Advanced Chain Diagram Quick Reference
The chain diagram is used to graphically display a chain in a 2D diagram. The diagram is embedded in a tab by default and can be shown in a pop-up.
The following actions are available in the chain diagram:
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In the diagram you use your pointing device to perform the following gestures:
- scroll-wheel - zoom in/out
- choose (double-click) a box - zoom to fit.
- ctrl-drag a rectangle - zoom to rectangle.
- click plus [+] - expand/collapse.
- choose with the alternate button - the context-menu
- choose a ID to open the process in a new tab
- choose the name of a process or step to open the process or step, respectively, in a new tab.
- resize chain process boxes by dragging the right-hand side of one of them, note that all boxes will have the same size and that your setting will persisted.
The size of the chain process boxes is applied system-wide for the Chain Diagram and Chain Editor.
- zoom in 10%
- zoom out 10%
- expand all, recursively
- collapse all, recursively
- print the chain
- open this help page
The expand all action remains active as data will be fetched asynchronously! Manually expanding/collapsing a box or clicking the expand all button again will stop the action.
See Also