Interface RoutingConstraint

  • public interface RoutingConstraint
    A constraint that constrains the queue.
    • Method Detail

      • isAllowedQueue

        boolean isAllowedQueue​(ConstraintContext context,
                               com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.Queue queue)
        Does this constraint allow this queue?
        context - the constraint context
        queue - the queue in question
        true if the queue is allowed, false otherwise.
      • applyQueueRouting

        void applyQueueRouting​(ConstraintContext context)
        Possibility to overrule (apply routing) the queue. Queue routing is only applied when the queue is inherited by it's parent The default behavior of the implementation should be: Overwrite any unexpected queue without testing
        context - the constraint context
      • isAllowedForcedProcessServer

        boolean isAllowedForcedProcessServer​(ConstraintContext context,
                                             com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.ProcessServer processServer)
        Does this constraint allow this process server as a forced process server?
        context - the constraint context
        processServer - the process server in question
        true if the process server is allowed, false otherwise.
      • applyForcedProcessServerRouting

        void applyForcedProcessServerRouting​(ConstraintContext context)
        Possibility to overrule (apply routing) for the forced process server. The default behavior of the implementation should be: The forced process server is set when the constraint can find a process server for the parameter value that serves this constraint.
        context - the constraint context