Class BusinessKey

    • Constructor Detail

      • BusinessKey

        public BusinessKey​(String key)
      • BusinessKey

        public BusinessKey​(String initObjectType,
                           CharSequence initPath)
        Note: the initPath variable may not contain the object type, or the result will always be null. (ie. a business key with String JobDefinition:GLOBAL.JobDefinitionName should only pass in GLOBAL.JobDefinitionName
        initObjectType -
        initPath -
      • BusinessKey

        public BusinessKey​(String initObjectType,
                           String[] initPathElements)
    • Method Detail

      • getObjectType

        public final String getObjectType()
        The type of concrete object that this business-key refers to.
        the type of object this business-key refers to.
      • getPathElementsAsList

        public final List<String> getPathElementsAsList()
        The path to this object. This will be an unmodifiable reference to the path, represented as a series of elements.
        the path to this object.
      • getPath

        public final CharSequence getPath()
        The path to this object, represented as a single sequence of characters.
        the path to this object.
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(Object object)
        equals in class Object
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(BusinessKey bk)
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object