Interface SchedulerSessionComp

  • public interface SchedulerSessionComp
    This class is only required in order to be able to provide binary compatibility with older releases. You should never access this class directly.
    • Method Detail

      • executeObjectQuery

        Iterator executeObjectQuery​(String sql,
                                    Object[] variables)
        This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, SchedulerSession.executeObjectQuery(String, Object[]) should always be used instead.
        Execute the given query, and return an iterator over the result. These objects will be from the sessions cache if they have already been retrieved in this session.

        For this legacy method, there is really no way to determine what the return type is. If we actually gave it a type of <? extends SchedulerEntity>, which is what it is, we would break existing code that knew the type and were previously assigning the result to, for example, Iterator<Job>.

        sql - is the query that needs to be executed
        variables - are the objects to be replaced in the query
        an Iterator<SchedulerEntity> over the result
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerAPIPersistenceRuntimeException - If an error has occurred while trying to execute the query. The underlying exception will have been set as the cause.
      • executeObjectQuery

        Iterator executeObjectQuery​(String sql,
                                    Object[] variables,
                                    long rowLimit)
        This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, SchedulerSession.executeObjectQuery(String, Object[], long) should always be used instead.
        Execute the given query, and return an iterator over the result. These objects will be from the sessions cache if they have already been retrieved in this session. The size of the iterator will not exceed rowLimit

        For this legacy method, there is really no way to determine what the return type is. If we actually gave it a type of <? extends SchedulerEntity>, which is what it is, we would break existing code that knew the type and were previously assigning the result to, for example, Iterator<Job>.

        sql - is the query that needs to be executed
        variables - are the objects to be replaced in the query
        rowLimit - the maximum number of objects returned by the query
        an Iterator<SchedulerEntity> over the result
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerAPIPersistenceRuntimeException - If an error has occurred while trying to execute the query. The underlying exception will have been set as the cause.
      • getChangedObjects

        Iterator<com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerEntity> getChangedObjects​(Iterator<com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ObjectDefinition> objectDefinitions,
                                                                                    DateTimeZone start,
                                                                                    DateTimeZone end,
                                                                                    com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Subject[] users)
        This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, SchedulerSession.getChangedObjects(Iterator, DateTimeZone, DateTimeZone, Subject[]) should always be used instead.
        Obtain all changed SchedulerEntities after start and/or before end and/or changed by users for a given List of ObjectDefinitions.
        objectDefinitions - Iterator with ObjectDefinitions to search, when null all ObjectDefinitions will be searched.
        start - When not null, only changes are reported after this DateTimeZone
        end - When not null, only changes are reported before this DateTimeZone
        users - When not null, only changes are reported which were made by the Subject(s)
        RWIterable containing all changed SchedulerEntities
      • getLicenseKeysByContractName

        Iterator<com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.LicenseKey> getLicenseKeysByContractName​(String contractName)
        This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, SchedulerSession.getLicenseKeysByContractName(String) should always be used instead.
        Get all the license keys associated with a contract.
        contractName - the contract to search for.
        an iterator of the license keys for the given contract.
      • getMonitorAlertSourcesByLinkableMonitor

        Iterator<com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.MonitorAlertSource> getMonitorAlertSourcesByLinkableMonitor​(com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.LinkableMonitor linkableMonitor)
        This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, SchedulerSession.getMonitorAlertSourcesByLinkableMonitor(LinkableMonitor) should always be used instead.
        Get an iterator of all MonitorAlertSources by LinkableMonitor.
        linkableMonitor - the LinkableMonitor to search by.
        an iterator of all the MonitorAlertSources.
      • getPartitionSearchPath

        <T extends com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Partition> Iterator<T> getPartitionSearchPath()
        This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, SchedulerSession.getPartitionSearchPath() should always be used instead.
        Get the partition search path for this session.
        an iterator of Partition objects.
      • getRELEntryPoints

        Iterator<com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.RELEntryPoint> getRELEntryPoints()
        This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, SchedulerSession.getRELEntryPoints() should always be used instead.
        Get an iterator over all of the RELEntryPoints visible to this user.
        an iterator over all of the RELEntryPoints visible to this user
      • getSchedulerEntitiesByObjectTypeUniqueIdIterator

        <T> Iterator<com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerEntity> getSchedulerEntitiesByObjectTypeUniqueIdIterator​(String objectType,
                                                                                                                       Collection<T> uniqueIds,
                                                                                                                       Mapping<T,​Long> mapping)
        This method is only here to provide binary compatibility with old releases of the software. This should never be called directly, SchedulerSession.getSchedulerEntitiesByObjectTypeUniqueIdIterator(String, Collection, Mapping) should always be used instead.
        Get a collection of objects of the same type by UniqueId. The objects that are passed in through the uniqueIds parameter can be modified by a mapping function, so that some for of container object could be passed through, and the mapping can convert from the container to the desired uniqueId.
        objectType - The type of object that we wish to retrieve from the database
        uniqueIds - A list of objects that can be used to generate the UniqueIds to retrieve from the database
        mapping - a Mapping function from the objects in uniqueIds that are passed in, to the UniqueIds that are in the database. If this is null, then uniqueIds is assumed to be a collection of Longs.
        an RWIterable over the objects that were found