Interface Reporter

  • public interface Reporter
    Interface for creating reporting related objects.
    • Method Detail

      • emitStandardStyleTag

        void emitStandardStyleTag()
                           throws IOException
        Emit a style tag containing the standard cascading style sheet.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
      • getHTMLReportDestination

        ReportDestination getHTMLReportDestination()
        Get a report destination that will create HTML tables, suitable for use with SchedulerSession.executeQuery(String, Object[], APIResultSetCallback).
        a report destination.
      • getHTMLReportDestination

        ReportDestination getHTMLReportDestination​(String cssPrefix)
        Get a report destination that will create HTML tables with a custom CSS prefix, suitable for use with SchedulerSession.executeQuery(String, Object[], APIResultSetCallback).
        cssPrefix - for CSS.
        a report destination.
      • getCSVReportDestination

        ReportDestination getCSVReportDestination()
        Get a report destination that will create CSV tables, suitable for use with SchedulerSession.executeQuery(String, Object[], APIResultSetCallback).
        a report destination.
      • getXMLReportDestination

        ReportDestination getXMLReportDestination()
        Get a report destination that will create XML tables, suitable for use with SchedulerSession.executeQuery(String, Object[], APIResultSetCallback).
        a report destination.
      • getRTXReportDestination

        ReportDestination getRTXReportDestination()
        Get a report destination that will create RTX tables, suitable for use with SchedulerSession.executeQuery(String, Object[], APIResultSetCallback).
        a report destination.
      • getJsonReportDestination

        ReportDestination getJsonReportDestination()
        Get a report destination that will create JSON tables, suitable for use with SchedulerSession.executeQuery(String, Object[], APIResultSetCallback).
        a report destination.
      • getCountReportDestination

        ReportDestination getCountReportDestination​(String cssPrefix)
        Get a report destination that just counts the resulting rows and displays it in a HTML table with a custom CSS prefix, suitable for use with SchedulerSession.executeQuery(String, Object[], APIResultSetCallback).
        cssPrefix - for CSS
        a report destination