Interface RTXRowRELScript<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - return type

    public interface RTXRowRELScript<T>
    Compiled REL script for execution on an RTX Row.
    • Method Detail

      • call

        T call​(RTXRow row,
               com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerSession session)
        throws Exception
        Call the script. This method can only be used from within a job, as it requires access to the jobContext. To run this script outside of a job, see call(RTXRow, SchedulerSession, Map).

        If the method is called from a job that is within a chain, then the parameters of that chain will be available as The parameters of the job will be available as

        row - the row to use, columns are available as
        session - the session for any REL or REL Entry Points.
        the result of the expression.
        Exception - if an error occurs during evaluation.
      • call

        T call​(RTXRow row,
               com.redwood.scheduler.api.model.SchedulerSession session,
               Map<String,​Object> parameters)
        throws Exception
        Call the script. When running from within a job, call(RTXRow, SchedulerSession) should be preferred, as that sets up the parameters and chainParameters contexts correctly based on the context job.

        The values of the parameters map are available as parameters.key.

        row - the row to use, columns are available as
        session - the session for any REL or REL Entry Points.
        parameters -
        the result of the expression.
        Exception - if an error occurs during evaluation.