Interface OnBeforeUserJobChangeActionScriptObject

  • public interface OnBeforeUserJobChangeActionScriptObject
    Interface of the context available for OnBeforeUserChange action/triggers.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.JobStatus getNewStatus()
      Get the new status of the job, the status that this job will go into once this action completes (assuming that this or other actions do not change the job).
      com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.JobStatus getOldStatus()
      Get the old status of the job, the status that this job was in before persist started.
    • Method Detail

      • getOldStatus

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.JobStatus getOldStatus()
        Get the old status of the job, the status that this job was in before persist started.
        The old status.
      • getNewStatus

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.JobStatus getNewStatus()
        Get the new status of the job, the status that this job will go into once this action completes (assuming that this or other actions do not change the job).
        The new status.