Interface ExtensionPointScriptObject

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ExtensionPointScriptObject
    extends com.redwood.scheduler.api.session.RestrictedSchedulerSessionSupport
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean addToCloseList​(AutoCloseable o, String name, boolean log)
      Close the object when the action completes.
      void clearRetainedActionSubjectSchedulerSession()
      Clear an earlier requested retained SchedulerSessoin.
      void clearRetainedUserSchedulerSession()
      Clear an earlier requested retained SchedulerSessoin.
      com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerSession createActionSubjectSchedulerSession()
      Create an additional SchedulerSesison that has the context of the Act ion Subject as defined by the Extension Point These SchedulerSessions are detached and invalidated after the execution of the request, and should therefore NOT be held on to (by storing them in the session or otherwise).
      com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerSession createUserSchedulerSession()
      Create an additional SchedulerSesison that has the context of the user performing the action.
      void executeActionWithLock​(String name, Runnable action)
      Execute the action when the lock with name has been acquired.
      void forceCloseListLogging()
      Force logging of all objects in close list.
      String getBootStrapURL()
      Retrieve the URL to the javascript that will contain the javascript api object jcsExtension to be used in javascript.
      com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ExtensionPoint getExtensionPoint()
      Get the extension point that defined this action.
      Long getExtensionPointUniqueId()
      Get the extension point Unique Id that defined this action.
      List<com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.JobChainCall> getJobChainCalls()
      Return a list of JobChainCalls that make up the path from the last call that points to the JobDefinition of which the JobDefinitionParameter is being edited to the call of the root chain.
      String getJobDefinitionBootStrapURL()
      Retrieve the URL to the javascript that will contain the javascript api object jceJobDefinition extension to be used in javascript.
      com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.JobDefinitionParameter getJobDefinitionParameter()
      Get the JobDefinitionParameter that this Extension Point was invoked from.
      int getMaxRetries()
      Get maximum retries.
      int getMaxSpins()
      Get maximum spins.
      String getOriginalValue()
      Return the original value of the field that initiated this ExtensionPoint
      com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerSession getRetainedActionSubjectSchedulerSession()
      Get (or create if one does not exist yet) a SchedulerSession that will be available in consequent requests for this user for the same ExtensionPoint execution.
      com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerSession getRetainedUserSchedulerSession()
      Get (or create if one does not exist yet) a SchedulerSession that will be available in consequent requests for this user for the same ExtensionPoint execution.
      com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerSession getSharedSchedulerSession()
      Return a SchedulerSession that is being used on an edit page, and contains the objects being edited.
      String getThemeCSSUrl()
      Retrieve the URL to the CSS that will contain theming information that can be used to style the page like the rest of the product
      <T extends Exception>
      performUnitOfWorkActionSubjectSession​(SchedulerSessionUnitOfWork<T> uow)
      Perform a unit of work, by calling it with a new Action Subject session.
      <T extends Exception>
      performUnitOfWorkUserSession​(SchedulerSessionUnitOfWork<T> uow)
      Perform a unit of work, by calling it with a new User session.
      void releaseSharedSchedulerSession()
      Once an Extension Point is done with the shared SchedulerSession and no longer needs access to it, then this method can be called to release the SchedulerSession so it can be garbage collected.
      void setMaxRetries​(int newMaxRetries)
      Set the maximum number of retries for units of work.
      void setMaxSpins​(int newMaxSpins)
      Set the maximum number of spins for units of work.
      • Methods inherited from interface com.redwood.scheduler.api.session.RestrictedSchedulerSessionSupport

        createRestrictedSchedulerSessionSpecificationAsUser, useRestrictedSchedulerSession
    • Method Detail

      • executeActionWithLock

        void executeActionWithLock​(String name,
                                   Runnable action)
                            throws InterruptedException
        Execute the action when the lock with name has been acquired. Each extension point has its own lock that an Extension Point can use. Within each Extension Point, multiple locks can be created by giving them different names.
        name - of the lock to acquire before running the action
        action - to run when the lock has been acquired.
        InterruptedException - when the thread is interrupted while waiting for a lock.
      • getExtensionPointUniqueId

        Long getExtensionPointUniqueId()
        Get the extension point Unique Id that defined this action.
        the Extension Point Unique Id that defined this action.
      • getExtensionPoint

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ExtensionPoint getExtensionPoint()
        Get the extension point that defined this action.
        the Extension Point that defined this action.
      • createUserSchedulerSession

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerSession createUserSchedulerSession()
        Create an additional SchedulerSesison that has the context of the user performing the action. These SchedulerSessions are detached and invalidated after the execution of the request, and should therefore NOT be held on to (by storing them in the session or otherwise). Use getRetainedUserSchedulerSession() instead.
        a user SchedulerSession
      • createActionSubjectSchedulerSession

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerSession createActionSubjectSchedulerSession()
        Create an additional SchedulerSesison that has the context of the Act ion Subject as defined by the Extension Point These SchedulerSessions are detached and invalidated after the execution of the request, and should therefore NOT be held on to (by storing them in the session or otherwise). Use getRetainedActionSubjectSchedulerSession() instead.
        an Action Subject SchedulerSession, or null if Action Subject is not defined
      • getRetainedUserSchedulerSession

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerSession getRetainedUserSchedulerSession()
        Get (or create if one does not exist yet) a SchedulerSession that will be available in consequent requests for this user for the same ExtensionPoint execution. Unlike the SchedulerSession returned by createUserSchedulerSession(), this SchedulerSession is not invalidated after the execution has ended, and can be used to store modified Scheduler Entities that the user is editing.
        a user SchedulerSession that can be used over multiple requests.
      • clearRetainedUserSchedulerSession

        void clearRetainedUserSchedulerSession()
        Clear an earlier requested retained SchedulerSessoin. The retained SchedulerSession will be invalidated, and SchedulerEntities retrieved from this SchedulerSession will not be usable anymore. All changes made to SchedulerEntities will also be discarded. Has no effect when getRetainedUserSchedulerSession() has not been called before for this user/ExtensionPoint combination
      • getRetainedActionSubjectSchedulerSession

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerSession getRetainedActionSubjectSchedulerSession()
        Get (or create if one does not exist yet) a SchedulerSession that will be available in consequent requests for this user for the same ExtensionPoint execution. Unlike the SchedulerSession returned by createUserSchedulerSession(), this SchedulerSession is not invalidated after the execution has ended, and can be used to store modified Scheduler Entities that the user is editing.
        an Action Subject based SchedulerSession that can be used over multiple requests, or null if an Action Subject is not defined
      • clearRetainedActionSubjectSchedulerSession

        void clearRetainedActionSubjectSchedulerSession()
        Clear an earlier requested retained SchedulerSessoin. The retained SchedulerSession will be invalidated, and SchedulerEntities retrieved from this SchedulerSession will not be usable anymore. All changes made to SchedulerEntities will also be discarded. Has no effect when getRetainedActionSubjectSchedulerSession() has not been called before for this user/ExtensionPoint combination
      • getMaxRetries

        int getMaxRetries()
        Get maximum retries.
        maximum retries.
      • getMaxSpins

        int getMaxSpins()
        Get maximum spins.
        maximum spins.
      • setMaxRetries

        void setMaxRetries​(int newMaxRetries)
        Set the maximum number of retries for units of work.
        newMaxRetries - the new maximum number of retries, must be > 1.
      • setMaxSpins

        void setMaxSpins​(int newMaxSpins)
        Set the maximum number of spins for units of work.
        newMaxSpins - the new maximum number of spins, must be > 1.
      • performUnitOfWorkUserSession

        <T extends Exception> void performUnitOfWorkUserSession​(SchedulerSessionUnitOfWork<T> uow)
                                                         throws com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerAPIPersistenceException,
                                                                T extends Exception
        Perform a unit of work, by calling it with a new User session. If the initial call fails with a no rows updated exception, call it again with a new session. If it fails with any other exception, or fails too many times with no rows updated, throw the last exception thrown. Retries can be configured with setMaxRetries(int). Spins can be configured with setMaxSpins(int).
        uow - the unit of work to perform. Generic in the type of Exception its performWork method it throws. See SchedulerSessionUnitOfWork for the problems with using a raw type here.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerAPIPersistenceException - if the unit of work fails with a no rows updated exception maxretries times.
        T - if the unit of work throws an exception.
        T extends Exception
      • performUnitOfWorkActionSubjectSession

        <T extends Exception> void performUnitOfWorkActionSubjectSession​(SchedulerSessionUnitOfWork<T> uow)
                                                                  throws com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerAPIPersistenceException,
                                                                         T extends Exception
        Perform a unit of work, by calling it with a new Action Subject session. If the initial call fails with a no rows updated exception, call it again with a new session. If it fails with any other exception, or fails too many times with no rows updated, throw the last exception thrown. Retries can be configured with setMaxRetries(int). Spins can be configured with setMaxSpins(int).
        uow - the unit of work to perform. Generic in the type of Exception its performWork method it throws. See SchedulerSessionUnitOfWork for the problems with using a raw type here.
        com.redwood.scheduler.api.exception.SchedulerAPIPersistenceException - if the unit of work fails with a no rows updated exception maxretries times.
        T - if the unit of work throws an exception.
        T extends Exception
      • addToCloseList

        boolean addToCloseList​(AutoCloseable o,
                               String name,
                               boolean log)
        Close the object when the action completes.
        o - the object to close.
        name - the name of the object.
        log - should information about this object be logged by default.
        true if the object was added, false if it was not closable.
      • forceCloseListLogging

        void forceCloseListLogging()
        Force logging of all objects in close list.
      • getThemeCSSUrl

        String getThemeCSSUrl()
        Retrieve the URL to the CSS that will contain theming information that can be used to style the page like the rest of the product
        the URL to be used in a <link> tag
      • getOriginalValue

        String getOriginalValue()
        Return the original value of the field that initiated this ExtensionPoint
        the original value
      • getSharedSchedulerSession

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerSession getSharedSchedulerSession()
        Return a SchedulerSession that is being used on an edit page, and contains the objects being edited. Depending on the type of Extension Point, this SchedulerSession has restrictions with regards to modifying objects or persisting the session. The Jobchain Editor Extension point gets a readonly copy of the session, any modifications will result in an exception. Object page extension points get a modifiable session, but persist is not allowed, exception for type window.
        the SchedulerSession being used by the edit page that initiated the ExtensionPoint
      • releaseSharedSchedulerSession

        void releaseSharedSchedulerSession()
        Once an Extension Point is done with the shared SchedulerSession and no longer needs access to it, then this method can be called to release the SchedulerSession so it can be garbage collected. Keep in mind that after this call, the getSharedSchedulerSession will return null.
      • getBootStrapURL

        String getBootStrapURL()
        Retrieve the URL to the javascript that will contain the javascript api object jcsExtension to be used in javascript.
        the URL to be used in the <script> tag
      • getJobDefinitionParameter

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.JobDefinitionParameter getJobDefinitionParameter()
        Get the JobDefinitionParameter that this Extension Point was invoked from. The JobDefintionParameter will be attached to the shared SchedulerSession, and will be read only
        the JobDefinitionParameter
      • getJobChainCalls

        List<com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.JobChainCall> getJobChainCalls()
        Return a list of JobChainCalls that make up the path from the last call that points to the JobDefinition of which the JobDefinitionParameter is being edited to the call of the root chain. All objects are attached to the shared SchedulerSession but are read only.
        the list of JobChainCalls
      • getJobDefinitionBootStrapURL

        String getJobDefinitionBootStrapURL()
        Retrieve the URL to the javascript that will contain the javascript api object jceJobDefinition extension to be used in javascript.
        the URL to be used in the <script> tag