Interface OnUserMessageOperationActionScriptObject

  • public interface OnUserMessageOperationActionScriptObject
    This class provides methods to get the details of the user operation. The User Message being operated on can be retrieved using getUserMessage() The operation that is being performed to the User Message can be retrieved using getOperation() This class has no properties.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      InputStream getAttachmentInputStream()
      Get an InputStream of the contents of the attachment.
      com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.UserMessageFlowAction getOperation()
      Get the operation being performed on the User Message
      com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Subject getReceiverSubject()
      Get the intended recipient for the User Message action This can be null for UserMessageFlowAction.Completed, UserMessageFlowAction.Created
      com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Subject getSubject()
      Get the subject performing the operation
      com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.UserMessage getUserMessage()
      Get the user message the operation is being performed on
      com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.UserMessageAttachment getUserMessageAttachment()
      Get the UserMessageAttachment associated with the flow action.
    • Method Detail

      • getOperation

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.enumeration.UserMessageFlowAction getOperation()
        Get the operation being performed on the User Message
        the operation
      • getUserMessage

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.UserMessage getUserMessage()
        Get the user message the operation is being performed on
        the user message
      • getSubject

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Subject getSubject()
        Get the subject performing the operation
        the subject
      • getReceiverSubject

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Subject getReceiverSubject()
        Get the intended recipient for the User Message action This can be null for UserMessageFlowAction.Completed, UserMessageFlowAction.Created
        the receiver subject
      • getUserMessageAttachment

        com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.UserMessageAttachment getUserMessageAttachment()
        Get the UserMessageAttachment associated with the flow action. This will be set for the UserMessageFlowAction.AddedAttachment, UserMessageFlowAction.UploadedAttachment, UserMessageFlowAction.ReplacedAttachment, UserMessageFlowAction.DeletedAttachment operation, and will be null for all other operations.
        the UserMessageAttachment
      • getAttachmentInputStream

        InputStream getAttachmentInputStream()
                                      throws Exception
        Get an InputStream of the contents of the attachment. This is available only for the UserMessageFlowAction.UploadedAttachment operation and otherwise will be null. There is no guarantee that this InputStream.reset() can be called on this stream.
        the contents of the attachment
        Exception - if the job file cannot be retrieved