Interface SAPProcessDefinition

    • Method Detail

      • getEventStart

        String getEventStart()
        Get the value for EventStart. (Start event.)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getEventStartParameter

        String getEventStartParameter()
        Get the value for EventStartParameter. (Start event parameter.)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getProcessType

        String getProcessType()
        Get the value for ProcessType. (Process type.)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getProcessTypeDescription

        String getProcessTypeDescription()
        Get the value for ProcessTypeDescription. (Optional process type description)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getProcessVariant

        String getProcessVariant()
        Get the value for ProcessVariant. (Process variant.)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getProcessVariantDescription

        String getProcessVariantDescription()
        Get the value for ProcessVariantDescription. (Optional process variant description)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getDeprecated1

        String getDeprecated1()
        Get the value for Deprecated1. (Process instance.)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getEventEnd

        String getEventEnd()
        Get the value for EventEnd. (End event.)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getEventEndParameter

        String getEventEndParameter()
        Get the value for EventEndParameter. (End event parameter.)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getEventGreen

        String getEventGreen()
        Get the value for EventGreen. (Green event.)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getEventGreenParameter

        String getEventGreenParameter()
        Get the value for EventGreenParameter. (Green event parameter.)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getEventRed

        String getEventRed()
        Get the value for EventRed. (Red event.)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getEventRedParameter

        String getEventRedParameter()
        Get the value for EventRedParameter. (Red event parameter.)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • isGreenEqualsRed

        boolean isGreenEqualsRed()
        Get the value for GreenEqualsRed. (Whether green event equals red.)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getOnErrorProcessType

        String getOnErrorProcessType()
        Get the value for OnErrorProcessType. (Process type to call on error.)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getOnErrorProcessVariant

        String getOnErrorProcessVariant()
        Get the value for OnErrorProcessVariant. (Process variant to call on error.)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getMaxNumberOfRestarts

        Long getMaxNumberOfRestarts()
        Get the value for MaxNumberOfRestarts. (Max number of restarts.) This value is mandatory, and therefore will not be null if this object has been retrieved from the database.
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getDeprecated2

        Long getDeprecated2()
        Get the value for Deprecated2. (This attribute is deprecated and no longer in use.) This value is mandatory, and therefore will not be null if this object has been retrieved from the database.
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getRestartDelay

        Long getRestartDelay()
        Get the value for RestartDelay. (Delay between restarts.) This value is mandatory, and therefore will not be null if this object has been retrieved from the database.
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getRestartDelayUnits

        TimeUnit getRestartDelayUnits()
        Get the value for RestartDelayUnits. (Time units for 'restart delay amount' - seconds, minutes, hours, days. May not be null, defaults to minutes) This value is mandatory, and therefore will not be null if this object has been retrieved from the database.
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • isRestartUnchecked

        boolean isRestartUnchecked()
        Get the value for RestartUnchecked. (Ignore SAP Restart Settings. Your process chain can be repeatable or repairable in SAP; this attribute allows you to ignore the setting in SAP.)
        the field
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setEventStart

        void setEventStart​(String newEventStart)
        Set the value for EventStart. (Start event.) This value is optional.
        newEventStart - the new value for EventStart.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setEventStartParameter

        void setEventStartParameter​(String newEventStartParameter)
        Set the value for EventStartParameter. (Start event parameter.) This value is optional.
        newEventStartParameter - the new value for EventStartParameter.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setProcessType

        void setProcessType​(String newProcessType)
        Set the value for ProcessType. (Process type.) This value is optional.
        newProcessType - the new value for ProcessType.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setProcessTypeDescription

        void setProcessTypeDescription​(String newProcessTypeDescription)
        Set the value for ProcessTypeDescription. (Optional process type description) This value is optional.
        newProcessTypeDescription - the new value for ProcessTypeDescription.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setProcessVariant

        void setProcessVariant​(String newProcessVariant)
        Set the value for ProcessVariant. (Process variant.) This value is optional.
        newProcessVariant - the new value for ProcessVariant.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setProcessVariantDescription

        void setProcessVariantDescription​(String newProcessVariantDescription)
        Set the value for ProcessVariantDescription. (Optional process variant description) This value is optional.
        newProcessVariantDescription - the new value for ProcessVariantDescription.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setDeprecated1

        void setDeprecated1​(String newDeprecated1)
        Set the value for Deprecated1. (Process instance.) This value is optional.
        newDeprecated1 - the new value for Deprecated1.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setEventEnd

        void setEventEnd​(String newEventEnd)
        Set the value for EventEnd. (End event.) This value is optional.
        newEventEnd - the new value for EventEnd.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setEventEndParameter

        void setEventEndParameter​(String newEventEndParameter)
        Set the value for EventEndParameter. (End event parameter.) This value is optional.
        newEventEndParameter - the new value for EventEndParameter.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setEventGreen

        void setEventGreen​(String newEventGreen)
        Set the value for EventGreen. (Green event.) This value is optional.
        newEventGreen - the new value for EventGreen.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setEventGreenParameter

        void setEventGreenParameter​(String newEventGreenParameter)
        Set the value for EventGreenParameter. (Green event parameter.) This value is optional.
        newEventGreenParameter - the new value for EventGreenParameter.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setEventRed

        void setEventRed​(String newEventRed)
        Set the value for EventRed. (Red event.) This value is optional.
        newEventRed - the new value for EventRed.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setEventRedParameter

        void setEventRedParameter​(String newEventRedParameter)
        Set the value for EventRedParameter. (Red event parameter.) This value is optional.
        newEventRedParameter - the new value for EventRedParameter.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setGreenEqualsRed

        void setGreenEqualsRed​(boolean newGreenEqualsRed)
        Set the value for GreenEqualsRed. (Whether green event equals red.)
        newGreenEqualsRed - the new value for GreenEqualsRed.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setOnErrorProcessType

        void setOnErrorProcessType​(String newOnErrorProcessType)
        Set the value for OnErrorProcessType. (Process type to call on error.) This value is optional.
        newOnErrorProcessType - the new value for OnErrorProcessType.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setOnErrorProcessVariant

        void setOnErrorProcessVariant​(String newOnErrorProcessVariant)
        Set the value for OnErrorProcessVariant. (Process variant to call on error.) This value is optional.
        newOnErrorProcessVariant - the new value for OnErrorProcessVariant.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setMaxNumberOfRestarts

        void setMaxNumberOfRestarts​(Long newMaxNumberOfRestarts)
        Set the value for MaxNumberOfRestarts. (Max number of restarts.) This value is mandatory.
        newMaxNumberOfRestarts - the new value for MaxNumberOfRestarts. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setDeprecated2

        void setDeprecated2​(Long newDeprecated2)
        Set the value for Deprecated2. (This attribute is deprecated and no longer in use.) This value is mandatory.
        newDeprecated2 - the new value for Deprecated2. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setRestartDelay

        void setRestartDelay​(Long newRestartDelay)
        Set the value for RestartDelay. (Delay between restarts.) This value is mandatory.
        newRestartDelay - the new value for RestartDelay. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setRestartDelayUnits

        void setRestartDelayUnits​(TimeUnit newRestartDelayUnits)
        Set the value for RestartDelayUnits. (Time units for 'restart delay amount' - seconds, minutes, hours, days. May not be null, defaults to minutes) This value is mandatory.
        newRestartDelayUnits - the new value for RestartDelayUnits. If this is null, then the object cannot be persisted.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • setRestartUnchecked

        void setRestartUnchecked​(boolean newRestartUnchecked)
        Set the value for RestartUnchecked. (Ignore SAP Restart Settings. Your process chain can be repeatable or repairable in SAP; this attribute allows you to ignore the setting in SAP.)
        newRestartUnchecked - the new value for RestartUnchecked.
        ObjectNotAttachedToSessionException - This will be thrown if this method is called while the object is not attached to a session.
      • getSAPProcessRestartByJob

        SAPProcessRestart getSAPProcessRestartByJob​(Job job)
        Get the SAPProcessRestart by JobSAPProcessDefinition.
        job -
        the SAPProcessRestart, or null if it could not be found