOriginEntity.
getOutParameterDate(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPQueryJobResult
getOutParameterNumber(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPQueryJobResult
getOutParameterString(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPQueryJobResult
getOutput() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Where is the output going to be rendered to.
getOutputDevice() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the default output device of the user
getOutputLogger() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Get a Logger to log output messages to.
getOutputStream() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting.NativeJavaResourceOut
Opens a stream to write data to.
getOutputStream() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameterRuntime
Get an OutputStream to write the Out content of an Out or InOut parameter.
getOutputStream() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Returns a OutputStream suitable for writing binary data in the response.
getOutputStream() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.usermessage.WritableJobFile
Get the output stream to write to the JobFile.
getOutputStream(WriteMode) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting.NativeJavaResourceOut
Similar to NativeJavaResourceOut.getOutputStream() except that it allows you to specify the WriteMode.
getOutputStream(WriteMode, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting.NativeJavaResourceOut
Similar to NativeJavaResourceOut.getOutputStream(String) except that it allows you to specify the WriteMode.
getOutputStream(JobFile) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameterRuntime
Get an OutputStream to write the Out content of an Out or InOut parameter to the specified (potentially partially populated, but not necessarily persisted) JobFile, and set the reference to it.
getOutputStream(JobFile, Format) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameterRuntime
Get an OutputStream to write the Out content of an Out or InOut parameter to the specified (potentially partially populated, but not necessarily persisted) JobFile, and set the reference to it.
getOutputStream(JobFile, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameterRuntime
Get an OutputStream to write the Out content of an Out or InOut parameter to the specified (potentially partially populated, but not necessarily persisted) JobFile, and set the reference to it.
getOutputStream(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting.NativeJavaResourceOut
Opens a stream to write data to.
getOutputStreamToStandardOutput() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameterRuntime
Get an OutputStream to write the Out content of an Out or InOut parameter to stdout.<ext>, and set the reference to it.
getOutputWriter() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Get the PrintWriter to write output to.
getOutValueFileParameterType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameterRuntime
Get the type part of the Out reference of an Out or InOut parameter.
getOutValueSource() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameterRuntime
Get the source part of the Out reference of an Out or InOut parameter.
getOutValueSource() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameterRuntime
Get the source part of the Out reference of an Out or InOut parameter.
getOutValueString() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameterRuntime
Get the Out reference for an Out or InOut parameter.
getOutValueString() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameterRuntime
Get the Out reference for an Out or InOut parameter.
getOutValueTableParameterType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameterRuntime
Get the type part of the Out reference of an Out or InOut parameter.
getOverrideName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameter
The override name for this file in case one is set.
getOwner() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResult
String describing the item owner.
getOwnerSubject() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.HasOwner
getParameter(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Returns the value of a request parameter as a String, or null if the parameter does not exist.
getParameterByName(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntity
Gets the parameter by name from the entity itself.
getParameterExpandableVersionOfDisplayName(String, String, JobDefinition) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Variable
getParameterHeader(JobDefinitionParameter) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.VariableHeader
getParameterMap() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Returns a java.util.Map of the parameters of this request.
getParameterName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVContext
getParameterNames() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.ExtensionParametersComp
This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, ExtensionParameters.getParameterNames() should always be used instead.
getParameterNames() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Returns an Enumeration of String objects containing the names of the parameters contained in this request.
getParameters() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.AbapException
Get import parameters of the function module
getParameters() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
Get import parameters of the function module
getParameters() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobExternalStep
Get the parameters of the external command / program
getParameters() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Get the parameters for this request.
getParameterType() - Method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
getParameterType() - Method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXType
getParameterValue() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVContext
getParameterValues(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Returns an array of String objects containing all of the values the given request parameter has, or null if the parameter does not exist.
getParentExecutorContext() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorContext
Some executions are triggered by another execution (like a trigger) and this method provides the ExecutorContext of that execution.
getParentJob() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Get the parent of the job.
getPart(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Get the part for the given parameter name.
getPart(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Gets the Part with the given name.
getPartitionName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntity
Gets the name of the partition of the entity definition.
getPartitionName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Gets the name of the partition of the entity definition.
getPartitionSearchPath() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.SchedulerSessionComp
This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, SchedulerSession.getPartitionSearchPath() should always be used instead.
getParts() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Return all Parts in this request.
getParts() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Gets all the Part components of this request, provided that it is of type multipart/form-data.
getPath() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResult
Get the path of the file or directory that was found.
getPath() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BusinessKey
The path to this object, represented as a single sequence of characters.
getPath() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ImportActionUnresolvedObject
getPathElementsAsList() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BusinessKey
The path to this object.
getPathInfo() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
String getPathInfo() Returns any extra path information associated with the URL the client sent when it made this request.
getPatternType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
getPeriod(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Periods
Typesafe accessor to the element at aIndex.
getPeriodFor(DateTimeZone) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Periods
Find the index for the period that contains date.
getPersistentMap() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.action.api.ActionScriptObject
getPersistentMap() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.RestartableScriptObject
Get the persistent map.
getPersistentObject(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ObjectGetter
Get the nth persistent object.
getPostImportContext() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgrader
getPreImportContext() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgrader
getPrivilege() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.RequiredPermission
getPrivilegeType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SecurityPrivilege
Get the type of privilege that this is.
getProcessMonitorItemDefinition() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ProcessMonitorUpdaterBase
getProgram() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcDynpro
Get the ABAP program of this BDC dynpro call The ABAP program is set when a instance of this class is created by BdcDynproFactory
getProgramName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobExternalProgramStep
Get the name of the external program
getProtection() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResult
String describing the item protection.
getProtocol() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the name and version of the protocol the request uses in the form protocol/majorVersion.minorVersion, for example, HTTP/1.1.
getQueryString() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the query string that is contained in the request URL after the path.
getQueue() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntity
Get the queue that is set for the entity.
getRawByteArray(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Get the value of a field/parameter of type RAW It assumes that the value is returned by SAP as a hex string
getReader() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Retrieves the body of the request as character data using a BufferedReader.
getReceiverSubject() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.OnUserMessageOperationActionScriptObject
Get the intended recipient for the User Message action This can be null for UserMessageFlowAction.Completed, UserMessageFlowAction.Created
getRecipientAddress() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
getRecipientLogicalAddress() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
getRecipientLogicalPort() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
getRecipientPartnerFunction() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
getRecipientPartnerNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
getRecipientPartnerType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
getRecipientPort() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
getReferringKeys() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ImportActionUnresolvedObject
getRegisteredLogger(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.LoggerFactory
getRelatedField() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintViolatedException
getRelatedField() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ExceptionRelatesToAPIObject
If the cause of the exception is caused by a specific field then it returns the name of the field
getRelatedField() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ExportException
getRelatedObjectType() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintViolatedException
getRelatedObjectType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ExceptionRelatesToAPIObject
What is the object type of the object that caused the exception
getRelatedObjectType() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ExportException
getRelatedUid() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintViolatedException
getRelatedUid() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ExceptionRelatesToAPIObject
What is the UniqueId of the object that caused the exception
getRelatedUid() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ExportException
getReleaseTime() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Release time and date of the job TBTCO fields: RELDATE / RELTIME
getReleaseUser() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Release user of the job TBTCO field: RELUNAME
getRELEntryPoints() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.SchedulerSessionComp
This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, SchedulerSession.getRELEntryPoints() should always be used instead.
getRELEntryPoints(SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.RuntimeClassComp
this method should never be used directly, and is only provided to ensure binary compatibility with previous releases of the software, use RuntimeClass.getRELEntryPoints(SchedulerSession) instead.
getRELEntryPoints(SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeClass
Return all entry points the current session has access to
getRemoteAddr() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client or last proxy that sent the request.
getRemoteHost() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the fully qualified name of the client or the last proxy that sent the request.
getRemoteUser() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the login of the user making this request, if the user has been authenticated, or null if the user has not been authenticated.
getRequestURI() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the part of this request's URL from the protocol name up to the query string in the first line of the HTTP request.
getRequestURL() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Reconstructs the URL the client used to make the request.
getRequiredOccurrencesCount() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
getResponseBody() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequest
Get the response content.
getResponseCode() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequest
Get the HTTP response code.
getResponseCode() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.HTTPException
Get the HTTP response code, or -1 if the code could not be parsed.
getResponseHeader(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequest
Get the value of a response header.
getResponseHeaders() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequest
Get all the response headers, as a Map<String, List<String>> where keys are header names and the lists are values.
getResponseLine() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.HTTPException
Get the HTTP response line, or the first line of the response if it could not be parsed.
getResponseMessage() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolResponseException
getResponsePhrase() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequest
Get the HTTP response phrase (as defined in RFC 2616 Sec 6.1.1.
getResponseVersion() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequest
Get the HTTP response version.
getResponseXML() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Get the response XML as a string.
getRestartCount() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.action.api.ActionScriptObject
getRestartCount() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.RestartableScriptObject
Get the number of restarts for this trigger/action.
getRestartReason() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.action.api.ActionScriptObject
getRestartReason() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.RestartableScriptObject
Get the restart reason for this trigger/action.
getRestCapabilitiesXML() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
Retrieve the WADL file for the REST servlet.
getRestCapabilitiesXML() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
getResult() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.LongCallBack
getResult() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.LongListCallback
getResult() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.StringCallback
Return the result read from the query.
getResults() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.os.OSUserSessions
Get an Iterator over a collection of OSUserSession items.
getRetainedActionSubjectSchedulerSession() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Get (or create if one does not exist yet) a SchedulerSession that will be available in consequent requests for this user for the same ExtensionPoint execution.
getRetainedUserSchedulerSession() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Get (or create if one does not exist yet) a SchedulerSession that will be available in consequent requests for this user for the same ExtensionPoint execution.
getReturnCode() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcReturn
Get the return code of the transaction call
getRootApplication(SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgradeInfo
getRootApplicationName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgradeInfo
getRootSegment() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
getRow() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
getRow() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn.Message
getRow(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcTable
Get row of the table
getRow(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVCollection
Get the values for the nth row.
getRowNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
getRowNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXProducer
getRowNumber() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader
getRowNumber() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
getRowNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.TableRow
Get the number of the row
getRowNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
getRowNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXProducer
getRowNumber() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader
getRowNumber() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
getRows() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.ReportDestination
Get the number rows in the report result set.
getRTXReader() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameter
An RTXReader that can be used to read data.
getRTXReader() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameterRuntime
Get an RTXReader to read the In content of an In or InOut parameter.
getRTXReportDestination() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.Reporter
Get a report destination that will create RTX tables, suitable for use with SchedulerSession.executeQuery(String, Object[], APIResultSetCallback).
getRTXWriter() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameterRuntime
Get an RTXWriter to write the Out content of an Out or InOut parameter.
getRTXWriter(JobFile) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameterRuntime
Get an RTXWriter to write the Out content of an Out or InOut parameter to the specified (potentially partially populated, but not necessarily persisted) JobFile, and set the reference to it.
getRTXWriterInline() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameterRuntime
Get an RTXWriter to write the Out content of an Out or InOut parameter, using the Inline type, setting the reference implicitly when the writer is closed.
getRTXWriterToStandardOutput() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameterRuntime
Get an RTXWriter to write the Out content of an Out or InOut parameter to stdout.rtx, and set the reference to it.
getRuntimeClass() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeClass
Return the actual SchedulerEntity class for this RuntimeClass.
getSapBusinessKey() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Get business key of the SAP system
getSapBusinessKey() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Get business key of the SAP system
getSapCharacterSet() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
getSapClient() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Get default client of the SAP system
getSapClient() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Get default client of the SAP system
getSAPLanguage() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Get SAP language of the SAP system
getSapName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapFieldMetadata
This method returns the name of the corresponding sap-field or the name defined as sapName in Rfc-interface
getSapSystem() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Get SAP system Instance
getSapSystem() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Get SAP system Instance
getSapSystem(SchedulerSession, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Fetches the SAPSystem with the given businessKey.
getSapSystemPartition() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Get Partition of the SAP system
getSapSystemPartition() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Get Partition of the SAP system
getSapUser() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Get SAP user
getSapUser() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Get SAP user
getScheduledStartTime() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Scheduled start time and date of the job TBTCO fields: SDLSTRTDT / SDLSTRTTM
getSchedulerEntitiesByObjectTypeUniqueIdIterator(String, Collection<T>, Mapping<T, Long>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14.SchedulerSessionComp
This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, SchedulerSession.getSchedulerEntitiesByObjectTypeUniqueIdIterator(String, Collection, Mapping) should always be used instead.
getSchedulerEntity() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.TriggerScriptObject
Returns the related SchedulerEntity that this trigger is operating on.
getSchedulerSession() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
Get a scheduler session.
getScheme() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the name of the scheme used to make this request, for example, http, https, or ftp.
getScreenNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcDynpro
Get the screen number of this BDC dynpro call The screen number is set when a instance of this class is created by BdcDynproFactory
getScreenNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcMessage
Get the screen number
getScripts(Set<String>, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
getScripts(Set<String>, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
getSearchResult() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.search.SearchResultSet
Get the search result.
getSecond() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Return the current second of the minute, this has a range of 0-60 to accommodate for leap seconds.
getSecurityPrivileges() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SecurityRank
Get the privileges that this rank represents.
getSend() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.EmailAlertGatewayPreSendActionScriptObject
getSenderAddress() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
getSenderLogicalAddress() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
getSenderLogicalPort() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
getSenderPartnerFunction() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
getSenderPartnerNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
getSenderPartnerType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
getSenderPort() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
getServerName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the host name of the server to which the request was sent.
getServerPort() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the port number to which the request was sent.
getServletName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorContext
If ExecutorOrigin is ExecutorOrigin.SERVLET this method return the name of the servlet that the request came in on.
getServletPath() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns the part of this request's URL that calls the servlet.
getSession() - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ScriptSessionFactory
getSession(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ScriptSessionFactory
getSessionAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Since there is no access to the HttpSession, an alternative method is provided to store HttpSession Attributes.
getSessionAttributeNames() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Since there is no access to the HttpSession, an alternative method is provided to store HttpSession Attributes.
getSessionId() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.os.OSUserSession
Get the Session ID.
getSharedSchedulerSession() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Return a SchedulerSession that is being used on an edit page, and contains the objects being edited.
getShort(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Get the value of a field/parameter as Short
getSid() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
getSimpleConstraintData() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Gets the simple constraint data of the parameter from the definition.
getSimpleConstraintMessage() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Get the message of the simple constraint.
getSimpleConstraintSort() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Gets the sorting of the simple constraint.
getSimpleConstraintType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Gets the type of simple constraint.
getSize() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVCollection
Get the number of elements in the collection.
getSize() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResult
Size of the file or directory, in bytes.
getSize() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.http.Part
Returns the size of this file.
getSource() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.DurationEstimate
Query the source of this estimate.
getSources() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get a map of all sources.
getSources() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Get a map of all sources.
getSpool() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SpoolList
Get the spool entries
getSpoolId() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SpoolList
Get the id of the spool list
getSpoolLists() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobStep
Get the spool lists of the step
getSpoolSize() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SpoolList
Get the size (in bytes) of the spool list
getSQLExceptionInfo(Throwable) - Static method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomException
getStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomException
getStartAt() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVContext
getStartDateAndTime() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
getStartTime() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Start time and date of the job TBTCO fields: STRTDATE / STRTTIME
getStartTime() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorContext
Get the time in millis when this executor context was started
getStartupFailureCause() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerStatus
getStartupProgress() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerStatus
getState() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPQueryJobResult
getStatus() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Get the status of the job
getStatus() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerStatus
getStatus() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPQueryJobResult
getStdOutLog() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppImportContext
Job std output log
getStep(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Get the specified step of the job.
getStepLanguage() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobAbapStep
Get the language of the step
getStepNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SpoolList
Get the step number this the spool list belongs to
getStepNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobStep
Get the number of the step
getSteps() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Get the steps of the job
getStepUser() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobStep
Get the SAP user name of the step
getStrictMode() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXProducer
getStrictMode() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader
getStrictMode() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXProducer
getStrictMode() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader
getString(int) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a String.
getString(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalToolResultSet
getString(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.ReportResultSet
Get the value of the specified String column.
getString(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a String.
getString(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolResultSet
Get the value of the specified column as a String, columns start at 1.
getString(RTXColumn) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a String.
getString(RTXColumn) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a String.
getString(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a String.
getString(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Get the value of an export/import field/parameter of type string
getString(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Get the value of the specified column as a String.
getStringBuilder() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.StringBuilderOutputHandler
getStringByXPath(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Use an XPath to get a String from the response.
getStructure(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Get an import/export structure Calling this method BEFORE executing the function module is required for getting and/or setting structure values
getSubject() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.OnUserMessageOperationActionScriptObject
Get the subject performing the operation
getSubstitute(HTTPRequestSubstitutionLocation) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequestSubstitutions
getSystem() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
getSystem() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn.Message
getSystemId() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Get the current system id.
getSystemInfo() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Get the details of the SAP system as returned by the function module RFC_SYSTEM_INFO
getSystemInfo() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Get the details of the SAP system as returned by the function module RFC_SYSTEM_INFO
getTable(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Get an import/export table Calling this method BEFORE executing the function module is required for getting and/or setting table values
getTargetHost() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobExternalProgramStep
Get the name of the target host that runs the external program
getTargetPartition() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ImportActionScriptObject
getTargetPartitionName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgradeInfo
getTargetServer() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobExternalCommandStep
Get the name of target server that runs the external program
getTemporalDayOfWeek() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
getText() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
getText() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn.Message
getThemeCSSUrl() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Retrieve the URL to the CSS that will contain theming information that can be used to style the page like the rest of the product
getThread() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CommonLogLine
getThreadState() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Get the ThreadState map shared between REL and RedwoodScript during the execution of this job.
getTime() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CommonLogLine
getTime() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.TimeEstimate
Get the value for this estimate.
getTime(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Get the value of a field/parameter of type TIME
getTimeFormat() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the time format of the user.
getTimeFormatCode() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the SAP time format code of the user
getTimeMillis() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.DurationEstimate
Get the value for this estimate.
getTimeMillis() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.TimeEstimate
Get the value for this estimate.
getTimezone() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the SAP time zone of the user
getTimeZone() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Gets the time zone of the SAP system
getTimeZone() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Gets the time zone of the SAP system
getTimeZone() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
getTimeZone() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
getTimeZone() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.Shell
Get the name of the time zone that this shell is in.
getTimezoneDifferenceFromUTC() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcMessage
Get the transaction code
getTranslation() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintViolatedException
getTranslation() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomException
getTranslation() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelException
getTranslation() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelRuntimeException
getTranslation() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomRuntimeException
getTranslation() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SecurityPrivilege
Get the translation-key that can be used to retrieve the locale-specific name of this privilege.
getTranslation() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.BaseSchedulerException
getTranslation() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.ExceptionData
Get a translation for the exception.
getTranslation() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.SchedulerRuntimeException
getTranslationEN() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.BaseSchedulerEnumeration
Get the English name of this enumeration.
getTranslationKey() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.BaseSchedulerEnumeration
Get the translation-key that must be used to retrieve the locale-specific name of this enumeration.
getTranslationKey() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.ProcessServerCheckAttributeInfo
Returns the translation key of an attribute
getTranslationKey() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SecurityRank
Get the translation-key that can be used to retrieve the locale-specific name of this rank.
getType() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXColumn
getType() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
getType() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn.Message
getType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
getType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.Segment
getType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapFieldMetadata
This method returns the type of the corresponding sap-field or the name defined as type in Rfc-interface
getType() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
Get the type of this null.
getType() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.OutputParameter
getType() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXColumn
getType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeMemberType
Get the expected Class for the member value(s).
getType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.security.SubjectSearchResult
Get the type of subject.
getUID() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.security.SubjectSearchResult
Get the unique identifier in the external security system.
getUnitOfWorkManager() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow.SchedulerSessionBatchedUnitOfWorkManager
getUnresolvedObjects() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ImportActionScriptObject
getUpdateJobURL(SchedulerSession, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Get the URL of the update job service
getUpgradePath() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgrader
getUrl() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolResponseException
getUser(SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorContext
Get the Subject that started this execution.
getUserDetails(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Get user details
getUserDetails(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Get user details
getUserGroup() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the user group of the user as defined in user master maintenance (SU01)
getUserMessage() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.OnUserMessageOperationActionScriptObject
Get the user message the operation is being performed on
getUserMessageAttachment() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.OnUserMessageOperationActionScriptObject
Get the UserMessageAttachment associated with the flow action.
getUsername() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.os.OSUserSession
Get the user that is running in this session.
getUserName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorContext
the name of the user.
getUserName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.OnBeforeObjectDefinitionChangeTypeActionScriptObject
Returns the name of the user executing this context.
getUserName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.Shell
Get the name of the user running this shell.
getUserName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.TriggerScriptObject
Returns the name of the user executing this context.
getUserTypeCode() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Get the user type code of the user
getUTCComparator() - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
getUTCMilliSecs() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
getV1() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
Get V1
getV1() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn.Message
Get V1
getV2() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
Get V2
getV2() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn.Message
Get V2
getV3() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
Get V3
getV3() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn.Message
Get V3
getV4() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
Get V4
getV4() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn.Message
Get V4
getValidFrom() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.EmailAddress
This email address is valid from this date
getValidFrom() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
This user is valid from
getValidTo() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.EmailAddress
This email address is valid to this date
getValidTo() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
This user is valid to
getValue() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXDocumentPair
getValue() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.AbapVariantParameter
Get the value of the parameter
getValue() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.OutputParameter
getValue() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXDocumentPair
getValue(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVCollection
Get the value for the field for the nth row.
getValue(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.AbapVariant
Get the variant value with the given name
getValues() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.AbapVariant
Get all values of the variant
getValues() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.AbapVariantSelectOption
Get all values of the select option
getVariables() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiException
Get message variables as array
getVariables() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn.Message
Get message variables as array
getVariables() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ExecutableSchedulerEntity
getVariant(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Get the data of a variant of an ABAP program
getVariantName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.AbapVariant
Get the name of the variant
getVariantName() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobAbapStep
Get the name of the variant of the ABAP program
getVersion() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgradeInfo
getVersion() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgrader.UpgradeStep
Return the actual version this step represents This needs to match the actual version in the app.properties and are used in determining the upgrade path needed
getVersion() - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAP
Get the version number.
getVersion() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
getVersion() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
getViolationException() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
Get the first constraint violation.
getWaitEventsHeader() - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.VariableHeader
getWarningMessage() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.ListDirectoryResultSet
Get any warning message generated by the server whilst retrieving these results.
getWeekDays() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
Days of the week, coded in a string of 0 (job does not run) and 1 (job runs).
getWeekInterval() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
Every <getWeekInterval> weeks
getWrappedConnectionAutoClose() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnection
Get the underlying connection.
getWriter() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Returns a PrintWriter object that can send character text to the client.
getXBPClient(SAPSystem, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Returns the SAPXBP client for the given SAP system and client number
getXML() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPFaultException
Get the full XML of the SOAP fault.
getXMLReportDestination() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.Reporter
Get a report destination that will create XML tables, suitable for use with SchedulerSession.executeQuery(String, Object[], APIResultSetCallback).
getYear() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
The current year.
getYearDayOrWeekNumber() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
getYearDayType() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
getYearMonth() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
getZone() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CommonLogLine
goToNextDayOfWeek(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
use goToNextDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek weekday) instead
goToNextDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Skips to the same time of the next weekday provided


handleHTTPResponse() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Handle the HTTP response, particularly the HTTP response line.
handleSOAPResponse() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Handle the SOAP response, this will extract the namespaces from the response, and check if it is a SOAP fault.
hasColumn(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Does the metadata contain a column?
hasColumn(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Does the metadata contain a column?
hashCode() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVSupport
hashCode() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
hashCode() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
hashCode() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BusinessKey
hashCode() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.VariableHeader
hasMember(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeClass
Does the given member exist for the object-type.
hasNext() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXProducer
hasNext() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader
hasNext() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXProducer
hasNext() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader
HasOwner - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Objects that implement this interface have an owner associated with them.
hasRedwoodTransports() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Check if Redwood transport are loaded and licensed.
hasRedwoodTransports() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Check if Redwood transport are loaded and licensed.
hasSpoolLists() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobStep
Check if this step has spool lists
hasXbp1() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Check if XBP 1.0 is available.
hasXbp2() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Check if XBP 2.0 is available.
hasXbp3() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Check if XBP 3.0 is available.
HIGHEST_SPECIAL_DATE_TIME_ZONE - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
The dates before this should not be considered normal date values.
HIGHEST_SPECIAL_DATE_TIME_ZONE_MILLIS - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
holdOnRestart(boolean) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.RestartStepOptions.Builder
HOUR_MILLIS - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Number of milliseconds in an hour.
HOURS_IN_DAY - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Number of hours in day
HOURS_IN_DAY - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
HTTPException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap
An error during HTTP parsing.
HTTPException(Throwable, int, String) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.HTTPException


IDENTITY - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.collections.Mapping
Map from the object to itself.
IDoc - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc
IDocFactory - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc
IDocFactory() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDocFactory
IMPL_FQN - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgrader
IMPLICIT - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ScriptSessionFactory
IMPLICIT_NEW - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ScriptSessionFactory
ImportActionScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
ImportActionUnresolvedObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
importCar(File, String, OutputStreamOutputHandler, StringBuilderOutputHandler) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
import car file
importCar(File, String, OutputStreamOutputHandler, StringBuilderOutputHandler) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
importCar(File, String, String, OutputStreamOutputHandler, StringBuilderOutputHandler) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
import car file
importCar(File, String, String, OutputStreamOutputHandler, StringBuilderOutputHandler) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
IMPORTRULESETXML - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PromotionConstants
Name of the Import Rule Set xml file
importUser(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.security.SubjectManager
Import a user into an isolation group, current user (from the session used to create the SubjectManager) must have the User_Administration privilege grant
includeExistingJobs() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobForecastContext
Are existing jobs included in the result or only return the forecasts when forecasting the jobs in a job group.
includeExistingJobs() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobForecaster
InConstraintParametersScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
This interface has a read-only property for each parameter on the job it represents.
INDETERMINABLE_RESULT - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.security.SubjectSearchResult
info(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Log a message object with the INFO level to the server logs.
info(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Log a message object, along with the associated exception, with the INFO level to the server logs.
info(Supplier<String>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Log a message object with the INFO level.
info(Supplier<String>, Throwable) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Similar to Logger.info(Supplier) but with an optional exception that should be logged
INFO - com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.enumeration.Level
The Level.INFO level designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.
initFactory(FileProviderContextFactory.FileProviderContextFactoryInterface) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory.FileProviderContextFactory
initPreImport(JobLogger, AppUpgradeInfo, Map<String, List<? extends PartitionableObject>>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgrader
inLOV() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVContext
InParametersScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
This interface has a read-only property for each parameter on the job it represents.
INTEGER - com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapType
INTEGER - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
InternalResultSetMetaData - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc
InternalResultSetMetaData(ResultSetMetaData) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalResultSetMetaData
InternalToolResultSet - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc
InternalToolResultSet(SchedulerSession) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalToolResultSet
intersect(Period) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Periods
Intersects this periods with aPeriod.
intersect(Periods) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Periods
Replaces the elements from this with the intersection of this periods with aPeriods.
intersects(Period) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
Returns true if there is an overlap between aPeriod and this period.
intMain(String[], OutputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.Main
Entry point from command line, this method does not call System.exit(), but returns a return code.
intPostImport(List<SchedulerEntity>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgrader
invalidateSession() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Since there is no access to the HttpSession, an alternative method is provided to store HttpSession Attributes.
IOCloser - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.io
Utility class for IO to close and flush resources in the java.io and java.net packages: java.io: InputStream, OutputStream, Reader, Writer. java.net: Socket.
isAbapStep() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobStep
Check whether this is an ABAP step
isAllowed() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.RequiredPermission
isAllowed(BranchedUniqueNamedApplicationObject) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BranchedUniqueNamedApplicationObjectMasterIterator
isAllowedForcedProcessServer(ConstraintContext, ProcessServer) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint.RoutingConstraint
Does this constraint allow this process server as a forced process server?
isAllowedForcedProcessServer(ProcessServer) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
Do the constraints allow this process server to be used for this entity?
isAllowedQueue(ConstraintContext, Queue) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint.RoutingConstraint
Does this constraint allow this queue?
isAllowedQueue(Queue) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
Do the constraints allow this queue to be used for this entity?
isArray() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Indicates whether the parameter is an array.
isArray() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityParameter
Returns true if this parameter is an array parameter.
isArray() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Variable
True if the variable is array, default returns false.
isArrayDuplicateValuesAllowed() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Indicates whether duplicate values are allowed if the parameter is an array parameter.
isAttached() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
This method can be used to find out this RfcObject detached or attached
isAttached() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcTable
This method can be used to find out this RfcStructure detached or attached
isAuditable() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeClass
Returns true if this class (object type) can be audited.
isAuditableAtLevel(AuditLevel) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeClass
Returns true if this class (object type) can be audited at given level.
isBeginNull() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
isCaptureStderr() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobExternalStep
Whether the standard error of the external command / program is redirected to the joblog
isCaptureStdout() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobExternalStep
Whether the standard output of the external command / program is redirected to the joblog
isCommitted() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Returns a boolean indicating if the response has been committed.
isCustomerSystem() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.AbapVariant
Check whether this is a customer system variant System variants are created in client 000 but are visible in all clients.
isDaylightSaving() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
isDebugEnabled() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Check whether this logger is enabled for the DEBUG Level.
isDefault() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.EmailAddress
This flag indicates whether this is the default email address of the user
isDisplay() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Is the parameter from the definition displayed?
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.ActionEnableObject
Is this object enabled?
isEnabledFor(Level) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Check whether this logger is enabled for a given Level passed as parameter.
isEndNull() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
isEntityAvailable() - Method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorOrigin
isExportContents() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.ExportRuleSetComponent
Indicates whether the items are exported recursively.
isExternal() - Method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorOrigin
isExternalCommandStep() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobStep
Check whether this is an external command step
isExternalProgramStep() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobStep
Check whether this is an external program step
isFileChooser() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.ProcessServerCheckAttributeInfo
Returns true if the attribute has a file chooser associated with it.
isFileEvent(JobDefinitionWaitEvent) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.VariableHeader
isHoldOnRestart() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.RestartStepOptions
Does the restart step HoldOnRestart.
isInclude() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SelectOptionValue
Check whether this value includes the range
isInfoEnabled() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Check whether this logger is enabled for the INFO Level.
isLastDayInMonth() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Is this date the last day of that month?
isLastDayInMonthNow() - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Is it currently the last day of the month?
isLenient() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Tells whether date/time interpretation is to be lenient.
isLittleEndian() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
isLocked() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.UserDetails
Check if the user is locked
isMandatory() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.ProcessServerCheckAttributeInfo
Returns true if the attribute is mandatory.
isMasterVersion() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Branchable
isMultipartFormDataRequest() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Convenience method to determine if this request is a multipart/form-data request.
isMultiPartRequest() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
Is the request that these parameters belong to a multipart/form-data request.
isMustSort() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVContext
isNeverEnding() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
isNewValueAllowed() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVSupport
Is a new value (one not in the LOV) allowed?
isNullable() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Is the parameter from the definition optional?
isOpen(DateTimeZone, TimeZone, Properties) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.PeriodFunctionCalculator
see TimeWindowIntervalMethod#isOpen(DateTimeZone)
isOverlap() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
isParameter() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.AbapVariantValue
Check whether this variant value is a parameter
isPeriodic() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Check if this is a periodic job
isProcessingLimitReached() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.LongCallBack
isQueryPrefix() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVSupport
Is the query the prefix of the string?
isQueueRoutingAllowed() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntity
Should we do routing for Queues on this entity?
isRangeExternal() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
isReadOnly() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXColumn
isReadOnly() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Is this metadata read-only?
isReadOnly() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXColumn
isReadOnly() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Is this metadata read-only?
isReadOnly() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeMemberType
Is the member read-only, if true the member will not have a setter method.
isRequestedSessionIdValid() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Checks whether the requested session ID is still valid.
isResend() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.AlertEscalationPostAlertActionScriptObject
Is this a resend?
isResolved() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ImportActionUnresolvedObject
isS4Hana() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SAPSystemInfo
isSapSystem() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.AbapVariant
Check whether this is a SAP system variant System variants are created in client 000 but are visible in all clients.
isSecure() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Returns a boolean indicating whether this request was made using a secure channel, such as HTTPS.
isSelectOption() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.AbapVariantValue
Check whether this value is a select option
isSimpleConstraintOptional() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Is the simple constraint of the parameter from the definition optional?
isSortAscending() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVContext
isStartupComplete() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerStatus
isSupported(TemporalField) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
isSupported(TemporalUnit) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
isSystemLoggable() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomException
isSystemLoggable() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelException
isSystemLoggable() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelRuntimeException
isSystemLoggable() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomRuntimeException
isSystemLoggable() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.BaseSchedulerException
isSystemLoggable() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.ExceptionData
Should this exception be logged to the system log, or only to the trace file.
isSystemLoggable() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.SchedulerRuntimeException
isTemporary() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.AbapVariant
Check whether this is a temporary variant Temporary variants are deleted with the job they have been used in
isTraceEnabled() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobExternalStep
Whether the tracing is activated for SAPXPG
isTranslated() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeMemberTypeString
isUseOldDefinitions() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.RestartStepOptions
Does the restart step UseOldDefinitions.
isWaitForCompletion() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.RestartStepOptions
Does the restart step should wait for the completion of an active step.
isWaitForJob() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobExternalStep
Whether the SAP batch job should wait for the termination of the external command / program
isWeekdayChecked(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
isWeekend() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
isWorkday() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Is the current day one of DateTimeZone.MONDAY through till DateTimeZone.FRIDAY?
iterator() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXProducer
iterator() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader
iterator() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcTable
Get rows of the table
iterator() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXProducer
iterator() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader
iterator(String...) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXProducer
Return an iterator with a subset of columns.
iterator(String...) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader
iterator(String...) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXProducer
Return an iterator with a subset of columns.
iterator(String...) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader


JAR_MAP_KEY_JOB_ID - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
Key into result of ToolConnection.uploadJAR(File, String) for the job id of the job
JAVA_OBJECT - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
jcsExecute() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting.NativeJavaJob
Called to execute a native job.
JOB - com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorOrigin
The execution started within a job.
JOB_DEFINITION_OWNER - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ScriptSessionFactory
JOB_OWNER - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ScriptSessionFactory
JobDoesNotExistException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
This exception is thrown if an operation has been attempted on a SAP batch job that does not exist anymore
JobDoesNotExistException(String, String, RfcException) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.JobDoesNotExistException
JobEstimates - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
JOBFILENAME - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
JOBFILEORDER - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
JobForecastContext - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.job
Flags to direct forecasting.
JobForecaster - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.job
Job forecasting.
JobForecaster() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobForecaster
JobForecasterComp - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14
Job forecasting.
JOBID - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
JOBID - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PromotionConstants
Tag that contains the Job id that produced the car file
JobLogger - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.job
A logger for use in jobs.
JobThreadState - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
JobWaitEventScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
This interface represents a wait event.
JobWaitEventsScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
This class has a JobWaitEventScriptObject object property for each wait event on the current job.
joinOverlappingIntervals() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Periods
Joins overlapping and continuing periods.


kill() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJob
Kill the SAP job
killJobWithParent(Job) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
When this method is called, the child jobs will be killed when the given parent job is killed (the default is not).


LASTANYDAY - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
A special value meaning 'the last day of the month'.
LASTWORKDAY - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
A special value meaning 'the last working day of the month'.
length() - Method in annotation type com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapField
length of the corresponding SAP-field
Level - Enum in com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.enumeration
A logging level.
LibraryLoggerFactory - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
Factory for loggers for use in RedwoodScript libraries.
LibraryLoggerFactory() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.LibraryLoggerFactory
LimitedUniqueIdListAPIResultSetCallback - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
LimitedUniqueIdListAPIResultSetCallback(LongList, int) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.LimitedUniqueIdListAPIResultSetCallback
LimitedUniqueIdListAPIResultSetCallback(LongList, long, int) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.LimitedUniqueIdListAPIResultSetCallback
list(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
list(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
list(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
list(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
ListDirectoryResult - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory
A single item that is the result of a ListDirectory.
ListDirectoryResultSet - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.directory
A List Directory result.
ListDirectoryResultSetComp - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14
A List Directory result.
log(Level, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Log a message at a particular level.
log(Level, String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Log a message at a particular level.
log(String, Object...) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseLogger
log(Throwable, String, Object...) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseErrorLogger
LogContinue - com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
LogContinue - com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
Logger - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api
Redwood logging.
LoggerFactory - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api
login(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
LoginException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
Exception logging in.
LoginException(String) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.LoginException
LoginException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.LoginException
logRestarts() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.action.api.ActionScriptObject
logRestarts() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.RestartableScriptObject
Should restarts of this trigger/action be logged?
LogRuntimeException - com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
When the RTX is invalid, then do log the error and throw a RuntimeException
LogRuntimeException - com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
When the RTX is invalid, then do log the error and throw a RuntimeException
LogTerminate - com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
LogTerminate - com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
LONG - com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapType
LongCallBack - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
APIResultSetCallback implementation for retrieving the Long value present in the first column of the result set.
LongCallBack(int) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.LongCallBack
LongListCallback - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
APIResultSetCallback implementation for retrieving the long value present in the first column of the result set.
LongListCallback(int) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.LongListCallback
LONGVARBINARY - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
LONGVARCHAR - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
loopOverNextJobChainStep(SchedulerSession, RTXProducer) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Loop over the next step in the current job chain.
loopOverNextJobChainStep(SchedulerSession, RTXProducer, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Loop over the next step in the current job chain.
loopOverNextJobChainStep(SchedulerSession, RTXProducer, Predicate<RTXRow>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Loop over the next step in the current job chain.
loopOverNextJobChainStep(SchedulerSession, RTXProducer, Predicate<RTXRow>, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Loop over the next step in the current job chain.
loopOverNextJobChainStep(SchedulerSession, RTXReader) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
loopOverNextJobChainStep(SchedulerSession, RTXReader, Predicate<RTXRow>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
LOVCollection - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint
A list of values for a field.
LOVContext - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint
LOVSupport - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint


Main - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
Command line entry points.
map(A) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.collections.Mapping
Perform a mapping from the original value to a new value.
Mapping<A,​B> - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.collections
Interface to allow mapping from one class to another class.
MAX_DAYS_IN_MONTH - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
The maximum number of days in month
MAX_RECURRENCE_INTERVAL - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
The maximum size of an interval that can be specified in a recurrence
MAX_WEEKS_IN_MONTH - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
The maximum number of (partial) weeks in month
MAX_WORK_DAYS_IN_MONTH - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
The maximum number of workdays in month
Message() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn.Message
Message(SapBapiReturn.Message) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BapiReturn.Message
MILLIS_1_HOUR - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_1_MINUTE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_1_SECOND - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_10_MINUTES - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_10_SECONDS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_100MS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_10MS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_15_MINUTES - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_15_SECONDS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_2_SECONDS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_20_MINUTES - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_20_SECONDS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_200MS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_3_MINUTES - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_30_MINUTES - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_30_SECONDS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_5_MINUTES - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_5_SECONDS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_500MS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_IN_DAY - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_IN_HOUR - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_IN_MINUTE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_IN_SECOND - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MILLIS_IN_WEEK - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MIN_DAYS_IN_MONTH - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
The minimum number of days in month
minus(long, TemporalUnit) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
minus(TemporalAmount) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
MINUTE_MILLIS - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
MINUTES_IN_DAY - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MINUTES_IN_HOUR - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
MONDAY - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Value for Monday
MONTH_PATTERN - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
MONTHS_IN_YEAR - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Number of months in year
moveCorresponding(RfcStructure) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcStructure
Copy all values from the source structure to this structure whose fields have the same name in both structures


name() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.BaseSchedulerEnumeration
Returns the name of this enumeration.
NAME - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
NativeJavaJob - Interface in com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting
Interface implemented by generated stubs for native java jobs.
NativeJavaJobContext - Interface in com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting
Native java job context.
NativeJavaJobParameterContext - Interface in com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting
Context used to get/set the in and out values for parameters for the Native Java Job.
NativeJavaResource - Interface in com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting
Represents a resource, this can originate from a file or any other means as long as it returns an InputStream.
NativeJavaResourceIn - Interface in com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting
Supports writing from a resource (in).
NativeJavaResourceInOut - Interface in com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting
Supports both reading and writing from/to a resource.
NativeJavaResourceOut - Interface in com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting
Supports writing to a resource (out).
NEVER_DATE - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
This value will be set if a job will not run.
NEVER_MILLIS - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
NEVER_MILLIS_LONG - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
NEVER_STRING - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
newEx(Object, Class<T>, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXContainerContext
newRow() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Create an empty row (you will need to add it later).
newRow() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Create an empty row (you will need to add it later).
next() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXProducer
next() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader
next() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalToolResultSet
next() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXProducer
next() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader
next() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.search.SearchResultSet
Attempt to advance to the next result.
next() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolResultSet
Attempt to moves to the next row, and return true if that row exists.
nextPotentialStatusChange(DateTimeZone, DateTimeZone, TimeZone, Properties) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.PeriodFunctionCalculator
see TimeWindowIntervalMethod#nextPotentialStatusChange(DateTimeZone,DateTimeZone)
NO_ADD_WILDCARD_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.security.SubjectManager
Add this prefix to a query to indicate that wildcards should not be added
NO_OBJECTS_FOUND - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
NoGetLOV - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVSupport
NONE_PATTERN - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
NOT_SET - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
NotConfirmed - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobSelectionOption
Select all jobs that do not have any confirmation
NotConfirmedGenerally - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobSelectionOption
Select all jobs that do not have general confirmation
NotConfirmedSpecifically - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobSelectionOption
Select all jobs that do not have special confirmation
now() - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Creates a new DateTimeZone at the current system date-time and system-default time zone.
NOW_MILLIS - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
This value will be used as the internal representation of "Now", which can be selected in the DateTimePickerControl/CalendarControl.
NOW_MILLIS_LONG - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
nowPlusOffset(int, TimeUnit) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Null - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.database
A null of a given type.
Null(int) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
Construct a new null of a given type.
NULL - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
NULL - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.APIResultSetCallback
Number - com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
Number - com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXType
NUMERIC - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null


ObjectGetter - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
OBJECTTYPE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
OBJECTTYPE_CALL - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
OBJECTTYPE_CHAIN - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
OBJECTTYPE_PROCESS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
OBJECTTYPE_STEP - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
OCTET_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionFactory
of(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Creates a new DateTimeZone with the specified temporal values and the system-default time zone.
of(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, ZoneId) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Creates a new DateTimeZone with the specified temporal values.
OnBeforeObjectDefinitionChangeTypeActionScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
Interface of the context available for OnBeforeObjectDefinitionChangeTypeAction trigger (for custom jobdefinition types).
OnBeforeUserJobChangeActionScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
Interface of the context available for OnBeforeUserChange action/triggers.
OnUserMessageOperationActionScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
This class provides methods to get the details of the user operation.
operatorMessage(SchedulerSession, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Insert an operator message in the operator messages table Note that persist() will be called
operatorMessage(SchedulerSession, String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Insert an operator message in the operator messages table and wait until a reply is given.
operatorMessage(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Insert an operator message in the operator messages table
operatorMessage(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Insert an operator message in the operator messages table and wait until a reply is given.
OPTION_LOGGER - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnectionFactory
ordinal() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.BaseSchedulerEnumeration
Return the defined position of the enumeration in it's list.
OSUserSession - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.os
A single item that is the result of a ListOSUserSessions.
OSUserSessions - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.os
A List OS User Sessions result.
OTHER - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
OutParametersScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
This interface has a read-only property for each parameter on the job it represents.
OutputHandler - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
Handler for stream output.
OutputHandler() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.OutputHandler
OutputParameter - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.database
An output parameter of a given type.
OutputParameter(int) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.OutputParameter
Construct an output parameter of the given type, with a constant value from java.sql.Types.
OutputStreamOutputHandler - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
Adapter to allow output to an OutputStream
OutputStreamOutputHandler(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.OutputStreamOutputHandler
Overwrite - com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting.WriteMode
The default, overwrites the file (starts at the beginning).
OWNER_SUBJECT_FIELD - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.HasOwner


PARAMETER - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Variable
parse() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.FullISODateParser
parse(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SelectOptionValueFactory
parse(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateFormatter
parse(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BigDecimalFormat
parse(String, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Parse the string into a date according to the specified Simple Date Format, using the default TimeZone.
parse(String, String, Locale) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Parse the string into a date according to the specified Simple Date Format, using the default TimeZone.
parse(TimeZone, String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateFormatter
parse(TimeZone, String, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Parse the string into a date according to the specified Simple Date Format.
parse(TimeZone, String, String, Locale) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Parse the string into a date according to the specified Simple Date Format.
parseResponseXML(DefaultHandler) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Parse the response XML.
Part - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.http
Modeled after Part from Servlet 3.0 spec
PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequestSubstitutions
PASSWORDVALIDATING - com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorOrigin
The execution started with validating a user name and password.
PATH - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
perform(SchedulerSessionBatchedUnitOfWork<T>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow.SchedulerSessionBatchedUnitOfWorkManager
Execute batched units of work.
perform(SchedulerSessionUnitOfWork<T>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow.SchedulerSessionUnitOfWorkManager
Execute a unit of work.
perform(SchedulerSessionUnitOfWork<T>, int, int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow.SchedulerSessionUnitOfWorkManager
Execute a unit of work.
performPostImportUpgrade(SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgrader.UpgradeStep
Perform after import
performPreImportUpgrade(SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgrader.UpgradeStep
Perform before import
performUnitOfWork(SchedulerSessionUnitOfWork<T>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Perform a unit of work, by calling it with a new session.
performUnitOfWorkActionSubjectSession(SchedulerSessionUnitOfWork<T>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Perform a unit of work, by calling it with a new Action Subject session.
performUnitOfWorkUserSession(SchedulerSessionUnitOfWork<T>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Perform a unit of work, by calling it with a new User session.
performWork(RfcInterface) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcWork
This method is called with an established RFC connection
performWork(XbpInterface) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpWork
This method is called with an established RFC connection
performWork(SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow.SchedulerSessionUnitOfWork
This method defines the unit of work to perform.
Period - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.date
Class to define a period in time
Period(DateTimeZone, DateTimeZone) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
Period(Period) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
Period(TimeZone, long, long) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
Period(TimeZone, long, TimeZone, long) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
PERIODFUNCTION - com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorOrigin
The execution started within a period function calculator.
PeriodFunctionCalculator - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces
Interface to a computable temporal interval.
Periods - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.date
ArrayList that implements set operations on Period elements.
Periods() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Periods
Periods(Periods) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Periods
PermaLinkConstants - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
PersistAllowedHelper - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow
plus(long, TemporalUnit) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
plus(TemporalAmount) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
populateNamespacesFromResponse() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Populate namespaces from the response.
postExecute(ReportResultSet) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.ReportDestination
Process the result set before the initial ResultSet.next() is called.
postExecute(ResultSet) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalToolResultSet
postExecute(ResultSet) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.APIResultSetPostExecuteCallback
Process the result set before the initial ResultSet.next() is called.
PostRunningActionScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
This class provides methods to inspect and set the new final status, and to control restarts of the trigger/action.
PreExecutingActionScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
This class provides methods to get the old values of Job attributes, and to control restarts of the trigger/action.
prepareRemoteJob(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAP
Submit a job via SOAP on the remote server
processBatch(SchedulerSessionBatchedUnitOfWork<T>, SchedulerSession, Iterator<T>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow.SchedulerSessionBatchedUnitOfWorkManager
PROCESSFILENAME - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
PROCESSFILEORDER - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
PROCESSID - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
processItem(SchedulerSession, T) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow.SchedulerSessionBatchedUnitOfWork
Process an item in a batched unit of work.
ProcessMonitorUpdaterBase - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
ProcessServerCheckAttributeInfo - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces
An object providing info for a Process Server Check Attribute
PromotionConstants - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
PROXY_FORCE_NO_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
PROXY_NONE - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAP
Force the use of no proxy, ie.
publish(Logger) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WPublisher
Publish the file(s) to Report2Web
put(File, boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
put(File, boolean) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
put(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
put(String, boolean) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl


QUARTER_MILLIS - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
query(TemporalQuery<R>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
QueryException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
An exception occurred on the remote system when performing a query.
QUERYFILTER - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
queryJob() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRemoteJob
queryJob(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRemoteJob
queryJob(String, Long, int) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAP
Query the state of a remote Job
QueryObjectType<T> - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces
This interface is used by SchedulerSession.executeObjectQuery(QueryObjectType, String, Object...) to map the incoming type to the return type.


R2WMetaData - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish
The R2D XML wrapper API
R2WPublisher - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish
An API for creating the zip file and publishing to Report2Web allowing for streaming of the file data directly from an InputStream and allowing easier control of the meta data creation.
R2WRequest - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w
Interface for making SOAP, REST and content requests to R2W.
R2WRequestSubstitutions - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w
R2WRequestSubstitutions() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequestSubstitutions
raiseBatchEvent(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Raise a batch event
raiseEvent(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
Raise an event
raiseEvent(String, String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
Readable - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Marker interface that indicates an object that can be read using the ModelEvent API.
readTable(String, String, String[], String[], int, int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Read the contents of the given SAP ABAP table
readTable(String, String, String[], String[], int, int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Read the contents of the given SAP ABAP table
REAL - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
RECALC_DATE - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
This value will be set if a field should be recalculated.
RECALC_MILLIS - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
RECALC_MILLIS_LONG - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
RECALC_STRING - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
RecurrenceInfo - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.date
Retrieve recurrence information
REDWOOD_NOCREDENTIAL - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
REF - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
registerDynamicObjects() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.AppUpgrader
REJECTED_CIPHERSUITES_9_0_21 - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
REJECTED_CIPHERSUITES_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
REL - com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorOrigin
The execution started within a REL, f.e.
releaseSharedSchedulerSession() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Once an Extension Point is done with the shared SchedulerSession and no longer needs access to it, then this method can be called to release the SchedulerSession so it can be garbage collected.
removeSessionAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Since there is no access to the HttpSession, an alternative method is provided to store HttpSession Attributes.
replaceWith(SchedulerEntity) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ImportActionUnresolvedObject
ReportDestination - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report
A destination for report results.
Reporter - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report
Interface for creating reporting related objects.
ReportResultSet - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report
Row Result of a report execution.
ReportResultSetMetaData - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report
Meta data of a report execution.
ReportScript - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Easy interface to reports from scripting.
ReportScript() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ReportScript
Create a new ReportScript using the implicit session (jcsSession), and the standard output stream (jcsOut).
ReportScript(SchedulerSession, Writer) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ReportScript
Create a new ReportScript using a specific session and writer.
REQUESTTYPE_INIT - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
REQUESTTYPE_PERSIST - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
REQUESTTYPE_RETRIEVEPAGE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
REQUEUE_DATE - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
This value in milliseconds will be set on a Job.getScheduledStartTime() if the Job needs to be requeued.
REQUEUE_MILLIS - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
REQUEUE_MILLIS_LONG - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
RequiredPermission - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces
Returned when checking privileges.
reset() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcFunctionModule
Clears all import/export parameters of the function module so that it can be reused for a new call
reset() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Exporter
Clear the list of objects that are marked for export.
reset() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Clears any data that exists in the buffer as well as the status code and headers.
resetBuffer() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Clears the content of the underlying buffer in the response without clearing headers or status code.
resetInLoop(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.action.api.ActionScriptObject
resetNewLoop() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.action.api.ActionScriptObject
RestartableScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
Triggers and actions may fail if another user or the system updates the object.
RestartStepOptions - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
When a step is requested to be restarted in a JobChain, there are options that need to be set to proceed with the restart.
RestartStepOptions.Builder - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
The RestartStepOptions can just be instantiated using an instance of the class Builder.
ResultSetCallback - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.database
A callback using a ResultSet
returnValue() - Method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
returnValue() - Method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
RfcConnectionManager - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
The connection manager allows you to establish an RFC connection to an SAP system.
RfcConnectionManager(SAPSystem) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Create an RFC connection manager for the given SAP system.
RfcConnectionManager(SAPSystem, String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Create an RFC connection manager for the given SAP system.
RfcConnectionManager(SAPSystem, String, Credential) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Create an RFC connection manager for the given SAP system.
RfcConnectionManager(SAPSystem, String, String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Create an RFC connection manager for the given SAP system.
RfcConnectionManager(SAPSystem, String, String, Credential) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Create an RFC connection manager for the given SAP system.
RfcConnectionManager(SAPSystem, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Create an RFC connection manager for the given SAP system.
RfcConnectionManager(SAPSystem, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Create an RFC connection manager for the given SAP system.
RfcConnectionManager(SchedulerSession, String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Create an RFC connection manager for the given SAP system name.
RfcConnectionManager(SchedulerSession, String, String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Create an RFC connection manager for the given SAP system name.
RfcConnectionManager(SchedulerSession, String, String, Credential) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Create an RFC connection manager for the given SAP system.
RfcConnectionManager(SchedulerSession, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Create an RFC connection manager for the given SAP system name.
RfcConnectionManager(SchedulerSession, String, String, String, Credential) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Create an RFC connection manager for the given SAP system.
RfcConnectionManager(SchedulerSession, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Create an RFC connection manager for the given SAP system.
RfcConnectionManager(SchedulerSession, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Create an RFC connection manager for the given SAP system.
RfcDetachedFactory - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
RfcDetachedFactory() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcDetachedFactory
RfcException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
General RFC exception
RfcException(String) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcException
RfcException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcException
RfcException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcException
RfcFunctionModule - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
RfcInterface - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc
RFC Interface
RfcObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
RfcSapField - Annotation Type in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
RfcSapFieldMetadata - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
RfcSapType - Enum in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
RfcStructure - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
RfcTable<T extends RfcStructure> - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
RfcWork - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc
Unit of work, uses the interface
ROLES - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.security.SubjectSearchResult
RoutingConstraint - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint
A constraint that constrains the queue.
rows() - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXProducer
Return an Iterable for rows from the current position on, this can only be used to retrieve a single iterator.
rows() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader
rows() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXProducer
Return an Iterable for rows from the current position on, this can only be used to retrieve a single iterator.
rows() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader
rows(String...) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXProducer
Return an Iterable for rows from the current position on, with a subset of columns, this can only be used to retrieve a single iterator.
rows(String...) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader
rows(String...) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXProducer
Return an Iterable for rows from the current position on, with a subset of columns, this can only be used to retrieve a single iterator.
rows(String...) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader
RTX - com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorOrigin
The execution is started by evaluating an RTX REL expression.
RTXColumn<T> - Class in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Definition of a column, you should create columns through RTXWriter or RTXMetadata rather than doing so through the RTXColumn(String, RTXType) constructor.
RTXColumn<T> - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Definition of a column, you should create columns through RTXWriter or RTXMetadata rather than doing so through the RTXColumn(String, RTXType) constructor.
RTXColumn(String, RTXType) - Constructor for class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXColumn
RTXColumn(String, RTXType) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXColumn
RTXColumn(String, String, RTXType) - Constructor for class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXColumn
RTXColumn(String, String, RTXType) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXColumn
RTXColumnRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Runtime Exception related to an RTXColumn.
RTXColumnRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Runtime Exception related to an RTXColumn.
RTXConsumer - Interface in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
A consumer of RTXRows, i.e.
RTXConsumer - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
A consumer of RTXRows, i.e.
RTXContainerContext - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
RTXContainerContext() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXContainerContext
RTXDocumentKey - Class in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Definition of the key of this table.
RTXDocumentKey - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Definition of the key of this table.
RTXDocumentKey(String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXDocumentKey
RTXDocumentKey(String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXDocumentKey
RTXDocumentPair - Class in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Name value pair.
RTXDocumentPair - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Name value pair.
RTXDocumentPair(String, String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXDocumentPair
RTXDocumentPair(String, String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXDocumentPair
RTXException - Exception in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
RTX Exception base class.
RTXException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
RTX Exception base class.
RTXFileNotFoundRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Input file not found.
RTXFileNotFoundRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Input file not found.
RTXIncompatibleColumnException - Exception in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Columns not compatible.
RTXIncompatibleColumnException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Columns not compatible.
RTXInRowDataRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Attempt to modify metadata (for example columns) when row data has started.
RTXInRowDataRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Attempt to modify metadata (for example columns) when row data has started.
RTXIteratorRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Error while iterating through data.
RTXIteratorRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Error while iterating through data.
RTXMetadata - Class in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
RTX Metadata: column definitions and sources.
RTXMetadata - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
RTX Metadata: column definitions and sources.
RTXMetadata() - Constructor for class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Create a new empty RTX metadata.
RTXMetadata() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Create a new empty RTX metadata.
RTXMetadata(boolean) - Constructor for class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Create a new empty RTX metadata and sets case sensitivity flag
RTXMetadata(boolean) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Create a new empty RTX metadata and sets case sensitivity flag
RTXMetadataReadOnlyRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Attempt was made to modify read only metadata.
RTXMetadataReadOnlyRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Attempt was made to modify read only metadata.
RTXMetadataRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Error manipulating metadata.
RTXMetadataRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Error manipulating metadata.
RTXParameterDirectionRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Parameter direction and method call don't match, for example calling getRTXWriter() on an In parameter.
RTXParameterDirectionRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Parameter direction and method call don't match, for example calling getRTXWriter() on an In parameter.
RTXParameterObjectVisibilityRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
A model object that should be visible is not, for example the Partition GLOBAL or the format XML.
RTXParameterObjectVisibilityRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
A model object that should be visible is not, for example the Partition GLOBAL or the format XML.
RTXParameterValueRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Exception related to a parameter value, for example parsing the In or Out value of a JobParameter.
RTXParameterValueRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Exception related to a parameter value, for example parsing the In or Out value of a JobParameter.
RTXParseException - Exception in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
RTXParseException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
RTXProblem - Interface in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
All RTX Exceptions implement this interface.
RTXProblem - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
All RTX Exceptions implement this interface.
RTXProducer - Interface in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
An producer of RTXRows, i.e.
RTXProducer - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
An producer of RTXRows, i.e.
RTXReader - Class in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Reader for RTX format.
RTXReader - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Reader for RTX format.
RTXReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader
RTXReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader
RTXReader(InputStream, String...) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader
RTXReader(Reader) - Constructor for class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader
RTXReader(Reader) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader
RTXReader(Reader, String...) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader
RTXReader(String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader
RTXReader(String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader
RTXReader.StrictMode - Enum in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Control over how strictly the specification is interpreted.
RTXReader.StrictMode - Enum in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Control over how strictly the specification is interpreted.
RTXReaderException - Exception in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
General problem reading RTX data.
RTXReaderException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
General problem reading RTX data.
RTXRELCompiler - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Compile REL expressions for use with RTX.
RTXRELCompilerSPI - Interface in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
RTXRow - Class in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
A row of data with typed values defined by metadata (RTXMetadata).
RTXRow - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
A row of data with typed values defined by metadata (RTXMetadata).
RTXRow(RTXMetadata) - Constructor for class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Create a row with the specified metadata.
RTXRow(RTXMetadata) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Create a row with the specified metadata.
RTXRowRELScript<T> - Interface in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Compiled REL script for execution on an RTX Row.
RTXRowRELScript<T> - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Compiled REL script for execution on an RTX Row.
RTXRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
RTX Runtime Exception base class.
RTXRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
RTX Runtime Exception base class.
RTXSource - Class in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Metadata about the source of this document.
RTXSource - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Metadata about the source of this document.
RTXSource() - Constructor for class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
RTXSource() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
RTXType - Enum in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Data type of an RTX Column.
RTXType - Enum in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Data type of an RTX Column.
RTXWriter - Class in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
Writer for RTX format.
RTXWriter - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
Writer for RTX format.
RTXWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
RTXWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
RTXWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
RTXWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
RTXWriter(String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
RTXWriter(String) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
RTXWriterException - Exception in com.redwood.agent.api.rtx
General problem writing RTX data.
RTXWriterException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx
General problem writing RTX data.
runCSV(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ReportScript
Run a report with CSV output.
runHTML(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ReportScript
Run a report with HTML output.
RuntimeClass - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime
Runtime object type information
RuntimeClassComp - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14
Runtime object type information
RuntimeException - com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
When the RTX is invalid, then do throw a RuntimeException
RuntimeException - com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
When the RTX is invalid, then do throw a RuntimeException
RuntimeListValue<T> - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime
List of runtime values, extends Iterator.
RuntimeMemberType - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime
Runtime member type information
RuntimeMemberTypeString - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime
Runtime String member type information
RuntimeObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime
Runtime object instance information.
runXML(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ReportScript
Run a report with XML output.
RWIterable<T> - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces
A super interface of both Iterable and Iterator.


safeValueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
Helper function to return the RTXTypes represented by value.
safeValueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXType
Helper function to return the RTXTypes represented by value.
SapDateTimeAdapter - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.util
Adapter for converting date and time fields in SAP format to DateTimeZone
SapDateTimeAdapter() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.util.SapDateTimeAdapter
sapName() - Method in annotation type com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapField
Name of the corresponding SAP-field
SapObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
SAP objects wrapper
SAPSystemInfo - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
Details of the SAP system as returned by the function module RFC_SYSTEM_INFO
SAPSystemNoJCO - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
This is just a dummy class required for the help generation.
SATURDAY - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Value for Saturday
SC_ACCEPTED - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (202) indicating that a request was accepted for processing, but was not completed.
SC_BAD_GATEWAY - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (502) indicating that the HTTP server received an invalid response from a server it consulted when acting as a proxy or gateway.
SC_BAD_REQUEST - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (400) indicating the request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect.
SC_CONFLICT - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (409) indicating that the request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.
SC_CONTINUE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (100) indicating the client can continue.
SC_CREATED - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (201) indicating the request succeeded and created a new resource on the server.
SC_EXPECTATION_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (417) indicating that the server could not meet the expectation given in the Expect request header.
SC_FORBIDDEN - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (403) indicating the server understood the request but refused to fulfill it.
SC_FOUND - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (302) indicating that the resource reside temporarily under a different URI.
SC_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (504) indicating that the server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server while acting as a gateway or proxy.
SC_GONE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (410) indicating that the resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known.
SC_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (505) indicating that the server does not support or refuses to support the HTTP protocol version that was used in the request message.
SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (500) indicating an error inside the HTTP server which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
SC_LENGTH_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (411) indicating that the request cannot be handled without a defined Content-Length.
SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (405) indicating that the method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the resource identified by the Request-URI.
SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (301) indicating that the resource has permanently moved to a new location, and that future references should use a new URI with their requests.
SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (302) indicating that the resource has temporarily moved to another location, but that future references should still use the original URI to access the resource.
SC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (300) indicating that the requested resource corresponds to any one of a set of representations, each with its own specific location.
SC_NO_CONTENT - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (204) indicating that the request succeeded but that there was no new information to return.
SC_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (203) indicating that the meta information presented by the client did not originate from the server.
SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (406) indicating that the resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities which have content characteristics not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request.
SC_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (404) indicating that the requested resource is not available.
SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (501) indicating the HTTP server does not support the functionality needed to fulfill the request.
SC_NOT_MODIFIED - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (304) indicating that a conditional GET operation found that the resource was available and not modified.
SC_OK - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (200) indicating the request succeeded normally.
SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (206) indicating that the server has fulfilled the partial GET request for the resource.
SC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (402) reserved for future use.
SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (412) indicating that the precondition given in one or more of the request-header fields evaluated to false when it was tested on the server.
SC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (407) indicating that the client MUST first authenticate itself with the proxy.
SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (413) indicating that the server is refusing to process the request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process.
SC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (408) indicating that the client did not produce a request within the time that the server was prepared to wait.
SC_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (414) indicating that the server is refusing to service the request because the Request-URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret.
SC_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (416) indicating that the server cannot serve the requested byte range.
SC_RESET_CONTENT - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (205) indicating that the agent SHOULD reset the document view which caused the request to be sent.
SC_SEE_OTHER - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (303) indicating that the response to the request can be found under a different URI.
SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (503) indicating that the HTTP server is temporarily overloaded, and unable to handle the request.
SC_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (101) indicating the server is switching protocols according to Upgrade header.
SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (307) indicating that the requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI.
SC_UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (401) indicating that the request requires HTTP authentication.
SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (415) indicating that the server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.
SC_USE_PROXY - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Status code (305) indicating that the requested resource MUST be accessed through the proxy given by the Location field.
SchedulerCustomException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception
Custom exception, isBestException() returns true so will be chosen by the UI.
SchedulerCustomException(String) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomException
SchedulerCustomException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomException
SchedulerCustomLowLevelException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception
Custom low-level exception, isBestException() returns false so will not be chosen by the UI.
SchedulerCustomLowLevelException(String) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelException
SchedulerCustomLowLevelException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelException
SchedulerCustomLowLevelRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception
Custom low-level runtime exception, isBestException() returns false so will not be chosen by the UI.
SchedulerCustomLowLevelRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelRuntimeException
SchedulerCustomLowLevelRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelRuntimeException
SchedulerCustomRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception
Custom runtime exception, isBestException() returns true so will be chosen by the UI.
SchedulerCustomRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomRuntimeException
SchedulerCustomRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomRuntimeException
SchedulerEnumeration<E extends SchedulerEnumeration<E>> - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration
Super interface of all generated character enumeration types.
SchedulerException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception
Base exception for all non-Runtime Scheduler exceptions.
SchedulerException(String, String, Throwable, Object[], Object[]) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.SchedulerException
SchedulerIntegerEnumeration<E extends SchedulerIntegerEnumeration<E>> - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration
Super interface of all generated integer enumeration types.
SchedulerRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception
Base exception for all non-Runtime Scheduler exceptions.
SchedulerRuntimeException(String, String, Throwable, Object[], Object[]) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.SchedulerRuntimeException
SchedulerSessionBatchedUnitOfWork<T> - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow
Extending the unit of work pattern, this allows for work that can be broken up into batches to be processed.
SchedulerSessionBatchedUnitOfWorkManager - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow
Extending the unit-of-work pattern, this class allows large amounts of work to be processed in batches.
SchedulerSessionBatchedUnitOfWorkManager(SchedulerSessionUnitOfWorkManager, int) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow.SchedulerSessionBatchedUnitOfWorkManager
SchedulerSessionComp - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.compatibility_14
This class is only required in order to be able to provide binary compatibility with older releases.
SchedulerSessionSource - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow
Source of user scheduler sessions.
SchedulerSessionUnitOfWork<T extends Exception> - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow
Unit of work to be performed using a scheduler session.
SchedulerSessionUnitOfWorkManager - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow
Unit of work manager for work performed in a SchedulerSession.
SchedulerSessionUnitOfWorkManager(SchedulerSessionSource) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow.SchedulerSessionUnitOfWorkManager
Create a new unit of work manager using the specified source
SchedulerStatus - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
ScriptSessionFactory - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
ScriptSessionFactory() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ScriptSessionFactory
scriptsList() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
REST HTTP GET SCRIPTS-LIST This method returns all objects that have editable Redwood Script (JobDefinition, Trigger, ExtensionPoint etc.) either as a source, or via related objects like actions.
scriptsList() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
search(String, Set<SubjectType>, int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.security.SubjectManager
Search for subjects (users and roles).
SEARCH - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
SearchResult - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.search
The result of a search.
SearchResultSet - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.search
A search result set.
SECOND_MILLIS - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
SECONDS_IN_DAY - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
SECONDS_IN_HOUR - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
SECONDS_IN_MINUTE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
SecurityPrivilege - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
SecurityRank - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Segment - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc
selectJobs(XbpJobSelectionOption, String, String, SapBatchJobStatus[]) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Select jobs by the name of the job, owner name and status
selectJobs(XbpJobSelectionOption, String, String, SapBatchJobStatus[], DateTimeZone, DateTimeZone) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Select jobs by the name of the job, owner name, status and time
selectJobs(XbpJobSelectionOption, String, String, SapBatchJobStatus[], String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Select jobs by the name of the job, owner name, status and event
SelectOptionValue - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
A select option value
SelectOptionValueFactory - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
Factory for creating select option values
SelectOptionValueFactory() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SelectOptionValueFactory
send() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequest
Send the request.
send() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Send a request and handle the response.
sendError(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Sends an error response to the client using the specified status code and clears the buffer.
sendError(int, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Sends an error response to the client using the specified status code and clears the output buffer.
sendIDoc(IDoc, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.rfc.RfcInterface
Send an IDOC using a transaction id
sendIDoc(IDoc, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpInterface
Send an IDOC using a transaction id
sendRedirect(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Sends a temporary redirect response to the client using the specified redirect location URL.
sendRequest(boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Send the request, but do not yet handle the response.
sendTrap(SchedulerSession, String, BigDecimal, String, BigDecimal, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.snmp.SNMPTrap
Send an SNMP trap using the parameters passed.
sendTrap(String, BigDecimal, String, BigDecimal, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.snmp.SNMPTrap
Send an SNMP trap using the parameters passed.
SERVLET - com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorOrigin
The execution originated from an external connection.
SERVLET_NAME - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
SessionBridge - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc
SessionBridge() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.SessionBridge
set(int, int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
See Calendar.set(int,int)
set(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Sets the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and milliseconds to the specified values.
set(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, TimeZone) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Sets the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and milliseconds to the specified values.
set(int, Object) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Set the column to the value.
set(int, Object) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Set the column to the value.
set(RTXColumn, Object) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Set the column to the value.
set(DateTimeZone) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Sets this DateTimeZone from another DateTimeZone.
set(RTXColumn, Object) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Set the column to the value.
set(RTXRELCompilerSPI) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRELCompiler
set(String, Object) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Set the column to the value.
set(String, Object) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Set the column to the value.
set(TimeZone, long) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
setAuthentication(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Set the username and password for basic authentication.
setAuthor(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WMetaData
Set the author of the document
setAutoFlush(boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobLogger
Set autoflush flag.
setBegin(DateTimeZone) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
setBegin(TimeZone, long) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
setBeginMillis(long) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
setBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Set the value of a field/parameter of type BigDecimal
setBigInteger(String, BigInteger) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Set the value of a field/parameter of type BigInteger
setBufferSize(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Sets the preferred buffer size for the body of the response.
setByte(String, Byte) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Set the value of a field/parameter as Byte
setByteArray(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Set the value of a field/parameter as a byte array
setCategory(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobLogger
Set the category for this logger.
setCategory(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CommonLogLine
setCategory(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.trigger.TriggerLogger
Set the category for this logger.
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Overrides the name of the character encoding used in the body of this request.
setCharArray(String, char[]) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Set the value of a field/parameter of type CHAR[]
setCloseOnReturn() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnection
Sets closeOnReturn, meaning that the connection is physically closed, rather than returned to the connection pool.
setComment(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Exporter
Set the comment on the car file.
setCompletionStrategy(CompletionStrategyType) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Set the completion strategy for this job.
setContentLength(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Sets the length of the content body in the response In HTTP servlets, this method sets the HTTP Content-Length header.
setContentType(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Sets the content type of the response being sent to the client, if the response has not been committed yet.
setDate(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CommonLogLine
setDate(String, Date) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Set the value of a field/parameter of type DATE
setDateHeader(String, long) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Sets a response header with the given name and date-value.
setDefaultFormat(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WMetaData
The default format to apply to the publication
setDefaultNSPrefix(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Set the prefix for the default namespace in XPath.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXColumn
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
setDescription(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WMetaData
The description of the file
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXColumn
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
setDocumentFileName(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
setDocumentFileName(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
setDocumentSystemURL(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
setDocumentSystemURL(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
setDocumentURL(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
setDocumentURL(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.ActionEnableObject
setEnd(DateTimeZone) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
setEnd(TimeZone, long) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
setEndMillis(long) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
setErrorLogger(DatabaseErrorLogger) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnectionBuilder
Set a post-DatabaseErrorLogger, which is executed after an SQL statement failed.
setExpiration(DateTimeZone) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WMetaData
The expiration date to expire the document on
setExportContents(boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.ExportRuleSetComponent
Set whether the items should be exported recursively.
setExpressFlag(boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setFailJobOnError(boolean) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.action.api.ActionScriptObject
setFailJobOnError(boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PreExecutingActionScriptObject
Fail the job on error (default: true).
setFailJobOnError(boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.RestartableScriptObject
Set the 'fail job on error' flag.
setField(String, Object) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Set the value of a field/parameter of any type
setField(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.Segment
setFileName(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WMetaData
The filename of the publication
setFinalStatus(JobStatus) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PostRunningActionScriptObject
Set the final status of the job.
setForcedProcessServer(ProcessServer) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntity
Set the process server
setForceRestart(boolean, String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.action.api.ActionScriptObject
setForceRestart(boolean, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.RestartableScriptObject
Set the value of the force restart flag for this trigger/action.
setFormat(Format) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.usermessage.UserMessageAttachmentUpload
Set the format for the file
setFormat(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXDocumentKey
setFormat(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXDocumentKey
setHeader(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Sets a response header with the given name and value.
setHTTPEncoding(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
setHTTPHeader(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Set an HTTP header.
setId(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
setId(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
setIncludeExistingJobs(boolean) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobForecaster
Include existing jobs or not.
setInParameter(String, Object) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRemoteJob
setInteger(String, Integer) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Set an import field/parameter of type integer
setIntHeader(String, int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Sets a response header with the given name and integer value.
setInValue(Object) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityParameter
Set the input value of this parameter as an object.
setInValueString(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityParameter
Set the input value of this parameter as a string.
setIsInbound() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setIsOutbound() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setJobId(Long) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WMetaData
Set the JobId in the meta data
setJobOutputParameter(String, Object) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Set the current (in-memory) value of an output parameter.
setKey(RTXDocumentKey) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
setKey(RTXDocumentKey) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
setKey(Object) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXContainerContext
setKey(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
Set the key.
setKey(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
Set the key.
setLenient(boolean) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Set the lenient flag, @see Calendar#setLenient(boolean) for more information.
setLevel(Level) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.JobLogger
Set the level for this logger.
setLevel(Level) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.trigger.TriggerLogger
Set the level for this logger.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Sets the locale of the response, if the response has not been committed yet.
setLogger(Logger) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Replace the default logger with another Logger.
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
setLogger(Logger) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Replace the default logger with another Logger.
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
setLogger(Logger) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Set the logger class used to log SOAP in/output from the HTTP client.
setLogRestarts(boolean) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.action.api.ActionScriptObject
setLogRestarts(boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.RestartableScriptObject
Set if restarts of this trigger/action should be logged.
setLong(String, Long) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Set the value of a field/parameter as Long
setLOVCollection(LOVCollection) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVContext
setMaximumRestarts(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.action.api.ActionScriptObject
setMaximumRestarts(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.RestartableScriptObject
Set the maximum number of restarts of allowed for this trigger/action.
setMaxReconnectTime(long) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcConnectionManager
Change default reconnect time
setMaxRetries(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
This can be configured with the UnitOfWorkConfig and should not be used.
setMaxRetries(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Set the maximum number of retries for units of work.
setMaxSpins(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
This can be configured with the UnitOfWorkConfig and should not be used.
setMaxSpins(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointScriptObject
Set the maximum number of spins for units of work.
setMemberValue(String, Object) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeObject
Will throw RunTimeException when: - RuntimeMemberClassCastException - when the value could not be cast to the expected ClassType.
setMessage(Message) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.EmailAlertGatewayPreSendActionScriptObject
setMessageType(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setMetadata(RTXMetadata) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Sets the RTXMetadata.
setMetadata(RTXMetadata) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
setMetadata(RTXMetadata) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXConsumer
Sets the RTXMetadata.
setMetadata(RTXMetadata) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
setMethod(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Set the HTTP method to use, default is POST.
setName(String) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXColumn
setName(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXColumn
setNamespace(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Map an XML namespace prefix to a URI.
setNamespaceDone() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Set a flag indicating that all namespaces have been added.
setNow() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
setOutputMode(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setOutValue(Object) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameterRuntime
Manually override the Out reference of an Out or InOut parameter.
setOutValue(Object) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameterRuntime
Manually override the Out reference of an Out or InOut parameter.
setOutValue(String, T) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting.NativeJavaJobParameterContext
Sets given "out" value.
setOutValueString(FileParameterType, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameterRuntime
Manually override the Out reference of an Out or InOut parameter.
setOutValueString(TableParameterType, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameterRuntime
Manually override the Out reference of an Out or InOut parameter.
setOutValueString(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameterRuntime
Manually override the Out reference of an Out or InOut parameter.
setOutValueString(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.TableParameterRuntime
Manually override the Out reference of an Out or InOut parameter.
setOverrideName(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.FileParameter
Allows you to specify an override name that can be used instead of using the original file name.
setOwner(Subject) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ChangeOwner
Set the new owner.
setParameterMappings(Iterator<? extends EntityDefinitionConstraintParameterMapping>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint.Constraint
Set the parameter mappings for this constraint.
setParseHTTP500Response(boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Should an HTTP 500 response be parsed as a SOAPfault? Default: true.
setPersistAllowed(SchedulerSession, boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow.PersistAllowedHelper
Internal interface.
setPersistAllowedHelper(PersistAllowedHelper) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.uow.SchedulerSessionUnitOfWorkManager
setPLSQLJobContext(boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnectionBuilder
setPostLogger(DatabaseLogger) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnectionBuilder
Set a post-DatabaseLogger, which is executed after an SQL statement is executed.
setPreLogger(DatabaseLogger) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.DatabaseConnectionBuilder
Set a pre-DatabaseLogger, which is executed before an SQL statement is executed.
setProxy(String, int, String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Use the new global proxy support
setPublicationProfile(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WMetaData
Set the publication profile name
setQueue(Queue) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntity
Set the queue that is set for the entity.
setRawByteArray(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Set the value of a field/parameter of type RAW It assumes that the value is expected by SAP as a hex string
setReadOnly() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Make the metadata read only, changing anything after this point will cause an exception to be thrown.
setReadOnly() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
Make the metadata read only, changing anything after this point will cause an exception to be thrown.
setRecipientAddress(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setRecipientLogicalAddress(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setRecipientLogicalPort(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setRecipientPartnerFunction(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setRecipientPartnerNumber(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setRecipientPartnerType(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setRecipientPort(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setRejectedCipherSuitePatterns(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
setRequest(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Set the XML content of the SOAP request.
setRequestBody(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequest
Set the value of the body (may be null).
setRequestEncoding(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Set the encoding to use when converting the request from characters to bytes.
setRequestHeader(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequest
Set the value of a HTTP header.
setRequestMethod(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequest
Set the request method (GET, POST, ...).
setRequestTimeout(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequest
Set the timeout in milliseconds, 0 for no timeout.
setResponseEncoding(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Set the encoding to use when converting the response from bytes to characters.
setReturnCode(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.Shell
Set the return code for the shell.
setReturnCode(long) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Set the job return code.
setReturnCode(Long) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Set the job return code.
setSend(boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.EmailAlertGatewayPreSendActionScriptObject
setSenderAddress(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setSenderLogicalAddress(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setSenderLogicalPort(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setSenderPartnerFunction(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setSenderPartnerNumber(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setSenderPartnerType(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setSenderPort(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setSessionAttribute(String, Object) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletRequest
Since there is no access to the HttpSession, an alternative method is provided to store HttpSession Attributes.
setShort(String, Short) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Set the value of a field/parameter as Short
setSOAPAction(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Set the SOAP action to which to send the SOAP request.
setSocketFactory(SocketFactory) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
this is no longer functional.
setStatus(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionPointHttpServletResponse
Sets the status code for this response.
setStrictMode(boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeObject
In strict mode RunTimeExceptions may be thrown when calling setMemberValue() or getMemberValue(), such as: - RuntimeMemberClassCastException - RuntimeMemberDoesNotExistException In case strict mode is disabled, the above exceptions will be repressed.
setStrictMode(RTXReader.StrictMode) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXProducer
Sets the RTXReader.StrictMode, that is, when this RTXProducer does support strictMode.
setStrictMode(RTXReader.StrictMode) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader
setStrictMode(RTXReader.StrictMode) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXProducer
Sets the RTXReader.StrictMode, that is, when this RTXProducer does support strictMode.
setStrictMode(RTXReader.StrictMode) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader
setString(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Set an import field/parameter of type string
setSubject(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WMetaData
Set the subject of the document (this will default to description if not set)
setSubstitute(HTTPRequestSubstitutionLocation, List<String>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequestSubstitutions
setTestFlag(boolean) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.idoc.IDoc
setThread(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CommonLogLine
setTime(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CommonLogLine
setTime(String, Date) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
Set the value of a field/parameter of type TIME
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
setTitle(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WMetaData
Set the title of the document
setType(RTXType) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXColumn
setType(RTXType) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXColumn
setURL(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Set the URL to which to send the SOAP request.
setUTCMilliSecs(long) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
setValue(Object) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.OutputParameter
setWriteComments(boolean) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXWriter
setWriteComments(boolean) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXWriter
setYear(int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Sets the year.
setZone(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CommonLogLine
Shell - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
The shell interface provides access to shell specific information and methods.
SHELL - com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorOrigin
The execution started with the evaluation of a script in a shell.
SHORT - com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapType
SIGNATURE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
size() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcTable
Get the number of rows in the table
size() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CommonLog
Number of lines
skip - Variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.UniqueIdListAPIResultSetCallback
skipException() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomException
skipException() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelException
skipException() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomLowLevelRuntimeException
skipException() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerCustomRuntimeException
skipException() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.BaseSchedulerException
skipException() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.ExceptionData
Should this exception be skipped for the purposes of showing an exception dump to the user.
skipException() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.SchedulerRuntimeException
SMALLINT - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
smartSetTimeOfDay(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
smartSetTimeOfDay should set the 'time-of-day' part of the given calendar to the given values, but if these values are positioned at a 'hole' it should set the time_of_day to the earliest time AFTER the hole.
SNMPTrap - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.snmp
Send SNMP traps.
SNMPTrap() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.snmp.SNMPTrap
SOAP - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap
SOAP support.
SOAPFaultException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap
An SOAP fault from the remote side.
SOAPFaultException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPFaultException
SOAPQueryJobResult - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap
API for handling Query Job SOAP requests
SOAPRemoteJob - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap
API for submitting and monitoring remote jobs
SOAPRequest - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap
A SOAP request over HTTP.
SOURCE_DEFINITIONSELECTOR - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
SOURCE_EDITPAGE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
SOURCE_ESTIMATE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.DurationEstimate
Estimate is based on job statistics.
SOURCE_HOMEPAGE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
SOURCE_INCOMPLETE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.DurationEstimate
Estimate is based on incomplete information.
SOURCE_JOBCHAINEPARAMETEREDITOR - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
SOURCE_KNOWN - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.DurationEstimate
Estimate is based on completed job information.
SOURCE_MAINPAGE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
SOURCE_POPUPMENU - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
SOURCE_SHOWPAGE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
SOURCE_TOOLBAR - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
SOURCE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
SOURCEADDRESS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PromotionConstants
Tag that contains the Address of the Remote System that generated the car file, and is the context url of the system.
SOURCESYSTEM - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PromotionConstants
Tag that contains the Name of the Remote System that generated the car file, according to the following rules: - RMJ:<Partition> for RMJ - Value from registry key /configuration/export/name - this allows a consistent name for clustered systems, or if customers want to use their own conventions.
SpoolList - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
This represents a single spool list
start() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.jdbc.InternalToolResultSet
start() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.APIResultSetCallback
Invoked before processing any results.
start() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.CollectionCallback
start() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.GetCountCallBack
start() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.LongCallBack
start() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.LongListCallback
start() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.StringCallback
start() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.UniqueIdListAPIResultSetCallback
startHTML(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ReportScript
Start HTML output, emits everything up to and including the opening body tag.
STATUS_AVAILABLE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerStatus
STATUS_LOCATION_NULL - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerStatus
STATUS_NAMINGEXCEPTION - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerStatus
STATUS_OBJECT_BAD_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerStatus
STATUS_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerStatus
STATUS_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerStatus
stderr(Console) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
stdout(Console) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
stream() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.RWIterable
Returns a sequential Stream with this RWIterable as its source.
streamCopy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.StreamCopy
streamCopy(InputStream, OutputStream, long) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.StreamCopy
StreamCopy - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
StreamCopy(int) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.StreamCopy
String - com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
String - com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXType
STRING - com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapType
StringBuilderOutputHandler - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
Adapter to allow output to a StringBuilder.
StringBuilderOutputHandler() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.StringBuilderOutputHandler
StringBuilderOutputHandler(StringBuilder) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.StringBuilderOutputHandler
StringCallback - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Use this callback if you have a query which selects 1 String column and the query returns 1 row (result).
StringCallback() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.StringCallback
STRUCT - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
STRUCTURE - com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapType
SubjectManager - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.security
Manage subjects (users and roles) in the external security system including searching for users and roles and importing users.
SubjectSearchResult - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.security
A single search result from a subject search.
submit() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRemoteJob
submit(int) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRemoteJob
submitNoQuery() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRemoteJob
subtract(Period) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Periods
Excludes aPeriod from this periods.
subtract(Periods) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Periods
Excludes aPeriods from this periods.
SUNDAY - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Value for Sunday
SUPPORT_OBJECTTYPE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
supportedByProcessServer(ProcessServer) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntity
Is the constraint entity supported by the passed in process server?
supportsArray() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint.Constraint
Returns true if this constraint is capable of handling array values, instead of a single value only.
supportsREL(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.runtime.RuntimeClass
Returns true if given member for the SchedulerEntity this RuntimeClass represents suppors rel expressions.
supportsStrictMode(RTXReader.StrictMode) - Method in interface com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXProducer
supportsStrictMode(RTXReader.StrictMode) - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader
supportsStrictMode(RTXReader.StrictMode) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXProducer
supportsStrictMode(RTXReader.StrictMode) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader


TABLE - com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapType
TableFinder - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
TableParameter - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces
The value (either an In or Out value) of a table parameter.
TableParameterRuntime - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces
Runtime interface to Table parameters from RedwoodScript.
TableRow - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting
Wrapper for rows of ABAP tables
TARGETADDRESS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PromotionConstants
Tag that contains the location of the Remote System that this file is intended for
TARGETSYSTEM - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PromotionConstants
Tag that contains the Name of the Remote System that this file is intended for
TextEscape - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Methods for escaping text.
TextEscape.UnsupportedEncodingRuntimeException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
THREE_MINUTES_MILLIS - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
THURSDAY - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Value for Thursday
Time - com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
Time - com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXType
TIME - com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapType
TIME - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
TimeEstimate - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Interface for information about an estimated point in time.
TimeExpression - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.date
API for working with time expressions.
TimeExpression() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeExpression
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
TimeUnits - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.date
Definitions of some standard time definitions that can be used as descriptive arguments to methods.
TINYINT - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
TO_SEARCH_CASE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.collections.Mapping
Map from a string to the search case version of that string.
TO_US_LOWERCASE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.collections.Mapping
Map from a string to the lower case version of the string, in the US locale.
toCanonicalStringValue(Object) - Method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
toCanonicalStringValue(Object) - Method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXType
toCSV(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.TextEscape
Escape value for use in CSV.
toDateTimeZone(String, String, TimeZone) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.util.SapDateTimeAdapter
Convert SAP date in the format YYYYMMDD and time in the format HHMMSS to an instance of DateTimeZone
toDateTimeZone(String, TimeZone) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.util.SapDateTimeAdapter
Convert a SAP time stamp in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS to an instance of DateTimeZone
toFormattedString(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Format the date according to the specified Date Time Formatter.
toFormattedString(String, Locale) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Format the date according to the specified Date Time Formatter.
toHHMMSSString() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
This time formatted HHMMSS
toHTML(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.TextEscape
Escape value for use in HTML.
toInternalRepresentation(Object, RTXType) - Static method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
toInternalRepresentation(Object, RTXType) - Static method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXType
toInternalRepresentation(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
toInternalRepresentation(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXType
TOKEN - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequestSubstitutions
toLocalDate() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Convert this DateTimeZone to java's LocalDate.
toLocalDateTime() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Convert this DateTimeZone to java's LocalDateTime
toLocalizedPattern() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateFormatter
toLocalTime() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Convert this DateTimeZone to java's LocalTime.
TOO_MANY_OBJECTS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
ToolConnection - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
A connection to the tools interface.
ToolConnectionFactory - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
Factory for ToolConnection instances.
ToolConnectionImpl - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
ToolException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
Exception using Tool API: Communication or infrastructure related.
ToolException(String) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolException
ToolException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolException
ToolException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolException
ToolResponseException - Exception in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
ToolResponseException(int, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolResponseException
ToolResultSet - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
A result set from a query.
ToolResultSetMetaData - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
Meta data for a ToolResultSet.
ToolUploader - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
ToolUploader() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolUploader
toPattern() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateFormatter
toRequest(CallBase) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
toRequest(List<CallBase>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
toSapDate(DateTimeZone) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.util.SapDateTimeAdapter
Convert an instance of DateTimeZone to SAP date in the format YYYYMMDD
toSapDateTime(DateTimeZone) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.util.SapDateTimeAdapter
Convert an instance of DateTimeZone to SAP time stamp in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
toSapTime(DateTimeZone) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.util.SapDateTimeAdapter
Convert an instance of DateTimeZone to SAP time in the format HHMMSS
toSearchCase(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.TextEscape
Generate the normalized name of an object.
toSelectOptionExpression() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.SelectOptionValue
Convert this select option to an expression that can be used as job parameter value
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXColumn
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXDocumentKey
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXDocumentPair
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXRow
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXSource
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp.XbpJobSelectionOption
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVSupport
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
A string representation of this timestamp, including ms and time zone
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.Period
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BusinessKey
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.RestartStepOptions
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXColumn
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXDocumentKey
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXDocumentPair
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXMetadata
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXRow
toString() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXSource
toString() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.BaseSchedulerException
toString() - Method in exception com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.exception.SchedulerRuntimeException
toURLParameter(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.TextEscape
Escape value for use in a URL parameter.
toUTCString() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
A string representation of this timestamp, converted to UTC
toXml(OutputStream) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcObject
This method writes xml presentation of the function module to given stream
toXml(OutputStream) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcTable
This method writes xml presentation of the RfcTable object to given stream
toXML(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.TextEscape
Escape value for use in XML 1.0.
toYYYYMMDDString() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
This date formatted YYYYMMDD
toZonedDateTime() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Convert this DateTimeZone to java's ZonedDateTime
transformResponseXML(Transformer, Result) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Transform the XML response using the transformer to the result.
transformResponseXMLWithXSLT(Source, Result) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Transform the XML response using the specified XSLT.
transformResponseXMLWithXSLTDirect(String, Result) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Transform the XML response using the XSLT in the specified string.
transformResponseXMLWithXSLTFile(File, Result) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
Transform the XML response using the XSLT in the specified file.
TRIGGER - com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorOrigin
The execution started from a trigger.
TriggerLogger - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.trigger
A logger for use in triggers.
TriggerScriptObject - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables
This class contains the methods to retrieve trigger context.
truncateDay() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Truncate to the beginning of the last day.
truncateHour() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Truncate to the last hour.
truncateMinute() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Truncate to the last minute.
truncateMonth() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Truncate to the beginning of the last month.
truncateSecond() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Truncate to the last second.
truncateSecond(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
truncateToHole() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
truncateToHole(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
truncateYear() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Truncate to the beginning of the last year.
TUESDAY - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Value for Tuesday
type() - Method in annotation type com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapField
Type of the corresponding SAP-field
TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
TYPE_BUSINESSKEY - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
TYPE_CONSTANT - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
TYPE_DATETIME - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
TYPE_ENUMERATION - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
TYPE_FOREIGNKEY - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
TYPE_MILLIS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
TYPE_NUMBER - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
TYPE_TIMEZONE - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
TYPE_UNIQUEID - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExtensionParameters
TZGENERAL_FIELD - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateFormatter
TZID_FIELD - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateFormatter


UI - com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorOrigin
The execution started from a user performing a UI operation.
UNIQUEID - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
UniqueIdListAPIResultSetCallback - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
UniqueIdListAPIResultSetCallback(LongList) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.UniqueIdListAPIResultSetCallback
UniqueIdListAPIResultSetCallback(LongList, long) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.UniqueIdListAPIResultSetCallback
UnsupportedEncodingRuntimeException(String, UnsupportedEncodingException) - Constructor for exception com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.TextEscape.UnsupportedEncodingRuntimeException
until(Temporal, TemporalUnit) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
unwrap() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntity
Unwraps the constraint entity by returning the underlying scheduler entity.
unwrap() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintEntityDefinitionParameter
Unwraps the constraint entity definition parameter by returning the underlying scheduler entity.
unwrap() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Unwrap
Unwrap the object to return the underlying object.
Unwrap - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.database
Unwrap objects to allow the underlying object (not resource managed) to be returned.
update(ConstraintContext, String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint.Constraint
Notifies constraint about parameter changes
update(String, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.ConstraintContext
Notifies constraint about parameter changes.
uploadCAR(File, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
Upload a CAR file to the server.
uploadCAR(File, String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
uploadCAR(File, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
Upload a CAR file to the server.
uploadCAR(File, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
uploadJAR(File, String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnection
Upload a JAR file to the server.
uploadJAR(File, String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.ToolConnectionImpl
URL - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.PermaLinkConstants
URLBASE - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequestSubstitutions
usage(OutputHandler) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.Main
useOldDefinitions(boolean) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.RestartStepOptions.Builder
USER - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.PromotionConstants
Tag that contains the Name of the User that generated the file
USER_AGENT - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAPRequest
UserDetails - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp
User details
UserJob - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.job
A user defined job.
UserJobContext - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.job
Job context for user defined jobs.
UserMessageAttachmentUpload - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.usermessage
Interface defining the actions that can be made when uploading an attachment to a user message
USERNAME - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.R2WRequestSubstitutions
USERS - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.security.SubjectSearchResult
USERS_AND_ROLES - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.security.SubjectSearchResult
utcEquals(Object) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Checks if two DateTimeZone objects refer to the same moment in time, even in different time zones


VALID_NAMES - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BigDecimalFormat
validate() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.spi.constraint.Constraint
Validate the constraint parameter mappings provided to this constraint instance.
validate(Properties) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.interfaces.PeriodFunctionCalculator
Throws runtime exception if the parameters are not valid for this period function
valueOf(ParameterType) - Static method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(ParameterType) - Static method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(Class<T>) - Static method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(Class<T>) - Static method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting.WriteMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.constraint.LOVSupport
Get the LOV support for a string (opposite of LOVSupport.toString()).
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.BusinessKey
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorOrigin
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.enumeration.Level
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(TimeZone, String) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Parse our variation on ISO-8601 dates (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS,FFF ZZZ) as well as real ISO-8601 timestamps as well as Microsoft's interpretation (that doesn't adhere to ISO-31, and thus uses .)
values() - Static method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting.WriteMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.redwood.agent.api.rtx.RTXType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.BdcDynpro
Get the values of this BDC dynpro call
values() - Static method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXReader.StrictMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.rtx.RTXType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.api.scripting.variables.ExecutorOrigin
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.enumeration.Level
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VARBINARY - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
VARCHAR - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.database.Null
Variable - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
Variable() - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Variable
VARIABLE - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Variable
VariableHeader - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.model
VERSION - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.soap.SOAP


waitForAllChildJobsExternalCompletionStrategy() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
The current job will have its strategy set to external and will remain running until its child jobs finish.
waitForAllChildren(SchedulerSession) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Wait for all children to finish.
waitForCompletion(boolean) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.RestartStepOptions.Builder
waitForJob(SchedulerSession, Job) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Wait for another job to finish.
waitForJobs(SchedulerSession, Job[]) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Wait for all the specified jobs to finish.
waitForJobs(SchedulerSession, Job[], JobStatus[], long) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Wait for jobs to reach the specified statuses, with a maximum wait time.
waitForReply(OperatorMessage) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.job.UserJobContext
Wait for a reply to an operator message raised by this job.
warn(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Log a message object with the WARN level to the server logs.
warn(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.api.Logger
Log a message object, along with the associated exception, with the WARN level to the server logs.
WARN - com.redwood.scheduler.infrastructure.logging.enumeration.Level
The Level.WARN level designates potentially harmful situations.
wasFound() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.search.SearchResult
Was anything found.
wasNull() - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.report.ReportResultSet
Was the previous call to getLong() or getString() a null?
WEDNESDAY - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Value for Wednesday
WEEK_PATTERN - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
weekdayJavaToEnglish(int) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Spells out a DateTimeZone/Calendar weekday.
weekdayJavaToOracle(int) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
This class now uses the java.time framework, which uses Monday-starting weeks; use calendarDayAsDayOfWeek(weekdayInJava).value() instead
weekdayOracleToJava(int) - Static method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
This class now uses the java.time framework, which uses Monday-starting weeks; use DayOfWeek.of(weekdayInOracle) instead
WEEKEND - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Wildcard for weekends (Saturday and Sunday).
WEEKEND_PATTERN - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
with(TemporalField, long) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
withEarlierOffsetAtOverlap() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
withLaterOffsetAtOverlap() - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
WORK_DAYS_IN_WEEK - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Number of work days in a week
WORK_DAYS_IN_WEEK - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.TimeUnits
WORKDAY - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Wildcard for a single day from Monday till Friday
WORKDAY_PATTERN - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
WORKWEEK - Static variable in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.DateTimeZone
Wildcard for quintents (Monday,…,Friday).
WritableJobFile - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.usermessage
Extend the JobFile interface to allow writing in a limited case.
write(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.OutputHandler
Write the string s.
write(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.OutputStreamOutputHandler
write(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.StringBuilderOutputHandler
write(String) - Method in class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.WriterOutputHandler
Write the string s.
WriteMode - Enum in com.redwood.agent.api.java.scripting
WriterOutputHandler - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool
Adapter to allow output to a Writer.
WriterOutputHandler(Writer) - Constructor for class com.redwood.scheduler.api.tool.WriterOutputHandler
writeToFile(String) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Exporter
Export marked objects to a local file with the given name.
writeToNewJobFile(Job) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Exporter
Export marked objects to a local job file that will be attached to the supplied job.
writeXML(OutputStream) - Method in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.r2w.publish.R2WMetaData
Write the R2D XML to the output stream.


XbpInterface - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp
XBP Interface Currently supported XBP interfaces are XBP 1.0 and higher, that is XBP 0.1 is not supported.
XbpJob - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp
An XBP job
XbpJobAbapStep - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp
ABAP step of a batch job
XbpJobExternalCommandStep - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp
External command step
XbpJobExternalProgramStep - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp
External program step
XbpJobExternalStep - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp
External step, ie.
XbpJobSelectionOption - Class in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp
Options to select XBP jobs
XbpJobStep - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp
Step of a batch job
XbpWork - Interface in com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.xbp
Unit of work, uses the XBP interface
xmlOutLength() - Method in annotation type com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapField
Parameter to truncate toXml() output if needed.
XSTRING - com.redwood.scheduler.api.connector.sap.rfc.scripting.RfcSapType


YEAR_PATTERN - Static variable in interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.date.RecurrenceInfo
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