Interface ListDirectoryResultSet

    • Method Detail

      • getListDirectoryResults

        RWIterable<ListDirectoryResult> getListDirectoryResults()
                                                         throws com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ListDirectoryTransientException,
        Get an RWIterable over a collection of ListDirectoryResult items, the collection will be ordered by Name. If the collection is empty, an empty RWIterable will be returned, that is, this method will never return null.
        Specified by:
        getListDirectoryResults in interface ListDirectoryResultSetComp
        An RWIterable over a collection of ListDirectoryResult items, the collection will be ordered by Name.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ListDirectoryException - permanent error, cannot be recovered.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.ListDirectoryTransientException - transient error, retry may work.
      • getWarningMessage

        String getWarningMessage()
        Get any warning message generated by the server whilst retrieving these results.
        Warning message or null if there is none.